Chapter 6 Morning Call

2387 Words
Millicent's POV Loud vibrations on my wood night stand instantly alerts me. It's accompanied by my favorite song that always reminds me of the fun times I had on the lake with my daddy over the years. The song sings so loudly in the room, letting me know this is not a dream. So my eyes flip open as I quickly sit up just to grab my phone that's directly on top of my night stand besides me. Once I have it in my hold, I put it straight to my ear as I bundle back up in my fluffy warm blanket, trying to not let the cool room outside of this blanket get to me under these layers. I look to the side and notice my husband's side of the bed hasn't even been touched.. it's still tucked in perfectly. I don't know why I don't just take over the whole bed every night at this point since it's been so long since he slept in this bed with me.. but there is a part of me that hopes he will change his mind and come straight to bed to be with his wife when he gets home.. but obviously that's not in the cards for me. I feel the automatic annoyance hit my senses just knowing he wasn't in here at all, so probably back on the couch like usual. "Hey daddy." I answer so it doesn't go to voice-mail.. I don't even have to look at my phone to know who is calling me at this hour, mostly because of the ringtone I set for just him. "Hey princess what are you doing?" He asks as I peak out of the warm fluffy covers just to see that it's 6 in the morning. I groan out lightly while pinching the bridge of my nose as I reply. "I worked until a little after 2am last night bartending and I was getting some much needed sleep.. but.. font mind that.. what are you doing?" I ask not really caring that he is interrupting my sleep, I never do. I love my dad and I'll always make time for him. That's probably why we're so close. "Well if you need sleep Princess, then I can let you go." He insists as I scoff at that. "I can sleep when I'm dead.. What's up daddy?" He chuckles at that statement, probably loving my enthusiasm to talk with him.. But it's no surprise, at least to us, that I'm always going to be a daddy's girl. "Oh ok.. well I'm going to be in your neck of the woods because I need some supplies for my patio project.. so I was hoping we could meet up and have some breakfast... maybe talk.. just the two of us." He says to me and I know exactly what this is.. He can try to hide his worry with the mask of his patio project he started to give my mother the backyard patio she wants.. But I know that he is worried about me and my mental health as he probably should be.. It's been pretty obvious that my depression has been showing her ugly face more and more, especially lately.. and I bet my mother said something to him about it. "Yeah I would love that daddy." I say to him as he quickly clarifies. "But I just want it to be the two of us.. no Wyatt." I roll my eyes at that comment, I knew what he meant, I don't know why he needs to clarify.. It's not like Wyatt would have come with us anyways. Wyatt hates my father almost as much as my father hates him too. My dad has never and I mean never liked him, but he has always tolerated him.. but the fact that he is demanding it's just us, means that he wants to talk about mental health and my husband.. yea. "He won't join us.. don't worry." I comfort his worries as he says softly. "OK princess see you soon.. I'll come to your house and pick you up." I smile to myself as I say, "Ok daddy see you soon." I hang up the call and sit up, just to try to get out of bed. "What? Dear old dad doesn't want to see me?" Wyatt spats at me sarcastically, leaving the bathroom as I feel my eyebrows furrowing. "He asked if he could just see me because he needs to talk to me.. nothing personal to you." I reply pretty quickly as I hop out of bed. "Sure it's not personal.. and I'll just pretend like you seem to do, that your father hasn't hated me and loved my best friend since the day he met us both." he spats back as my eyebrows touch once again. "Let's not do this right now please. I don't want to start my day off with an argument.. I'm just visiting with my dad, since he is on this side of the city to get supplies.. that's it.. nothing more." I try to cool down the situation before it even starts. "Sure.. That's why.. I would actually bet money that he is going to tell you all about how sh*tty of a husband I am and how amazing Aiden is.. like usual.. don't act like he doesn't... But.. Whatever.. I don't care what you do to waste your day, just as long as your back by tonight to cook all the food for the football game." He snaps before going into the closet. "Well, I didn't forget that you planned this whole football game party without even talking to me or even asking if I would cook for it.. but sure.. since you obviously need me to do this for you.. since you can't do it yourself and it is my day off, then I guess I'll help you out." I spat at him as he walks out of the closet dressed to state. "The game starts at 6:30." "Yeah, I know." I reply without hesitation as he glares over at me and asks. "So when are you leaving and coming back?" I shrug my shoulders. "I don't know, but I would imagine I will be gone for a couple hours at least." I say pulling my shirt off as he looks at me with disgust and turns around to leave the room. This reaction really hurts.. it's not like I have let myself go or anything.. But I am realistic and know that I'm not the most beautiful woman out there.. but I would like to think that I'm pretty enough to not receive that kind of reaction. I sadly pull off the rest of my dirty clothes and tossing them across the room into the dirty clothes hamper. I want to really get out of here now. So I go into the closet and pulling on a pair of my favorite leggings and sweater, since it's really starting to get chilly out. I pull on my socks and Ugh boots as I hear my father's pick-up truck pulling into the driveway. I untie my hair out of the braid I had it in yesterday, revealing my now very wavy hair. The overwhelming scent of my coconut shampoo can be smelt as my hair hangs down, framing my face. I don't want to deal with make-up so I just put my glasses on as I prance through the house and out the door before I have to try to have another conversation with my husband again. I get outside and my dad is walking up the driveway, looking surprised at seeing me out and about so quickly I would assume. "Morning Princess! You're all ready?" He asks with question as I quickly nod at him, when I'm in arms reach he pulls me into his comforting hold.. I think noticing that I'm a little upset.. and somehow his hugs makes me feel better. "Let's go.. please." I almost beg of him and he notices this, not arguing whatsoever.. He has always been the one to have my back no matter what. So I always know I'm never alone when it comes to him. His hand now on my back, leads me away from my house and to his truck. "Mr.Stanford? Milly? Good morning." We hear from behind my father as we both turn to see a bright and early Aiden. His shirt is off, with just basketball shorts on and muscles glistening from his run with his dog apparently. I find myself staring for a moment at every little crease and line that's exposed before my father let's go of me to shake his hand. "Aiden.. what a pleasure.. we are getting me some supplies for a project I started to make a backyard patio for my wife.. and also headed out to breakfast if you would like to join?" My father invites him because Wyatt was right.. he loves Aiden. I watch Red run straight up to me and I won't ever turn down a moment with him.. he is the sweetest dog. I bend down petting his ears as he licks my hands, sitting down right in front of me. "I would love to join, but my pup and I have a training class and I also promised my mother I would stop by to help her around the house with a couple things.. but thank you so much for the invite.. please let's try again.. and if you need any help with that patio.. I did just redo my mother's.. it was mostly just improving what's already there, but some help is better than none I suppose." Aiden declares as my father smiles big, "Of course, I would greatly appreciate your help.. thank you." "Ok sir.. Milly has my number, so just grab it from her and let me know when you want my help!" They both nod at one another before shaking again, as if they're old pals.. and in a way they are. "Will do.. have a good day son." He says to him as Aiden smiles and states. "You too sir.. Red? Come on Red?" But the dog isn't moving a muscle. I giggle at that as I stop petting him to try to help take the attention off of me.. But this just causes Red to nudge his snout under my hand, making me giggle more. Aiden's laugh catches my attention as he walks right over to us, squatting down I'm front of me. "Come on Red stop harassing her.. She looks too beautiful, that you might mess it up." He states as I smile and blush at that comment. "Thanks Aiden that too sweet of you.. but I just woke up.. nothing to mess up." I say to explain as he scoffs at that before replying. "I don't know why it surprises me that you look stunning without even trying, but somehow you always do.. A natural beauty." I feel my face heating up again as I do what I probably shouldn't. "You sure you don't want to come with us? I.. I mean we, always enjoy your company." His eyes stare at me for a moment as I nervously look away not liking being stared at. I hate the extra attention but he somehow makes me feel beautiful everytime he is near. "I really and I mean really wish I could.. but I have my plans already made.. and I'm a man who always sticks to my word.. it can be a curse sometimes, or also known as OCD.. So I can't move on without doing it.. but if the football party is still going on tonight I will be there." I smile and nod. "It is.. my husband just informed me a couple minutes ago that I'm cooking for it and have to be back by then to make sure I cook everything." I state with annoyance in my tone, making his eyebrows touch. "What an assh*le.. what he couldn't ask? or help?" I shake my head not wanting to get into the details. "Ok.. so I'm coming early then and helping you cook if that's the case.. and don't argue because I'm going to do it anyways beautiful.. have fun with your father and try to relax and I'll see you soon enough." I can't help but smile at him as he takes Red's leash into his hand, before walking away from us waving. I smile and wave watching them head down the street, away from us. "What a nice guy.. But.. Let's get going... Wait.. Milly.. what's that?" My father asks as I stand up, looking around, trying to figure out what he is talking about. That's when I notice it instantly. There's a rose on my car's windshield. "I.. don't know." I reply as my feet take control. changing my course, going straight to my vehicle. I take hold of the rose and looking at it only for a moment before taking the tiny paper attached, into my hand. It's blank on one side so of course I turn it over to only see two symbols. A heart and that same star and the letter A combined. I hold the rose stem tight as my gaze pans around me feeling almost on alert knowing that someone was here without me even knowing.. yes it was outside and not inside my house.. But that's still scary knowing that someone was this close to me without my knowledge. It's still sweet none the less.. but it's starting to get a creepy tone to it.. maybe I'm just thinking too much into this. Which is a huge possibility because I seem to overthink a lot. "Who left that here?" My father asks protectively as he does the same as me, looking all round the area for any signs of a person being here.. but I see nothing.. and by the lack of movement from him, I would assume the same on his part. "Who knows." I reply as he nods but keeps looking around as I approach his vehicle once again.. But this time he has the door opened and holding it for me, still looking around. "Let's go." He instructs as I nod and hop right into the truck.
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