Chapter 7 Dad Talk

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Millicent's POV Once the engine starts and pulls out of my driveway, I honestly feel a type of relief that shouldn't happen when leaving your own home.. Home should be where you feel the most comfortable to let your guard down, not keeping the walls up every time you're there, because that's the only way to keep yourself sane and safe. It's been so rough feeling like this because I don't even want to go home anymore.. I find any excuse to leave there or stay away as long as I can.. It's like something distressing resides in my house and every time I'm there, I feel stressed and on edge.. And sadly, every time I leave, I feel a million times better.. It's pathetic to say, but my time at work is like a vacation from the stresses of home. I lean back and stare out the window not knowing what to say. I tell my dad everything, but there is just too much going on to be able to pinpoint what I should start with. I twist the rose stem between my fingertips as I stare down at it's beauty.. The deep red looks almost like blood. So that, plus the thorns, is giving it a more devilishly beautiful tone. But it still brings the unanswered question of who would go out of their way like this for me? I grasp the little paper, intently staring at the A and star combined symbol.. wondering if I have ever seen it before and where I would have seen something like that, but honestly, I can't think of one place I could have seen it besides the note from yesterday. It's hard for me to even believe that I would have an admirer so there is not even a list to compare this symbol to.. Nothing makes sense about it. The one thing I do know for sure is that it's not my husband, which makes me sad, but at the same time, I'm happy that I don't have to deal with him. The only times he gives me things is to get out of trouble or to get something in return.. no genuine love behind his gifts.. But if it's not him then who? I never go anywhere.. I'm always at home or work.. that's it.. I don't know. "Well I don't know who sent that to you.. but just make sure you're being careful out there, especially when you're by yourself.. maybe it's someone from your job or something.." My father states about the rose, I nod but don't know what else to say about who it could be but I can at least try to ease his mind. "I always have my head on a swivel.. especially at my job.. but I'll be even more careful just in case." He quickly replies as nonchalantly as he can. "Well you could always hang out with Aiden and I'm sure he would protect you.. better than Wyatt at least." He says to me as my eyes roll before I spat. "why would you say that?" He looks over at me chuckling as if I should know, but I'm honestly asking. "Are you serious?" He asks as I nod at him waiting for what he thinks he knows. "It's blatantly obvious that you are attracted to Aiden and obviously he likes you too.. and besides, how can Wyatt protect you if he is never home? I'm not saying to cheat or anything, but I think you deserve someone who is going to put you first and make time for you.. he is putting you into a depressive state and you're just letting him do this, when you could stop it. I don't want you to start hurting yourself again.. I don't want anything bad to happen to you, especially because of that sad excuse of a man." My father lets it all out and I know he has been wanting to say that for a little while. "I am thinking about divorce.. honestly.. been thinking about it constantly... he never wants to be around me.. and when we are together we fight about something, doesn't matter what it is, we will always fight about it.. but we're trying the therapist as our last resort, so maybe that will help." I try to explain as best as I can. "No offense, but I feel that if you need to go to therapy as a last resort, just to keep your relationship together, then it's not worth saving. You should have a long list of reasons why you want to be with him, but instead, you have a list of reasons to leave him.. You shouldn't have to fight to get someone's attention, especially your husband who should already want your attention. Besides, I bet he is going to complain the entire therapy session when you start.. he is going to fight it the entire time." He declares as I feel a weight being put on my heart thinking about just that because he is probably right. "Well, we started them last week.. but.. um." I stop my thought, I don't want to say the rest.. but I know he will get it out of me one way or another. I don't know why I have the urge to defend my husband with this when he hasn't tried the therapy yet.. but he does have reasons for his absence I guess. "He... um.. didn't make it to the first session because of work running late and yesterday was the second session and he didn't show up because his truck broke down." I finally stutter out nervously. "Of course he didn't.. I assumed he would show up to the sessions at least, but of course he didn't even make it that far.. I guess I gave him too much credit." My father makes fun of him, but I can't defend my husband because right now he is right about him. Until Wyatt proves me wrong, I will be thinking the same.. because actions will always speak louder than words.. he can say he is going to show up all he wants, but if he never does then those words mean nothing. I nod and cross my arms feeling the failure shown to me, right in front of my eyes, especially when my father says things like that. I can feel his eyes on me as the momentum in the vehicle slows all the way down to a stop. I look forward to see that we're at our favorite little breakfast nook. "I'm sorry Princess.. I'm not trying to make you feel bad.. I just think you deserve the best and he is not the best. I'm sorry you have to endure this." He makes sure I know he is sorry and I do know.. But the overwhelming realization is hitting me hard. The tears start to pour before I can even try to stop them. "I know, but I don't know what to do any more daddy.. He won't talk to me.. he just fights with me about everything.. we haven't been intimate in at least half a year.. he won't even sleep in the same bed as me.. he sleeps on the couch.. I feel like a failure.. I try to talk with him about anything, but he refuses.. So I was hoping the therapist would help us talk, but he won't even show up for that.. I feel as if I'm just his maid and cook.. that's it." I spill everything that's been on the tip of my tongue waiting to tell.. But he always gives good advice so I just hope he can hold his hate for my husband back to give me legitimate advice. "Well.. your mother and I have been through a lot of crap and I mean a lot of it.. especially after 20 years of being together.. But the one thing you have to realize is that communication is the key to success in any type of relationship.. So if he is not communicating with you then that's it.. you can't run the relationship for the both of you by yourself.. You have to have help.. it's a two-person thing.. I mean.. come on, has he done anything to make you feel good in the last half year?" He asks me as I think about that question for a moment. "Well honestly no.. not until yesterday.. but he went out of his way to get me flowers and then his vehicle broke down and I had to come to get him... but he said he was planning on coming to the meeting if he wouldn't have broken down." I state in his defense. "Ok well if he actually goes to the therapist and tries to makes things work, then work with him.. but that is if he goes." He says to me as I nod. "He promises to be there at the next one.. So I guess I'll see." I say sadly but knowing that's what I'm going to do next, no matter how hard it might be to wait and find out if I matter. "Let's get something to eat and take your mind off of this." My dad said as the truck's engine turns off. I open the door and getting out just hoping he is right and this will make me feel better. Aiden's POV After a very successful training session, Red and I are just casually walking back home.. We're too exhausted after everything to run back. We start to pass Milly and Wyatt's place as I notice something moving in my peripherals. I turn to look and see that the bedroom window is wide open and Wyatt is f*#king Lacey, who is pressed up against the glass window. Her eyes are closed with her head laying back on his shoulder as he thrusts into her with her body completely pressed against the glass at this point. I'm in shock that he would be not only be cheating on his wife right now, but that he is doing it at his place.. As far as I knew, he always went to her place and she never came to his. I get livid seeing this as they both open their eyes and make eye contact with me. Lacey smirks at me as he continues to f*#k her from behind.. But this time it's different, he aggressively grips her breast as she leans back saying something to him. He smiles and nods as he pushes her further down still thrusting into her now in doggy position. But he quickly waves at me to come in. I shake my head as she winks and waves for me to join as well. I shake my head again as I turn and walk away, not wanting anything to do with that. I don't dip my pen in the company ink for one thing... but I definitely don't want to have any intimate times with my best friend.. just my best friend's wife.. that's obviously not any better, hence why I'm single. I walk into my house as I hear my phone ringing, I look down at the caller ID just to see it's Wyatt. "What man?" I ask him as I can hear the grunts and moans filling his side of the call. "Man get over here and f*#k Lacey with me.. she wants us both." He says to me as if that would somehow convince me to join. "I don't want anything to do with f*#king Lacey." I declare as he scoffs and states with the sounds of the skin-to-skin contact getting louder. "You could f*#k the sh*t out of her mouth and I'll get her from behind.. we won't even touch.. it will be fun." "You and I have a completely different ideas of what fun is.. and I don't want that.. leave me alone man." I spat hanging up the call, feeling even more irritated about that scene.. how does he have the audacity to do that at his own house and behind her back, then try to get me to join in when I have deliberately told him to not do this.. That thought infuriates me. I grab my phone thinking about calling Milly just to tell her about this. Do I tattle on my best friend for half of my life? Or do I help the woman I love? This is the reoccurring question that I don't know how to answer, because each answer is wrong and somehow still hurting someone. I groan out, throwing my phone onto the couch as I walk into the kitchen to get me a drink of something and I'm really leaning towards the alcohol drink after that.. Maybe I need to smoke a bowl.. I don't know, but I need to figure something out to calm me down because I just want to murder my best friend and believe me that's not an option. I need to take a quick shower and change before heading over to my mother's for a little bit.. She needed a couple of things done that she couldn't do for herself and I'm always willing to help her out. Plus she always makes me smile and right now that's just what the doctor ordered.
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