6 – Seat of Power

1984 Words
FIVE feet and eleven inches with more than two hundred pounds of muscles, Mohe is quite packed. His built showed that he has been training for a while already. The sun has just shown up but the people in the pack are already hype. It was the day of the challenge for the beta position. Keena tells no one of the event yet the field was filled with half of the pack members. Yet, many were curious enough to know if the acting beta is good enough for the position or just hiding behind her name, or if she was made to be the one. Keena and Mohe were prepping for the match when a chopper soared lower overhead. The familiar logo was painted at the bottom of the aircraft. Even from afar, Keena can see the wide grin on Solana’s lips as she drew near. Behind was her constant bodyguard and confidante, Julio. “You’re not going to start without me, right?” The half-breed asked when she stopped a few meters from where her cousin was standing. She sent the tall woman a smile. She may not say it out loud but she was grateful for then her presence. She got support from Calhun but seeing her other cousin made her feel a lot better. Last night, she had enough reminders from her own mother to last her a lifetime. Ewa Alexander is adamant that Keena should maintain the beta position not because she deserved it but because it was a shame if she got defeated by the challenge she accepted. For her mother, she should have not accepted the challenge from Mohe since she was the next in line to be beta. She was an Alexander and she has been Solana’s reliever from day one. However, Keena wanted to stop the doubts from the pack members. She wanted to show her subordinates that she was not in the position because she was meant to be there because of her last name but she deserved to be there. “Do you need the pep talk?” Keena made a face. She tightened the wrap in her hand. Solana pulled her hand and did the wrapping herself. “I made you my reliever whenever I left the pack because I believe in you.” She smiled at the bowed head of her cousin. The tall woman has her full attention on the hand wrap. “Is this a pep talk?” Solana’s eyes raised. Her blue eyes twinkled with mischief. “Yes. I don’t know what Aunt Ewa told you but if in case I die and I have to place someone on my behalf to manage my pack, you’re on top of the list. I adore Calhun but I like how you think things over. You’re soft. The pack needs that heart but you can be a pushover when you have to.” The hybrid alpha made the last pull before letting go of Keena’s hand. “You’re an Alexander. In our blood runs the leadership that built this pack. You also trained for years because you wanted to defend the territory when need be. I want to see that, K.” Keena bit her lower lip at the words she got from the other woman. “Cry later, woman. When you found your ass on the ground, we, Alexanders, stand back up and avenge ourselves. No one hits that pretty face and live to tell the tale.” She blinked her eyes a few times. She and her cousin shared a smile. The taller woman clapped her shoulder and rotated her to face the opponent. Mohe was on the other side of the field. He was doing some stretching. He even made a few punches in the air. “See his feet? He was leaning on his left.” Solana whispered in her ear. “Besides, he’s not handsome enough to seat on my chair in the office, K.” She huffed. “After this fight, I am going to help you get your mate. No one rejects an Alexander.” Eyes wide, she turned to the former Beta of the pack. There was a scowl on Solana’s face. “I didn’t know that you’re into women, K.” “Are we really going to talk about this now, baba?” She asked using her cousin’s nickname. It means ‘baby’. “You tell me. That crazy midget is a good addition to this pack. Mind you, she was the brain behind Security First.” “Really?” The blue-eyed woman nodded. “You have to get her. I need a discount for my territory, Keena.” She glared at her cousin. “Whenever you looked at me that way, your eyes are scary. The blue one darkened while the brown got lighter.” She elbowed Solana. The other woman groaned. Since they were kids, Solana has been harassing her because of her eyes. Keena has heterochromia. Her left eye is brown and the other is blue but not as blue as Solana’s. It used to bother Keena but when she grew up, she became fascinated with them. It made her different. Calhun stood in the middle. It halted the conversation between the bystanders. “We are gathered here today because of the challenge post by Mohe Sandoval. He wanted to contest Keena Alexander in Beta position.” The male alpha started. He glanced at his subordinates before speaking again. “Acting Beta Keena Alexander accepted his challenge.” The members of the packs roared. “Our former beta is here to witness the match and her good friend, Julio, will facilitate the fight.” The Mulatto vampire nodded his head in acknowledgment. Members of the Omittaa pack were used to him that no one is nervous enough in his presence. “Normally, when a challenger contests a certain position, it was a fight to the death. However, when a defeated warrior concedes during a fight to save his or her life, the other is already considered as the winner.” Calhun explained. He waved for the challengers to come closer. Mohe was in his boxers. He was also clean-shaven which made him more formidable. Plus, he was buffed that his beefy arms lined the muscled biceps. His thighs and legs showed the same thing. On the other hand, Keena was sporting the same attire plus the sports bra on her upper body. Her arms and legs were toned enough to warn him that she means business. Her long hair was in a high ponytail so that it would not obscure her sight during the fight. “This is not only hand-to-hand combat. You are also allowed to shift whenever you want.” Calhun muttered when they faced off. “If you have a question, state it now.” Her eyes went to her opponent. He was looking back at her with resolve. “Whenever you’re ready.” They both nodded. Calhun glanced at Julio who stepped forward. The alpha went to his other cousin on the sideline. “When in a tight grip and did not concede, I will give you ten seconds before I declare the winner.” The vampire said when he stood between them. When none of them did not speak, he stepped back. They started rounding each other. Mohe made a tentative jab on her face but it was short enough not to touch. She knew that he was trying to test her if she would avoid it. He made another prod using his other hand. A hairline in between her face and his fist did not make contact with the skin. Without further ado, Keena’s right foot moved forward before he pulled his hand. It made a hit on Mohe’s side that made him draw two steps back. Keena did not wait for him to recover. She swept his feet which made him fall on his ass. He must have anticipated that she was going to hover, he covered his face with one hand while the other is striking continuous punches. Taking chances to hit something. She made two steps closer and kick him in the neck before punching him straight into his nose. She heard something break before she saw the blood pouring from the same part. Julio started counting. Before it reached ten, Solana was riding Keena’s back. She was making heyaahhh sound like an equestrian. Calhun motioned for the two warriors to lift Mohe. He also ordered them to send him to the infirmary. “I spent a huge buck to be here for a useless fight,” Solana complained. The hybrid woman is standing beside Keena. One of her arms was on the winning warrior. Members of the Omittaa pack, may I present to you the new and official beta of the pack, Beta Keena Alexander.” Alpha Calhun raised Keena’s hand in the air. Solana did to the other arm. “Celebration will be in order later tonight. It’s on me. To more booze!” Solana declared that made the teenagers yell in glee. The crowd dispersed after the announcement of the alpha. The young warriors were speaking to themselves about the fight that has transpired. “No sweat, K. That was one of the quickest fights I have ever witnessed.” The hybrid woman spoke as she pulled her cousin in the direction of the pack house. “Heavy breakfast on me. Calhun, you want to join us?” “Not this time. The document about the fight is already available on my table. I need to sign it before it will be sent to the high alpha.” “Good job, alpha.” They went to the counter and asked for a hearty meal. Mama Lulu seemed to know that they were coming since it was immediately given to them before they could even ask. Solana flirted with the older woman before they occupied the corner table. “That was really fast, Keena. Good job.” The hybrid woman said to her cousin the moment they were seated. “We trained together. I know his weakness and he did not do anything about it.” “Oh? Weak guy.” Solana followed it with a loud laugh. Their conversation continued as they eat their breakfast. Keena found her appetite since the fight is done and concluded. She hoped this would stop Mohe. Hopefully her mother, too. “Are you coming with me to the city?” Keena stopped chewing. A frown marred her face. “Why?” “Shopping?” She rolled her eyes at the woman’s antic. “I have work to do. Some other time.” “Sure. Next week?” “What’s in the city?” She asked as she chewed the last of her breakfast. “Tatiana Weasley.” “So?” “What do you mean so? Do you want me to finish the fight that Mohe started, woman? At this moment I’m hating you.” Solana’s nose was flaring and her eyes were sending daggers at the new Beta. Keena exhaled. “She wants nothing to do with me. She made it clear on that day we first met.” She disclosed. “W-what?” “She’s not into women, she said.” She divulged. She huffed. “As if I am, too.” “Just like that?” She stared at the blue eyes of her cousin. They were posing a challenge. “You’re an Alexander. Giving up is not part of our genetic make-up.” “When you say it like that, it appeared like you’re a damn proud cousin.” The hybrid shrugged. “Just a little. You’re a coward if you let go of a fine woman like Tatiana Weasley.” “For a discount?” “Yeah.” She snorted when Solana laughed like a freaking hyena.
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