5 – Take One

1722 Words
EIGHTY percent of the task was done. Security cameras have been installed all over the territories. The censors at the borders are mounted. “Beta, there has been an issue with the south. Ark miscalculated the assembly on the censor.” “I’ll be there.” Tati went to the vehicle that they used when they came to the territory of the Omittaa pack. In five minutes, she reached the southern area of the territory. Not meaning to, she was able to memorize the area since she was the one who make the blueprint of the security plan. The southern part of the Omittaa territory lies below the mountain. It was the area where she could see the vulnerable part of the pack. When she studied the map, the other side of the mountain is the territory of another pack. At this time, it was an allied pack but a pack could be attacked by another if the alpha become greedy or wanted to expand territories. Holding the iPad in one hand, Tati went out of the vehicle. She will have to walk in order to reach the border. It was not passable by any means of transportation except by foot. She found two of her men. One was perched on a tree while the other was commanding instructions. “What’s wrong?” The two bowed their heads to her before speaking. Art started to tell her about his problem with the circuit issues in the laser wirings. The female beta told him to come down before she begins her explanation. She was almost done when she saw something in her peripheral. Her eyes went up. A man is looking down at them from the mountains. When their eyes met, he nodded at her. He stayed for a little while before leaving. He was gone in a flash. He was fast. A vampire. “Hurry up.” She commanded her men. She helped them finish the installation. However, she became more observant of her surroundings. In an hour, they left with the two of her men. The other members of the team were waiting for them in the pack house. The male gamma accompanied them to the IT room when she told them she will discuss how the new security features work. It was the alpha who was more interested and amazed by the new technology. Tati had fun as she explained. “That’s all for today, folks. If you have more questions, you can call our company or we’ll be in touch when updates came in. In so far, the latest that we have was what we have in our territory and the one I have used in finding the missing mate of the alpha’s sister.” The brain behind Security First disclosed as she ended her talk. “Is that in the market?” Tati’s smile widened at the alpha’s question. “I’m afraid not, alpha. We only allow another pack to use for emergency purposes only. My apologies.” She responded as she exited the application from her iPad. “When you change your mind,” the alpha added with a sheepish smile. “You’ll be the first to know, alpha.” The other members of the Omittaa pack dispersed from the IT room until it was the alpha and Tati remained. “To my office, Tati.” “Sure.” The alpha is still making inquiries about the new technology until they reached the alpha’s office. Tati was not surprised when she saw the familiar woman occupying the other table. She was dumbfounded that the woman did not even glance her way. The alpha motioned for her to sit as he write the payment for the services they just placed in the territory. “Alpha, while we're working on the southern border, I saw a vampire at the mountain.” She disclosed. “What’s he looks like?” Taken aback by the unworried reaction from the alpha, she gazed at the other person in the room. The woman was busy working on the spreadsheets. In fact, the clicking of the keyboard echoed in the small confinement. The printer was also working. “Mulatto, long-haired guy.” She stated. Alpha Calhun gave her the check. He smiled at her. “I know him. I’m sorry if his presence made you uneasy.” He said. “Solana must have sent him.” “Oh?” She stood up and clasped the alpha’s hand. “It was great doing business with you, alpha.” “The same here, Tati.” Her attention went to the other woman when she placed a piece of paper on the alpha’s table before she went in the direction of the door. “Are you sure about this?” “I already signed it, Calhun.” The woman said before she went out the door. “Is she alright?” Tati asked the alpha. “Yeah. I knew that you also heard that Solana is claiming the territory of the alpha that she killed.” She nodded when their eyes met. “Keena will be the beta of the pack but there was someone who wanted to challenge her in the position.” “It’s possible?” “Yes. She also accepted the challenge.” Alpha Calhun raised the paper that has been placed on his table. “How many challenged her?” “Just one guy. They went to the same training together.” “Can she take him?” A proud smile appeared on the male alpha’s lips. “Without any doubt. She has been training for all her adult life, Tati. Besides, it is her birthright to be in the position. Just like the Krieger pack, ours was also run by the same family for generations.” “The Alexanders.” “Yes. The Omittaa pack has been built and raised by the Alexanders since the beginning.” She beamed at him. She understands the legacy that the male alpha is trying to portray. Winona wanted the same thing in Krieger pack. “We’re leaving the area in half an hour, alpha. We have to get our luggage from the cabin.” Alpha Calhun nodded. “Thank you again, Tati.” The moment that she left the alpha’s office, she mind linked one of her men to move her things to the car. She did the packing this morning before she left the cabin. The installation of the security details in the pack started yesterday. Since the territory was small, it only took two days to finish the job. Tati marched towards the cafeteria. She has to shop for food before they leave. Being cramped in the car is one thing but cramped and hungry at the same time is never a good combination. She left the cafeteria with a bag of drinks and a bunch of chips. She placed the bag on top of the car’s hood since her men were not there yet. However, some of the equipment was already placed neatly at the back of the truck. She was standing by the car when her eyes caught the familiar woman entering the woods. When she saw that no one seems to notice the woman, she followed where she was going. Frown deepened on her face when she noticed that she was going deeper and deeper into the woods. However, she was awed when she noticed the river bank. It ends in a small river. The water was clear and as it flows, it emits a relaxing sound orchestrated by the birds singing in the nearby trees. Tati inhaled a lungful of air. She closed her eyes as a smile painted her lips. Her eyes shot open when she heard a woman’s voice. At the wooden dock by the river bank stood the woman she followed. Another woman from another direction was calling her. Instead of staying where she was, Tati opted to hide in the thick bushes. She watched them as the unfamiliar woman approached. “Hey!” “Hey, yourself.” Tati scowled when they embraced. She did not like it one bit that the hug took a little longer than usual. “Beta, huh?” The unknown woman said when they separated. Keena huffed. “You just arrived in the territory and you got the juiciest gossip, Istas.” The other woman slapped the beta in the shoulder. She was smiling at the taller woman. “My parents were talking about it. I heard about Mohe’s, too.” The beta of the Krieger Pack almost moved out from where she was hiding when she saw the unfamiliar woman caress the blasted beta’s face. And Keena allowed it! The beta of the Omittaa pack stepped back. It made Tati breathe easier. “Keena,” The other woman pulled back the beta. Since she was on the petite side, she looked up at Keena’s face. “Have you thought about it?” “I can’t, Istas.” Tati’s eyes widened when the smaller woman capped Keena’s cheeks. “Please. We can try but if you don’t like it, it’s fine. Please, Keena.” The two women stared into each other’s eyes. Not liking what she was witnessing, she glanced around her. She seized the stone that she found beside her foot. Her eyes widened when her eyes went back to the two women on the dock. Their faces were inches away from each other. She swore under her breath. Her arm pulled back. She released the stone from her palm before she sprinted away from the scene. She did not wait to see if the stone found its target. She must have since she heard a faint ‘ouch’ from the site. “F*ck that woman!” She muttered as she walked back to the car. “She said she’s not into women on that first day.” She kicked every stone she saw on her way back. She was also swearing at the same time. Her wolf, Bentley, is also mouthing swears in her head. She looked up and groaned loudly. “D*mn you, woman! Why did you even want to kiss that woman? She looked like a ghost. Is she even a werewolf? No werewolf is as pale as she is! Dammit!!” She grumbled. She groaned again.
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