7 – Romeo

1769 Words
HOLDING the paper bag in one hand and the mobile phone in the other, Tati casually walked towards the parking area of the mall where she exited. She frequented the place whenever she was in the area. They have the supplies that she needed. They have an ample list of stocks than any other stores in the metro. She uttered profanities when the string of the paper bag broke. The cables and screws spilled on the cemented ground. Tati glowered at the materials on the floor. Her lips pouted. “They are not going to jump back to the bag by itself.” The frown on her face deepened at the snobbish statement of her wolf. “They might if I stared at them longer.” “For someone who has a superior mind, you’re dumb.” She was taken aback at Bentley’s mutterings. “Are you on your period, mutt?” “No.” “Hungry?” “No.” “Want to chase a squirrel?” “NO!” She could almost imagine her wolf rolling her eyes as she raised her snout in the air. There are times that she wanted to ask other shifters if their wolves are as prima donna as the one she got. “What’s bothering you, Bentley?” She asked as she ogled at the supplies on the floor. She was still contemplating bending her knees and picking them up one by one. “I don’t know. Maybe because I wanted to see my mate and my human refused to hear my calls.” Tati straightened. Her wolf said that from soft to yelling at the end of the sentence. Her ear almost rang. “What part of what I told you that you don’t understand, huh?” “Everything. Mother gave us a mate and you refused to acknowledge her. What part of the fated mate can’t you understand, huh?” She looked around her. Almost no one was in the parking area. Her hands went to her hips. Her eyes squinted at the clutter on her feet. “I acknowledge that she’s our mate. However, I will not accept our mating bond.” “Pray tell, why?” Tati huffed. She was grateful for her wolf. Bentley is just like her. She has a brain and knew when to use it. “Because I am not into women.” “And I am? Just like you, I ogled men and handsome wolves in the past. I like how powerful their legs and paws as they run in the woods. I like how they jumped high from one huge log to another or how lovely their grin was when they smile or how they drool at the simplest task of opening their snout after running in the river. But I am accepting that my mate, the person that mother gave to me is a woman.” She quieted at the long rant of her wolf. She has a point. “I will think about it.” She said after a while. One by one, she picked up the mess off the ground and placed it all back in the paper bag. She held it between her arms as she walked toward the car. Today was the second day of the three-day vacation she asked from Winona. For the past six months, she has been working non-stop. The assistance that they gave to Omittaa pack has opened opportunities for the company. A lot of packs inquired about the technology they used and half of them acquired their services. In fact, she has five more projects on her hands. Although she was on vacation, she went to the city hardware to shop for the supplies she needed. Suffice it to say, it was a working vacation. A paid vacation. She made a drive-thru in McDonald's. She was craving chicken nuggets, large fries, and apple pies. She was munching on fries as she drives along. She slowed down when she saw the familiar green logo. Grinning from ear to ear, she picked two French fries before maneuvering the wheel to the parking space. She was chewing when she went out of the car. Tati inhaled a lungful of air the moment she entered the establishment. She smiled at the staff that greeted her. The smell of coffee is relaxing. This is the life. She said to herself. She walked to the counter. It must be her lucky day. No lines. “Caramel Macchiato, Venti. With an extra shot of espresso. Thank you.” The barista repeated her order before she was told how much she would have to pay. Five minutes later, she was sipping on her coffee. She was standing by the car when she saw a familiar face. Her brow shot up. Bentley growled in her head before Tati could even form a coherent thought in her brain. Her hand went to her temple at the continuous blubbering of her wolf. Walking to the entrance of the coffee was Keena. She was with a woman her height. They were talking like old friends. Her eyes focused on the other woman. She was tan and her black hair was in a tight bun on top of her head. She was wearing ripped jeans and a white shirt. On her feet was a pair of sneakers that matches the color of her shirt. A backpack was perched on her right shoulder. The frown on her face deepened when the other woman opened the door for Keena. To her dismay, the blasted woman beamed at the gesture before entering the shop. “Not into women, my ass!” She muttered under her breath. Not having a second thought, she went back inside. Eyes on the two women who were still engaged in a conversation, she made a beeline for the counter. She stood behind a tall man while the two were ordering at the counter. “Just brewed coffee, tall.” “I’ll have caramel frap. To go, please. Thank you.” Annoyed, she ordered for banana walnut to go. Her ears were on the women who were very into each other. “You should try boxing. It was entertaining and the money is great.” The woman in ripped jeans said. “Maybe I would. I will call you when I finally decided when to try it.” Muttering under her breath, she grabbed the takeaway bag from the counter. She made a turn in their direction. She bowed her head as if busy opening the takeaway bag. She purposely walked to where they are. Her head bumped at the shoulder of the unfamiliar woman. Their conversation halted. She’s not a werewolf! Holding a part of her head, she looked up. “I’m sorry.” They both said at the same time. “Are you okay?” “Yeah, I’m sorry. I was busy looking at my bread.” The woman nodded. “I can see that.” She said unsmiling. Her eyes were down. Tati also did the same. The banana walnut was on the floor. It was out of the bag. “F*ck,” she expressed softly. Eyebrows puckered, she glanced at the other woman who cleared her throat. “What?” “I feel sorry for your walnut bread. Do you want another?” “No,” Tati responded. She rolled her eyes after she said that. “You know each other?” “Yeah.” She glared at Keena. She did not say anything after that. “She’s not your ex, right?” “NO!” Keena and her said at the same time. “Okay. Oh, I remember. You told me that you’re not into women, Keena.” A smirk formed on the other woman’s lips. She gazed at Keena knowingly. “Yeah.” “If you change your mind, we can go on a date.” Instead of expressing a rejection, Keena stared at Tati. “What are you doing here?” “You don’t own the place, woman. Unless your name’s on it, don’t ask me.” She blasted at the annoying woman. “Have a great day then.” She was not able to retort when they turned to the barista. They get their order and waved at Tati before leaving. Displeased, she followed them to the door. “Where do you think you’re going?” She asked when they were finally outside the coffee shop. “You own the place? I don’t see your name on it.” “Smart ass.” “What do you want, Tati? We’re running some errand.” The unsmiling Keena asked. She was sending daggers at the uncaring woman. And yet, she seemed not affected. “With a woman?” “Why? Do I have to choose who should I work with?” “Damn you!” “Why should you care anyway? Last I heard, you want nothing to do with me. I am waiting for the rejection by the way.” “For what? So that you can go on with your merry way? No way, b*tch!” She said with a huff. She sent her a warning look before going in the direction where she parked the car. “Not into women, my ass! That was the third woman she was with. F*ck it!” “Yow, Tatiana.” She looked over at Keena who was smirking. Both were looking at her. “What?!” “If I didn’t know better, I would think that you’re into me.” “Go to hell!” Keena chuckled. “I’m already there, baby.” More confused than upset, her eyes followed them as they left the premises. However, she made a face when she remembered that her supposed mate has been lying to her. She released a deep breath to calm herself. Her own wolf is agitated too. Tati opened the car and slid into the driver's seat. She focused the AC on her face as she gathered her thoughts. “Summer. That’s the name that the barista called when they reached for the coffee.” She muttered to herself. She breathed out. “Woman, you don’t know what I’m capable of.” She added. “You thought I’m going to reject you? Think again.” She straightened in her seat when she heard herself. “F*ck! No, dammit!” Bentley is laughing like crazy in her head. Maybe she and her wolf were a good match. They were developing multiple personality disorders. And the mating bond has just started! She groaned as she starts the car.
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