The spy

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Gracie POV I quietly slip out the room with my mate. I am boiling with anger after hearing what Anastasia's wolf had to say about me! Who foes she think she is to say I am not trusted. The audacity and my mate didn't even stand up for me. I could sense the power in her voice and I have no idea how such a young girl can have so much power. It must be to do with some sort of bad witch craft although I could not sense any on her I should know being a witch. I shift into my wolf named Gabby and go for a run. Gabby is a brown wolf with black stripes and a diamond on her chest. We then slip into the forest and go for a run. We keep running around pack territory. It feels like we have been running for hours without rest. I pull up beside a stream and take a drink then stair at myself in the water. I have a rather pretty wolf even if I say so myself. My coat is shinny and healthy. My eyes are amber and my body slender but curvy in the right places. "Of course we are dear we have each other!" Says Gabby arrogantly. Suddenly I hear a tree snap and look up. "What was that Gabby?" I ask. I look around me but I can't see anything. Everything looks darks suddenly a fowl stench fulls the air and I feel a rogue jump onto my back pinning me down and injecting something in my arm. Everything goes black. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Few minutes later. I can feel I am being carried over someone's shoulder and I immediately start fussing. "Put me down you big goof!" I shriek. We then go underground into a cave. "Where am I? Let me go!!" I yell "Not yet sweetheart first we need to talk." Says a gruff masculine voice with a chuckle. "Well I have nothing to say to you. I don't associate with roughens like you." I say indignantly with a sniff. "Oh yes you do. Unless you want to see your mate ever again." He says with a smirk on his face. I see he has a lighter and a knife in his hand made of silver and dipped into rose wonder. Silver and wolfsbane are any where wolves' weakness. Rose wonder is a weakness for witches. "Fine! What do you want to talk about?" I ask trying to hide the fear from my voice. "Well that will be the new little girl in your pack." He says. "Why? What would such a viral man like you want with a five year old? I highly doubt she has any experience." I ask trying to flirt with him, I am hoping that will be what keeps me alive so I can get home before my mate wakes up.. I can see my flirting has his attention and immediately look at him and lick my lips seductively. "The reason I want her is none of your business. But it is definitely not to do with any experience she may or may not have. I want her for a completely different purpose to what you imagining." He says rudely "Alright, care to tell me what?" I ask suspiciously. "You ask too many questions woman. Now keep quiet and start answering my own. You talk too much." He says with frustration in his voice. "Fine what do you want to know about the little she devil?" I ask with malicious in my voice. "Oh that is an interesting response what reason do you have to hate a '5 year old girl'?" He asks me "According to her and her wolf I am not to be trusted." I say with venom "Well that is understandable you are part witch, wolf and demon." He says. "How did you know?" I ask horrified, my mate or pack don't know I am a hybrid and if they ever found out they would hate me and accuse me of deceiving them for years. "I am guessing your little mate has no idea about you being a hybrid. Bahahaha he is just as useless as the rumours make him out to be." He says with a smirk. I immediately stiffen at him saying my mate is useless. "No. No one knows I am a hybrid." I admit reluctantly. "Ooh that is an even better thing to hold over you other than the threat of killing you." He says with an evil laugh. "If you don't answer my questions I will kill you. In the off chance that you do end up surviving I will then tell your mate all about your secret. I will also mention all about you feeding Intel to the rogues for years. If I don't kill you then he certainly will for betraying your pack." He says with a smirk bringing the silver knife and lighter closer to me. "But that is a lie!!" I say hysterically and start crying. "Now now there no need for crocodile tears they may work on your mate but they sure as hell won't work on me. Just cooperate with me and you will be safely back with your mate in no time." He says. "Fine" I bark. "What do you want to know?" "Tell me about the conversation you and your mate had with the little girl?" He demands. "But that is pack business." I shriek. He then brings the knife closer to me. "Fine I will say" I say. "Her name is Anastasia she is 5 years old. She was kidnapped from her parents by a group of rogues from a young age. She has blue eyes and-" He suddenly interrupts me. "I know all that stupid! We are the rogues who kidnapped her. I want to know about the conversation you guys had with her in your bedroom." He says with a sigh. "I had no conversation with her but my mate did. She demanded that he be nice to her and used some weird voice which made him immediately submit She also told him I am not to be trusted... It was a sad site. A grown man submitted for a five year old girl. I have no idea how she went about it but right after she left the room." I say with a sigh. "Good he says, from now on you will be my spy in the pack. You will report to my spot daily and keep me updated on things to do with Anastasia. Am I understood?" He says "Yes I say. Can I go now? My mate might be looking for me." I ask "Yes, run along now." He says shooing me away. I leave the pack and immediately shift into my wolf form. What did I do to deserve this? I ask myself with a sigh before heading back home.
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