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Amy POV: Once I dropped Anastasia off at home i immediately shifted into my gray wolf and went for a run. I knew I had to listen to what Alpha Michael said and I couldn't go against his alpha command. Not only would it be painful for my wolf I also knew if I didn't listen I could risk my mate and I risk my mate and my spot in the pack which I don't want to do. Only four packs accept rogues. Our pack, Forest Hill which is our neighbours, Golden Moon Pack and Royal Horizon Pack. None of them would take well to a rogue beta couple with a baby who isn't their own and all these packs are under Royal Horizon Pack's rule and allies so the reason for us being kicked will travel fast through the packs. I looked back and could see my mate approaching me in his brown wolf and immediately slowed down for him to catch up. "How are you?" He asked through our personal link. "I will cope." I reply. Annabel and Gandalf immediately take over forcing us to recede into the back of their mind and start to play. I know they need time to bond and hunt together. They will probably be thinking about the incident as well. I know Annabel sees Anastasia as her own and I am worried about how she will handle it. Suddenly everything goes black. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Gerald POV After the meeting with Alpha Michael and Amy and I being alpha commanded to raise Anastasia as our own but never give her any love or affection. I help my mate take her to the house then join my mate on a run. I hate knowing that Amy is in pain and I can feel her distress through our bond. I watch Amy shift into wolf form without caring about her clothing and quickly shift after her to catch up. "How are you?" I ask her through our personal mind link. "I will cope" She replies. I immediately feel my wolf take control and start playing with Annabel. Next thing I feel him soft and sit on the floor by his mate whimpering. "What is wrong?" I ask him "I don't know" He replies. Next thing everything goes black. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Amy POV "Just keep following the voice" says a voice in the distance. I slowly follow the voice and come out inside a meadow. I can see a waterfall nearby and flowers everywhere. I look up ahead and see Annabel running around playing with Gandalf and see Gerald beside me. "What is happening?" Asks Gerald in surprise. "I have no idea." I reply. Suddenly we see a tall woman with long blonde hair and violet eyes coming down from the clouds. "Hello my children." she says with a noble voice. I feel myself immediately wanting to submit to her. "Hello" We say in unison. "Where are we? Who are you" We both ask at the same time then glance at each other and giggle. "I am Cynthia. I am the current moon goddess." She responds. "Why are we here?" Asks Gerald. "Did we die?" "No you two are very much alive. " She says with a giggle. "I brought you here to do with the new child in your care. Her name is Anastasia." She says. "Yes, what about her?" Gerald asks suspiciously. "She is my grand daughter. You see she is a very special wolf. She was kidnapped from her parents at the age of 4 by a group of rogues and they have wiped her memory and tortured her ever since. I need you guys to take care of her and raise her as your own. There is a great evil coming and she will be the key to stopping it." She says "Why not bring her up to you?" I ask. "As much as I would love to have my grand daughter up here I can't. If she joins me she will be here for eternity. Right now I need her down there to stop the approaching danger." She responds. "We can raise her as our own, however, what about the alpha command?" Gerald asks. "I will handle that but you guys need to train her. She needs to be encouraged to sing and dance regularly and as much as possible. She also needs to be taught various fighting techniques from a young age. She has a bunch of special powers. You guys can't know all but with time you will discover some." She says. "Be kind to her and you will be blessed with 2 beautiful children of your own, however, if your aren't then you won't be." She adds. "Alright I guess just tell us when. I have always wanted children of me own" I say. I see her narrow her eyes at me and I immediately get flustered. "I don't mean that in a bad way. If I could I would have raised Anastasia as my own in the first place." I say. I see her give me a nod then glance to Gerald and say: "You have experience with lycans, You will be training Anastasia mostly. Am I clear? And no funny business." "Yes, but I only know what my father taught me. How can I train a lycan on my own?" He says in a panic. "It will come, you have been equipped with all the knowledge you need. Don't tell anyone what I have just told you and be careful who you trust. If you have any problems seek out Royal Rising moon Pack and ask for the king and queen then instruct Anastasia to give control of her wolf. She will know what to do. Don't worry you will wake up safely in your bed." She says then kisses our forehead. right then everything goes black and we wake up in bed cuddled with each other as promised. *********************************************************************************************************************************************************** Michael POV I had just come back from my run and was getting ready for bed. My mate and Luna was in the shower. I then hear a knock on my door. "Don't come out until I say everything is all clear." I say to her via mind link. "Come in I say." Next thing in walks Anastasia. Her eyes are glowing green and it is clear she is been controlled by her wolf. I immediately start getting on guard. "What do you want?" I ask suspiciously. "To talk" She replies colly. "Now sit." Her voice reeks of authority unknown for such a small girl. I immediately obey a bit out of curiosity but her aura is also very thick and oppressive. "I am Anastasia's wolf well technically her Lycan in case you can't see." She says almost like she is reading my mind. "You are rather mouthy for someone so small." I say, "We will see who the mouthy one is. Anastasia might not know how to fight but I do. Don't you dare test me." She says sternly. "Whatever. What do you want?" I repeat. My patience is growing thing. " I want you to retract your alpha command to do with Anastasia's care." She says "Make me" I say trying to get a response out of her. "Take back your alpha command now! Don't try anything funny. I can read your mind I will know." She says using her royal voice. I can feel my wolf immediately submitting and mind link my beta couple in order to retract my alpha command regarding Anastasia's care. "Good" She says. "Enjoy your evening, also you might want to keep an eye on that mate of yours. She isn't to be trusted. Anastasia knows nothing about this conversation so don't bother questioning her. She thinks she is asleep in the closet your beta couple put her in. "How did you command me and read my mind?" I ask suspiciously. "This is only for me to know. Your useless ass will find out later if you live long enough to see it." She replies before sailing out the room with her head held heigh almost as if she owns the place.
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