A gamma ceremony

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2 years later Unknown POV I have no idea what happened to our little girl and there is no one to inherit the throne. I am tired and stressed. I know she is too young for us to be thinking about this if she survived she will be 7 today. I still have no idea who is responsible for my baby's disappearance but when I find them I will definitely make them suffer "What is on your mind? I can see you drifting off and I can feel your emotions." Asks my mate. "You do realise you can simply tap into the bond and read my thoughts right?" I snap at her. "I do, however, I will rather hear it from you." She replies sweetly before climbing onto my lap. "Sigh I am just thinking of our child. I am sure she is still alive I can sometimes feel the bond. I can feel when my baby is hurting." I say with a sigh. I can see her eyes getting guarded. I know she thinks I blame her for what happens all those years ago. Apart of me does but I blame myself more. How could I not protect our only heir. She is probably the only child we will ever have. "I know, I can feel it as well. She seems a bit more comfortable where she is now although I still feel her hurting from time to time hopefully that means she was rescued from whoever took her." Says my mate. "Agreed. I am concerned about the future though. There is no one to take the throne. I wish we could find our little girl." I say. "You could always pass it to your cousin, the rogue king." She suggests with a snicker. She knows the last thing I want is for the rogue king to take my throne, the whole kingdom will suffer for it. "The only way that useless mutt will get my throne is if he beats me. " I say with venom. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Gerald POV "Today we are meeting to discuss who will be the new gamma our last gamma was killed due to a rogue attack last week." Droned out the alpha in his annoying monotoned voice. I slowly glance around the room with boredom. We decided to meet in my house today because the alpha's floor is going through maintenance. Luna Gracie is determined to spend pack finances. She feels a need to redesign the pack house at least once a year and everything must be with the most high end items and in the latest design trends. This doesn't even cover the cars her and the alpha feel they need to drive. If we weren't one of the wealthiest packs in the area we would have been bankrupt long ago with those 2 in the reins. Thank goodness Amy isn't so materialistic. Sigh. "What is up Gerald? No need to sigh about it?" Says the Luna I look up at them flustered. "What was that Alpha?" I ask embarrassed. "I have been calling your name for the passed 5 minutes. Who do you suggest should be the next gamma couple?" He asks his voice is laced with disapproval. "What about Olivia and Peter?" I suggest "I was thinking of Michelle and Bruce." Says the Luna. I can immediately see Amy stiffen. Michelle used to mock Amy for not having children before our son was born. Michelle and Luna Gracie are very close friends. They do almost everything together. I dreaded the day the alpha took Gracie as his Luna because I knew she would be what runs this pack into the ground. "Alright then. Michelle and Bruce it is." He says. Suddenly Anastasia and the future Alpha, Nate, came storming into the room. Luna Gracie swoops Nate into her lap. "What do you want Anastasia?" She scolds. Amy immediately stiffens but says nothing. "N-n-nothing" She stutters, "I-I-I j-j-just wanted to know if I could play with Nate." She adds. "No! Now get out." She says sternly. Anastasia then runs out the room and closes the door. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** Anastasia POV: I knew it was a long shot and that Nate's parents didn't like me but I wanted to go play with Nate. I tried to ask as nicely as I could but knew I wouldn't be allowed. I left the room quickly with tears streaming down my face but tried to hide it as best I could. I then went outside to play on the swing alone. Later that evening Amy came out to look for me. I knew she was upset with me but surprisingly she wasn't rough on me. "Anastasia please come inside and set the table." She says. "Ok coming." I say Once the table was set and we all started eating Beta Gerald says to me "Anastasia there will be a gamma ceremony tomorrow night, you are expected to join us as part of the family you must come straight home after school." "Alright Beta." I say, despite what the Moon Goddess said I am not allowed to call Amy and Gerald anything other than Gerald or Amy or Beta. I wish I had parents of my own but despite all this I am still relatively happy. No one hits me although they are often mean towards me with words. I attend a school for Supernatural Species with Nate and my other classmates. Later that evening I get into bed for school tomorrow. Hopefully this is all a bad dream and I get to see my real mommy and daddy soon. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************** The following day After school we all met up at the pack house. Amy and Beta Gerald are up on stage. I have been told to sit in the side out of everyone's way which I guess is a good thing. I don't want to be on stage in front of all those people. Alpha Michael comes behind from the curtain and heads towards the stage to address the pack. "Good evening everyone" Boomed Alpha Michael through his microphone. "Today we will be introducing the new gamma male and female to the pack. As many of you know our last beloved gamma male and gamma female where killed while fighting to defend our pack against rogues." My eyes gradually misted up missing the old gamma pair. They were one of the few people in the pack who where nice to me. I will miss them :( "Beta Gerald, Amy please bring your family and stand beside me before we call up the new gamma couple." I can sense that my adoptive parents aren't happy with Alpha Michael's decision to make Mitchelle and Bruce the new gamma couple but they have no choice but to join the alpha and Luna up on stage to show solidarity. "Thank you. I am now presenting to you the new gamma couple Michelle and Bruce, please come up." "I Alpha Michael McKenzie of Blue Rising Moon Pack announce you Bruce Davis and your wife the new gamma and gamma female. Do you accept the position and promise to take care of the pack in both beta Gerald and my absents?" Says Alpha Michael before making a tiny cut in his hand and dripping some blood into a goblin "We do" They say in unison "Do you promise to help rule the pack fairly and impart any war knowledge and strategy you might have as well as see to the training of the pack warriors, trackers and hunters as well as any other members deemed fit. And do you Bruce Davis promise to protect your Luna against any harm even at the risk of your own life?" Asks Alpha Michael Beta Gerald and Amy join in and also cuts a tiny slit on each of their hand's before repeating the same process as Alpha Michael. "We do" They say in unison then both cut a slit in their hand and repeat the same ritual. "I now declare you the gamma and gamma female of Blue Rising Moon pack" Declares Alpha Michael after swirling the blood together then raising it in the air. Everyone immediately kneels as they feel the power of the bond clicking in place however I am left standing with my eyes burning green. Everyone glances at me in surprise. I can feel a strong aura pass through me forcing everyone around me into submission, "Aurora what is happening?" I ask in a panick. "Our body is rejecting the bond with the new gamma as a lycan especially the female the only gamma you will bond with is one of your choosing." She says. Suddenly I cry out in pain and run from the room
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