
The Tale of the Lost Lycan Princess

blue collar

"Get away from me you! Useless wolf"

"But I thought you loved me! How can you believe the rumours"

"No! All I wanted was your virginity do you really think I would take such a useless wolf as my Luna!"

Anastasia Green was kidnapped at the age of 4 and her memory was wiped, she was then rescued by a young beta couple who took her in as their own through a series of events Anastasia was later reunited with her parents however will she overcome and find true love of her own or will evil prevail

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The Beginning
15 years ago Anastasia POV I need to get away from them! They are mean to me and want to hurt me. The mean lady says if she doesn't hurt me, they will hurt her. I have no idea who they are. These are the only people I know or remember. I am so scared and all alone! I keep running faster and faster trying to get away from the mean people chasing me! Tears are streaming down my face. I run as fast as I can but then I trip and fall. I start crying even harder rubbing my knee which I hurt in my fall. Next thing everything turns black and I slip into my happy place... Whenever I am hurt too much I slip in here. Hopefully the mean lady won't get to hurt me here. I wake up in a castle, everything is colorful and pretty with so many flowers. In Front of me I can see a woman with long blond hair singing to a little girl. The little girl is happily giggling away. I have no idea who she is or where I am, but I like it here. It seems peaceful. I slowly fall deeper asleep forgetting about the danger around me. Next thing my dream changes of the same little girl but she is older this time. I can hear a mother saying to the same little girl: "Come in Anastasia. It is getting cold outside. We don't want our little princess to get sick. Do we?" She ignores her mommy and continues playing with her new little friends. She and her friends are giggling away happily and completely carefree while swinging on a swing. "Anastasia, come in now!" scolds her mom a bit more sternly while making her way down to join them. "Ok mommy." replies the little girl while merrily skipping along to join her mom. Her mom then scoops her up and gently kisses her cheek. Suddenly the dream takes a very dark turn. I can see someone entering the room of the little girl who is now 4 years old. She is roughly picked up and starts fussing trying to get away. "Be silent, little one." Comes a gruff voice before injecting something into her arm. Next thing the little girl is being tortured and hit "MOMMY!!!" She yells in distress. I wake up with a start and start yelling for my mommy as well. I look around me and all I see is darkness. The floor I am sitting on is cold and wet. In the distance I can hear people yelling and whining. "Mommy!!" I yelled again but got no response. "Relax sweetie everything will be fine." says a soft noble voice. "Mommy?" I ask. "No sweetie, I am not your mommy. Everyone knows me as the moon goddess, but you can call me Cynthia. Now follow the light and everything will be alright." She replies reassuringly I listen to her and slowly follow the light hoping for a sense of safety. The mean people keep chasing after me although they smell better. I listen to what was instructed by Cynthia and keep following the light. For me light means safety... The light is good. "STOP" One of them yelled at me, causing me to run even faster, as fast as my little legs could carry me. "Stop! You guys are scaring her even more." says a lady's voice further in the distance. She then steps further in front of me and crouches down in front of me and says "Come closer sweetie, no one here will hurt you. We just want to be your friend if you will let us?" "Don't worry you can trust her. She won't hurt you." Says another soft feminine voice inside my head. I am so scared, but she seems nice, and I want to trust her. There is a strange voice inside my head that says I can trust her as well so maybe I should. I slowly edge closer to her. She looks pretty with black hair and brown eyes. As I got closer, I felt her swoop in and scoop me into her arms then gently start to carry me. She has a pretty smile as well. I hope I haven't made a mistake by trusting her. ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************** Amy POV My name is Amy Michelle (Age 25) I am the beta female of Blue Rising Moon Pack. Blue Rising Moon pack contains around 500 wolves. We are not the largest pack in Canada but a decent size for Calgary Alberta. The pack is run by Alpha Michael and his Luna Gracie where I live with my mate and pack Beta Gerald (age 26). Gerald and I are highschool sweethearts. We had the typical case of love at first site, and we were even more thrilled to find out that we are fated mates. We couldn't be happier with the Moon Goddess's pairing. My wolf's name is Annabell, don't worry she is a sweetheart and nothing like the doll. My mate and I are running along the banks of a river in the pack chatting light-heartedly and spending time together. "I wish we could have children of our own one day." I complained. Gerald replied: " So do I, but maybe there is a reason for the Moon Goddess to stop it. We don't know what her plans are." "I get that, but I am tired of being mocked by the other females in the pack." I say and start to cry. Gerald comforts me and says "No need to cry, everything happens for a reason." Suddenly we see a little girl around the age of five come running passed us been chased by a group of warriors. We quickly take the short cut back to intercept. As we get closer I yell: "Stop, you scaring her." I then crouch down and say: "Come closer sweetie, we won't hurt you we just want to help you and be your friend if you let us." I speak. She appears hesitant but eventually approaches me slowly and carefully. I gently picked her up and took her home to wash her. She currently stinks of rogue. We head to Alpha Michael's office and I say to her: "There is a nice man behind the door there who is going to ask you a few questions. Don't be scared and try to answer as many as you can." She then nods enthusiastically. Once I opened the door, I put her on a chair in front of the alpha and took a seat next to her.

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