The date

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Logan POV I am scared and full of suspense because of what the voice said. I know I have to comply with what he said in order to keep my parents safe but I also don't want Anastasia to be putting in harms way. I must choose between a girlfriend who I just want us a play thing vs my parents. It is only natural I choose my parents right? I am horrified by my line of thought when I think of Anastasia and what I had just thought about her, I know I see her as more, she is different from all the other girls. I push the thought to the back of my mind and get changed into a pair of nice jeans and a T-shirt. I am excited about my date with Anastasia today but also scared of what might happen to her. The voice had an evil vibe and I am worried about what will happen to Anastasia. I really wish I didn't have to go through with it. I slowly head out to Anastasia's pack when I see my mom in the walk way. "Where are you going?" She asks me "On a date." I say trying to hide the fear from my voice. "Who is the lovely young lady? And how you getting there?" She asks with suspicion "She is Anastasia from the neighbouring pack" I say with excitement. "What are your plans for your date?" She asks me. "I wanted to take her out to dinner with my allowance. I told her to wear something smart but casual." I am scared of what might happen to her but don't want to tell my mom that I am worried about what she might think and I don't want her to know that her and dad are in danger. "What is bugging you son? I can sense something is on your mind?" Asks my father coming into the room. I can feel my heart rate immediately pick up I try suppress it because I know they will pick up on my fear. I don't want my parents to know what the risk is, I wish the voice didn't tell me. I can feel I am on the verge of tears but I don't want to say anything to them. "I am going on a date" I say clearing my throat. "Alright son. How you getting there? Who you going with?" He asks me. "I am going out with a girl from the next door pack named Anastasia. I was hoping one of you could take us there?" I don't want my parents near the strange voice but I also know if I don't ask them for a drive they will get suspicious. "Of course son. Let me go grab my coat then we can head out." He says, I can sense he is mind linking my mom so I try not intrude, I immediately grab my wallet and head to the car. I then see my dad get in and we head off to the Blue Rising Moon Pack boarders. ********************************************************************************************************************************************************* Anastasia POV Linda and I are getting ready for my date with Logan. I am excited but also nervous to be going on my first date. I remember Nate's reaction when I told him. He doesn't share my excitement however he accepts me choice. Flash Back I had just come back from my visit with Logan and I see Nate standing by my house waving at me. "Anastasia!" He says excitedly. I immediately give him a hug and great him. "Hello Nate." I say excitedly. "Where have you been?" He asks me. "I went to go see Logan, he has finally asked me out on our first date." I say. "Oh that is nice, just be careful please and watch around. I sense something is amiss." He says. I can feel Aurora start pacing in my mind. Nate's wolf is an oracle so he has the ability to predict the future, when Nate says I should be careful I immediately went on guard. My grand mother told me about oracles once. She said she created them to see the future and that the warning of one should not be ignored. royals are often assigned oracles at birth and I guess Nate is mine although she says that he can't know because it will put him in danger. "Why you getting so jumpy all of a sudden. I mainly said that because he loves flirting with other girls and I don't want you to be hurt. Besides there is something about him which has changed which I don't trust." Nate says. "Will you come with me?" I ask. "I can't but you can mind link me if you in danger." He says before walking away End of flashback I walk inside my house to get ready and immediately set of to change. I am nervous of what Logan said and have discussed it with my grandmother. She says I must have fun but be careful and that when she tells me I should head into the bathroom and listen to what she has to say. I have no idea what she means by that and I am scared however I am also determined to do my best to enjoy my date. I head inside my room and grab a nice blue dress with purple flowers and green leaves on. I also grab a set a flats. I remember Logan's mention to me that I should wear something formal but casual. After I grabbed my clothes I head over to Linda's. "Hello Linda I say once she opens the door. Will you help me get ready for my date?" I ask "Of course sweetie. What are you thinking of wearing?" She says to me. I then show her the dress and flats. "That is pretty. Go and quickly take a shower while I set up to do your hair and makeup." She says. Once I am doing showering she guides me to a seat by her dressing table. "How far are you?" I ask getting restless. "I am almost done just keep still." She says "Alright." I can feel her make the final touch ups and then I put on my shoes and look at the woman in the mirror. My hair has been curled up and pinned on my head and I am wearing light makeup which enhances my eyes and plump lips. The woman looking back at me looks stunning and nothing like the normal me. "You look stunning. He is a lucky guy and he is here. Have fun." Thank you she says. I then head down to the car when I hear Logan pull up. Once I get in his dad whisks us off to a little restaunt by the sea. Logan puts us in a chair by the window and I can see his dad isn't far away but close enough to give us space and privacy. Logan pulls out my chair then we order for us, we both order a cheese burger and milkshake. I can see the waitress try flirt with Logan which frustrates me but I ignore it. "Have you finished all your assignments?" I ask him. I can sense Logan is on guard and I try lure him into conversation after that we start talking. "Anastasia" Says Cynthia in my mind. "Yes?" I reply. "I need you to go to the bathroom." She says, I look up and see a bunch of people looking at me but trying not to seem obvious about it and draw the attention of Logan, his dad or other dinners. "I need to go to the bathroom." I say, I can see Logan try stop me and someone try follow but they are forced to stop when they see me enter the ladies toilets. "What is going on Cynthia?" I ask with a panicked voice. "Don't worry everything will be ok." She says
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