An attempted kidnapping

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Anastasia POV "Lock the bathroom door Anastasia." Says Aurora in my mind. I immediately lock the door. "Who is that Aurora? What is happening?" I ask. "Those are rogues, they have been sent by the rogue king to come and kidnap you." She says. Outside the door I can hear someone say "s**t she locked the door! Now what are we going to do?" I immediately start panicking. "What should we do Aurora?" I ask panicked. "Let's try break it down. If we go looking for the woman's bathroom key people will immediately get suspicious." Says someone else. "Anastasia close all the stall doors and lock them then choose a stall without a window and hide in there. We don't want them getting through the window in order to get to you." Says Aurora in my mind. I immediately comply and hide in a stall without a window. A few minutes later the door leading into the women's bathroom was broken into. I can hear the sound of footsteps running up and down trying to open the doors but quickly realising the all locked. "Now what? We can't go open all these doors one by one there is no idea which contains people and which one she is hiding in." Says a voice. "Now what Aurora?" I ask my wolf in my mind with a panicked voice. There so many of them and they are getting closer. I can hear the sounds of their footsteps approaching me. "I need you to listen to me closely Anastasia." Imagine you are talking to a group of people from different supernatural species. Now I want you to say to them. 'Tell them you were on a date and that you the grand daughter of the moon goddess. Tell them you need help. Someone is after me and tell them exactly where we are and that there are a bunch of rogues around you.' That will alert all supernatural species as to who you are and where you are then we hope someone responds in time. Change your scent to something else and wear something different also change your hair colour to brown and make your eyes purple." I immediately do as instructed but don't tell them the exact stall where I am hiding other than the restaurant where I am. I have no idea what Aurora is trying to achieve by telling people this or who I am besides being a royal but hopefully someone comes quickly. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ Unknown POV: My name is Prince Bruce I am the future alpha of Royal Horizon pack and I am fifteen years old. I was having dinner with my parents when I suddenly felt a strange feeling sweep over me followed by a soft feminine child like voice in my head saying: "I am the grand daughter of the moon goddess, I am in the bathrooms of 'The Cafe by the sea'. I went on a date with a guy but it turned bad. I need help there are a bunch of rogues around me. " I can see my parents and all pack members go on guard. I have no idea who the voice belongs to or who she is other than that it must be important to get everyone's immediate attention including my parents. "Mommy wasn't the moon goddess's line killed long ago?" I ask her out of curiosity. I know the Dragon Wolf Royal Pack are the direct line of the moon goddess and they were made extinct over 12 years ago by a bunch of rogues. "Yes sweetie but it isn't unknown for a moon goddess to pass on her throne to a child she sees fitting. Either way we are all expected to help. You can stay if you want." She says. "No mommy I want to come with." I say. We all immediately stop eating and bundle together. I can see my parents and a bunch of pack warriors gathered in cars and quickly slip in to join my parents.. Thank goodness the restaurant isn't far away and we arrive pretty quickly. I can see many different supernatural species around including many kings and queens making me immediately move closer into my parents side, In front of me I see a guy sitting looking around suspiciously next to his father and immediately study him closer. I guess that was the date? I think to myself. He seems oblivious to what is going on though. Everyone is looking at him suspiciously and I can see him fretting under their gazes. I see his father get up and make his way to our side and start bowing. We ignore him and start killing off the rogues ahead. In front of me I see the bathroom rogues and observe a few rogues come out holding a little girl around my age with brown hair and purple eyes. All supernatural species immediately start sniffing the air. "Who is she?" I ask my lycan named Ben. "I don't know." he replies. "She looks a lot like her but has no hair or distinct scent" Says one of our pack warriors. "She is in hiding. Only one who can recognise her true scent will be her mate." says my wolf. As she passes me my wolf immediately gets excited. "What is wrong?" I ask him. "I have no idea." He replies. Before settling down. Next thing I step in front of the rogues holding her and say: "Let her go." In a firm voice. Everyone looks at me with shock. "Make us mutt." sneers one. I can see the little girl starting to fuss and remember once in class about wolves submitting to a royal voice even if rogue, I can smell the strong scent of wolf so I say in my royal voice. "Let her go now!" Every wolf in the room immediately submits except my parents and her proving that she is really the moon goddess's grand daughter. "Do you want something to drink? asks my mom. I can see she is scared as she shakes her head and slowly starts backing to the door. "Would you like a lift" asks my dad. "And where to?" he speaks. "yes please." she says softly. We bundle her into our car "Which pack?" My dad asks. "Blue Rising Moon Pack please but drop me by the boarder no one can know who I really am. My wolf insists on it." She says so we comply and leave her. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************ unknown POV I was having dinner when I felt a sudden force go through which I never expected to feel and immediately look at my mate in alarm. "I am the grand daughter of the moon goddess, I am in the bathrooms of 'The Cafe by the sea'. I went on a date with a guy but it turned bad. I need help there are a bunch of rogues around me. " Says a soft feminine child like voice inn my head. our baby girl is in danger and there is nothing we can do to help. "Please reconsider our decision to stay out of public. Our baby is in danger." I beg him. "I know it sucks but if we go back out we will be putting the entire kingdom at risk. Don't forget that all supernatural species will answer answer the call for help including our allies, royal horizon pack and the dragon clans. She will be fine." I really want to help my daughter but know the pack and throne will have to come first. "Fine." I say with a sigh then continue eating, I am distressed to know that my daughter is in danger but also know there is nothing more we can do. ************************************************************************************************************************************************************* Rogue King POV The moment I heard the voice in my head I knew we had messed up. I knew she was a royal but had no idea she had been equipped with the moon goddess's powers as well. I can't believe Thanatos didn't warn me. I have lost a lot of fighters because of this. "If it isn't the worthless mutt who can't even capture a 12 year old it is really pathetic." Says Thanatos in his dark figure. I can feel myself stiffen "It would have been easier if you were honest." I say. "Since when have I been honest." He says with a smirk. I immediately shudder at the thought. He has never been. "Exactly what I thought. Find her and bring it to me. You wolves are all clearly useless." He says before disappearing. I can feel my anger build up. "We will be attacking Blue Rising Moon Pack tomorrow. Be ready everyone." I yell to my rogues before heading to bed with my wench.

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