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2 years later Anastasia POV In case you were wondering about the rogues beta Gerald spoke to Alpha Michael and he allowed them to join the pack. I still see them from time to time around the pack and each time they give me a hug and a little treat. I start heading to school and the first person I see as I approach is Evie. She is one of the many mean people in class. She is also Gamma Bruce and Michelle's daughter so I always try my best to be nice to her so I don't get in trouble with Beta Gerald and Amy. "This will be fun." I say to Aurora in my mind sarcastically. "Whatever happens we got this. I am not leaving your side." I then walk into school with my head held high. "Hello Evie, I would say it is nice to see you but you will probably see through the lie." I say to her. I have no idea where this is coming from I usually never stand up for myself. "Aurora? Was that you?" I ask in my mind. "Maybe." She says with a giggle. "You know it will probably just make it worse right? Especially if Beta Gerald and Amy find out." I say with fear in my voice "Yes, we will be fine. We must show them we can stand up for ourselves." She says "Fine" I say with a sigh. "Well well well... If it isn't the little freak." She says in a mean voice. "Are you still going on and on about what happened all those years ago?" I ask trying to hide the fear in my voice. Ever since that fateful day people have been ruder to me. Luna Gracie has convinced everyone that I am a witch or tried to anyway. The rogues who I was with in the dungeon, Beta Gerald and Amy are still nice to me as well as a few others in different packs who aren't under her influence. "Well there isn't much I can't expect from a witch." She says with a smirk and takes an intimidating step forward. I immediately shrink back in fear. "Now what Aurora?" I ask in a scared voice. "Just relax. She can smell that you scared." "Ahh how cute you are actually scared. A bit late for that now don't you think." She says with a smirk on her face. "What do you want?" I say trying to hide the dear in my voice. "Oh I just wanted to say hi." She says with a smirk then she slams into me and pushes me against the school lockers. "Weak wolf" She says with a smirk on her face. I can feel a bruise forming on the side of my face and try hide my pain from her. I wish people would just be nice to me for once so I can belong. I can feel Evie picking up my bag and throwing it on the floor on top of me. I silently whimper with pain. She then starts kicking and hitting me. "Aurora are you there" I ask my wolf. "I am here don't worry we will get her back one day." She says. After everyone has cleared out from the hall I get up and make my way to the nurses office. "Hello Anastasia. Where they mean to you again?" Asks Mary the nurse they are used to me coming here at least once a day each day on a school day. "Hello Mary, I guess so." Even though I have a wolf who can instantly heal me I decide to go to the nurses office so no one suspects it, If people find out the bullying will probably get worse and it will also expose the fact that I am a lycan. Aurora heals me slowly over a few days so my speed is similar to other children my age. After leaving the nurse's office I then head to class and take a seat. I have English now. I smile and skip along into class then hand my late note to Mrs Dopsin. She is used to me arriving late with bruises on me. The teachers often try persuade me to tell them who is bullying me but I don't want to because I am worried that it will make everything worse. Despite all the bullying and everything that happens I have still managed to remain top of my class academically and physically. The teachers are all nice to me as I make sure to get my work in on time and I try not to be late for class. I often sit next to Nate as we are inseparable although I have noticed that he has started hanging out with the crowd who bully me more and more. I am worried their influence will rub off on him but I refuse to dicate who he can and cant be friends with. "Anastasia please stay behind after class I would like to talk to you." Says Mrs Dopsin. Once everyone heads out after class to go to the next one Mrs Dopsin pulls me aside. "Who is bullying you Anastasia and why don't you stand up for yourself? I can tell you are a strong wolf yet you often come back with bruises and injuries on. Why don't you stand up for yourself?" She asks me. I immediately let out a sigh and say: "It doesn't matter who Mrs Dopsin they aren't that bad. I can't stand up for myself because they are from my pack and I am worried it will cause problems for me." "I can sense you aren't just an ordinary wolf I have worked with your kind before. You are a hybrid of sort but I can't pick up what." She says. I can feel Aurora going on guard. "Can I tell her Aurora?" I ask my wolf. "You might as well." She says. "I am a lycan cross hyrbid" I tell Mrs Dopsin. "I haven't met my other parts yet but that is all I know. My wolf Aurora hasn't told me much about them other than the fact that I will meet them when I m older." I add. "That makes sense. Have you shifted?" She asks "I have." I reply. "I shifted on the day of the gamma ceremony which is why members of my pack sometimes bully me. I rejected the gamma bond and my eyes glowed purple so they all think I am a witch." I add with a sigh "That makes sense. Now run along to your next class." She says. Once I come out I see Nate, Nichole and Jessica waiting for me. "What did she want?" Asks Nate. "To know who is bullying me." I say with a sigh then head to my next class.
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