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{Greyson’s POV} I sat for hours just watching them shape her bones back into place and apply casts. They got both of her legs and arm done in about four hours, they had to completely reconstruct the bones in her arm. They then had to try to put her rib back in place, her body was so battered I didn’t understand why this has to happen to her, To my Luna? I had been waiting for my Luna since I turned 18, and finally, today of all days I find Olivia of all people. She’s my mate, she’s perfect, but the way I used to treat her had definitely destroyed our relationship. Now she’s gotten into this accident, and who knows what’s going to happen. I hated to admit it, but I’m already falling for her, and I’m angry, angry that she left instead of talking to me, and angry that I ever treated her badly in the first place. If it weren’t for how awful I was when I was younger, maybe she wouldn’t have run away. I paced around my side of the room, pain coursing through me every time they did something to her. My heart ached and Fenrir was howling in my head. He wanted to comfort her, but we couldn’t, not yet. I rampaged back and forth, watching the time, and watching her, and every move they made to help her. This was the worst day of my life, and more than likely the worst day of hers. After another four hours they were done. They sewed her up, and got all of the bones to go back into place. When they were done they moved her from the operating room to trauma room one, and finally let all of us go into the room. Her fathers hair had been messed up from the neatness he had it in earlier. He’d been running his hands through his hair, waiting tirelessly out here for all of these eight hours. My beta standing behind him rubbing his back the whole time. Jackson hasn’t said anything, but I know he has already acknowledged her as his Luna, which is why he is also distressed now. “The surgery went great, we should see her wolf beginning to heal her any time now. I should let you all know, there was extensive damage done on her right arm, and her right leg. It seems as though her right side took most of the blow which is why her ribs were broken the way they were. She had some bleeding in her abdomen but we were able to find the issue and put a stop to it. Hopefully she should regain consciousness with little issue, besides of course not being able to walk for a little while.” The doctor said looking over us. “I understand she is to be our Luna, so she will of course receive the best care we can give her, you have our promise on that Alpha!” He said bowing. “Doctor.. how long will it be before she can walk?” William asked walking to his daughter. “Well, that’s hard to say, it all depends on how fast her wolf heals her. If her wolf is active, and coming forward more often we could see vast improvements within days, and she may be able to walk again in a week or two give or take. Something though, we see cases where after so much trauma, the wolves tend to hide out, meaning it could be quite a bit longer until she regains movement. Her arm will take the longest, seeing as how we had to surgically put it together, but I’d say she’ll be healed up in no time.” He said smiling. “Just try to stimulate her wolf.” He repeated to us. I nodded, walking him out of the room, I turned back and looked to Jackson motioning him to come to the hallway. He walked out quietly and stood beside me. “Jackson, I need you go to to the pack house and get me some clothes. I also want you to go to William’s house and pick him up some of his clothes as well. Bring me my work laptop, and some snacks from the kitchen. Tell mother what happened and send her here please.” I said looking in the room through the tiny window. “Yes Alpha, I’ll get back here as fast as possible!” He said before taking off out of the front door of the er. I walked back into the room, and looked over to William, he was a mess, Olivia was his only child, his mate died before Olivia left, and because of the torment we caused her, she left her grieving father. “William, I’ve sent Jackson to go pack some clothes for the two of us, let him know if there is anything else you need from your house.” I said walking over and placing a hand on his shoulder. He was hunched over holding his daughters hand in his. He was a burly man, 6’0, and kind of chunky. Seeing him, someone who is so loved by all, and normally so strong, being dissolved into a puddle was worrying. “Why her? Why my little girl?” He asked lifting her hand to his face and kissing it. “She’s my only child, my sweet daughter, I can’t lose her again! She just came back to me!” He cried out loud holding her hand in his like if he moved she would slip away. “William, she’ll get through this. She would get through it faster and much easier if I were to aid in the process. I could try to bring out her wolf, maybe talk to her.” I said clasping his shoulder gently. I’ve never thought of this man as fragile, but from the looks of him now, holding the hand of his only daughter, he looked like he might break. “Do it! Do whatever you have to! Just bring my little girl back to me! Please, I beg of you Alpha, save my baby!” He cried his eyes pouring tears down his cheeks, as he kissed her soft pale knuckles. Her face was battered and bruised, she had a black eye, her eyebrow was cut, and her nose had a large scratch across it. She should heal up in no time once I begin speaking to her wolf. “Hello?” I asked in my mind link to her. “Where am I?” I could hear back faintly. “The hospital, you took a tumble off your bike, you’re very injured, I want to try to help, can I speak to your wolf?” I asked sweetly. “He can talk to me anytime!” I could hear another voice purring, making Fenrir stir in my mind, he wanted to talk to her too. “I don’t want to talk to you! Get out of my mind!” Olivia said loudly. “Olive, please!” I said trying to get her to calm down. “Don’t call me that!” She yelled. “You only ever called me that because I was gross, like an olive, to you! I hate you! You’re so cruel, you beat me up because I didn’t have a wolf, you broke my spirit! I left my father behind because I couldn’t stand your bullying anymore! Leave me alone!” She screamed at me. “I understand Olivia, please, just don’t shut me out. I’m trying to help you heal, your father wants you to wake up, and heal quickly. He’s a mess, I’m a mess! Please give me a chance to make things right! Just one chance, if I screw up then you never have to see me again!” I pleaded. “Come on Liv, give him one chance, you were kids! Everyone was a mean kid, let him have one little chance, and if he screws up I’ll tear him into teeny, tiny pieces!” Her wolf said cheerfully. “I may have my hands full!” I thought to myself. “One chance, please Olivia! Let me prove to you how sorry I am! I was a kid, and an as*****! I was wrong to ever bully you, I bullied a lot of kids, and I’ve spent a long time trying to make up for that. I need my pack behind me, and not standing ready with a knife. To you, I am especially sorry, I was cruel to you because you were the only one that was different. You were kind even though you didn’t have your wolf. You were less than whole, but you never stopped being sweet to everyone! Just let me prove to you that I can do better, and be better!” I said walking over and planting a kiss on her forehead. “Wake up, and talk to me, face to face, see your father, he’s worried about you! Please, come back to us!” I said, still mind linking with her. She laid silent and still, then suddenly flickered her eyes open. A sickening gasp could be heard as she tried pulling out the breathing tube in her throat. “I’ll get the doctor!” I shouted and ran out quickly grabbing him and running back in. He pulled the tube out and she took a deep breath. “Good, your O2 levels seem to be fine, and everything else looks good.. how’s the pain?” He asked looking her over. “Horrible.. but I’ll live.” She said trying to adjust herself on the bed. “I can’t..” she said beginning to tear up. I carefully walked over and picked her up gently, adjusting the bed and making sure it was comfy. I laid her back down, and covered her up with a thick blanket. “Thank you..” she said quietly looking anywhere but at me. “No problem, let me know if you need anything else at all.” I said fluffing her pillow and grabbing another pillow to prop up her back comfortably. I slid it behind her and as I moved her forward she winced. “I’m sorry, Olivia, your ribs were injured as well in the crash.” “Do you remember anything from the crash sweetie?” William asked softly. “I was on the phone with you, then I came to the curve.. the car was on my side.. I slammed into their car, when I felt the impact I closed my eyes. I didn’t want to see, I remember my body hitting the ground, but then it’s all a blur.” She said quietly, lifting her good hand to her head. “My head is throbbing, did I hit it?” “Yes.” The doctor began. “When you impacted against the first tree you hit your head, the last tree is the one that broke your ribs. Your right arm and leg got slammed into the vehicle when you tried to swerve away. Your left leg broke somewhere throughout the journey down the hill from what we can all tell. Im sorry I don’t have better news, but bringing your Wolf to the surface will help speed up your recovery process. Just remember to rest, drink fluids, and eat to get your strength up. I’ll be back to check on you in about an hour or so.” He said bowing and exiting the room. “Why did he bow to me?” She asked confused. “You’re the future Luna, he’s showing respect.” I answered matter of factly. “Wait, wait, wait! I never agreed to anything, I don’t even know if I can be with you. You were so cruel, I told you I’d give you a chance, but that’s a chance to prove to me your not still a horrible person!” She said her face twisting in anger. “Olivia, he is the Alpha!” William began. “I don’t care who is he! He was cruel to me dad, and being an Alpha doesn’t mean you can be an a**!” She said looking to him, her neck stiffening as she did. “Owe!” She breathed out sliding her hand up to her neck and rubbing it gently. “You’re going to be sore for a while..” I said sweetly, I walked out of the room and asked for an ice pack. Soon they brought one and I packed it back into the room. I walked to her, and gently put it around her neck and helped her lay back gently. “Rest, you need it, let me speak with your wolf. It’ll help you calm down, and heal.” I said trying to get her to understand she was in a horrible accident and needs rest. “Fine, but only because the doctor told me to!” She snarled back, she was an adorable little thing, she has a lot of fire in her spirit. I can’t wait to play with her and her wolf!
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