The Hospital Room

1012 Words
{Olivia’s POV} I’ve been in this horrible hospital room, in the same hospital bed for over a week. My father had to go back to work after the first couple of days, but he comes to see me every few hours. Alpha Greyson however, will not leave! If my right arm worked, I’d be ripping out my hair, my left hand is just fine but it’s mostly been used to swat away any attempts of physical connection. This man bullied me for years, and now he thinks he can sweet talk, and touch me? He has another thing coming! I’m my own woman and I’m not going to allow him to behave this way with me! My wolf on the other hand has other plans for Greyson and his wolf Fenrir. She enjoyed teasing, and seeing how far she could push them. My legs are healed finally, so I’m at least able to walk now, thanks to my wolf Miri healing me. Her healing prowess is great, but not great enough to fix my arm. With everything going on right now my brain has been wonky. I can’t tell you the last time that I felt right, everything in my mind feels slightly off. The doctor said it could be depression, which makes sense I suppose, I’ve also developed ptsd since my accident, I’ve had nightmares about my motorcycle slamming into that vehicle every time I close my eyes. I’ve not been able to sleep much, seeing as how I can’t get the nightmares to stop. I’ve decided that sleep can wait, as long as my wolf is healing me, I’ll try to stay up for longer. I was staring off into space when I suddenly heard Greyson’s voice. “Olivia?” He asked softly, as if he’d been calling for me for a while. “Hmm?” I answered turning my body slightly to face him. My ribs still hurt, so as I turned I could feel pain tear through my abdomen. I groaned out slightly, cringing at the pain. “I asked if you were hungry, and if you wanted something besides hospital food?” He asked me sweetly. “I’d kill for a plate of chicken and dumplings with mashed potatoes from Woodfall Cafe!” I said closing my eyes, as exhaustion was beginning to take over. I opened back up my eyes slowly. “I haven’t had their food since I was 12!” I finished. “Okay, one plate of chicken and dumpling with mashed potatoes coming right up!” He said standing and making his way to the door. “Try to rest, you need it..” he said, his grumbly voice showing concern. I nodded closing my eyes and leaning back, I heard him leave the room, and my exhaustion finally took over my body. I was out cold within seconds. Suddenly I was on my motorcycle, leaving this pack again. The wind blowing through my hair, and my heart pounding after finding out that Greyson is my mate. My phone rang, I fiddled around in my pocket and pulled it out, answering. It was my father, I was about to tell him that this wasn’t a good time when I saw the car coming around the curve. The screeching of our vehicles.. the sound of the impact.. the feeling in my stomach when I knew what was about to happen.. I felt myself slamming into the car.. then flying through the air, the impact of the ground.. then the tree’s.. I couldn’t breathe, I couldn’t see.. I just faded into the darkness, my heart beating heavily. I sat up quickly in my bed, another groan escaping my lips as I felt the pain in my ribs. Another nightmare, that’s all it was, I fell asleep again. I sighed out, slowly standing up and walking to my door. I quietly opened the door and peered out into the hallway. It was empty, this was my chance for some actual alone time. I carefully snuck into the hall and down the corridor into the stairwell. I made my was cautiously to the roof and I threw open the door finally taking in a breath of fresh air. I walked over to the edge of the roof that looked out into the woods behind the hospital. I sighed heavily and watched the branches on the trees sway in the wind. I stayed just watching the trees, and the wildlife for a while. Desperately needing to feel something besides pain, anger, and fear. I leaned against the edge of the roof, just enough to feel the breeze against my skin. I stayed still and silent for a while. I heard a small voice, one getting louder and louder until finally I heard it, I finally heard what it was saying. “Luna!” The voice shouted. I jumped, slightly startled my the loudness and closeness of the voice. Was I really so zoned out that I didn’t sense them coming? I looked over slowly seeing Jackson standing there beside me, a worried look etched on his face. “Oh.. Jackson it’s you.. sorry I didn’t hear you, how long have you been standing there?” I asked, my actions slowed, and tired. “Luna, why are you here on the roof, are you okay?” He asked, his fear oozing from him. “I’m fine Jackson, just needed some fresh air.. I just..” I began before I felt the fear and pain in my chest. I was afraid again, I could see the car coming, and there was nothing I could do, but I was awake.. how am I seeing and feeling this when I’m awake right now? I felt off balance, and before I knew it Jackson was holding me up in his arms, my body limp. “Luna? Luna what’s wrong?” He kept shouting, his voice seemed as though it was getting further and further away. Soon I didn’t hear anything, and I was peacefully asleep for the first time since that horrible day.
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