The Luna’s Sick

1084 Words
{Jackson’s POV} I walked into the hospital room to check on Olivia, but I couldn’t find her anywhere. Her scent was still strong so I knew she hadn’t been gone long. I walked out into the hall following her scent to the stairwell. What was she thinking going in here, was she trying to run away from the pack again? I walked up the stairs following her scent, until I finally found her on the roof. “Luna?” I called out, but she didn’t respond her body swaying slightly as she stood leaning on the edge of the roof. She looked weak, and sickly, her skin pale, and her eyes were so dark I could have sworn she’d been in a fight. I walked closer calling out again. “Luna!” Still nothing, her body swaying with the wind, making me worry. I kept calling out to her as I walked over, her form never stopping it’s swaying motion. I finally made it to her and called out once last time as I was about to reach out and grasp her arm. “Luna!” I shouted out. She jumped, slightly startled by the loudness and closeness of my voice. Was she really that zoned out. I wondered to myself. She looked over, her body moving slowly, finally she saw me, standing there beside her, I know I had a worried look etched on my face. “Oh.. Jackson it’s you.. sorry I didn’t hear you, how long have you been standing there?” She asked, her body moved slowly with a motion that seemed tired. “Luna, why are you here on the roof, are you okay?” I asked, my fear oozing from my body. I’ve already accepted her as my Luna, everyone knew that, but more than that, I was horrible to her, and now I just wanted to make up for my behavior. “I’m fine Jackson, just needed some fresh air.. I just..” she began before suddenly grasping as her chest, her breathing speeding up slightly before becoming more rapid and frightful. “Luna? Luna what’s wrong?” I kept shouting, she fell into my arms and I propped her up trying to get her to look at me or talk to me. Before long I could feel her body go completely limp, and panic coursed through me. I lifted her up running back down to her floor and searching for the doctor. He came running from his office with a stethoscope. “Take her back to her room and lay her on the bed!” He shouted. I did as he ordered, laying her gently on the bed and standing back giving him room. He had some nurses come in to assist him, and after a few moments he placed his stethoscope around his neck and sighed placing his hand on her forehead. “She’s spiked a fever, due to dehydration, and exhaustion.” He said softly. “Hasn’t she been resting?” I asked looking down at her tiny form on the bed. I grabbed the sheets pulling them up onto her. “Well, not exactly, with everything that’s happened I’m afraid she’s developed ptsd and hasn’t been resting or taking care of herself properly. She’s been placing all of the work on her wolf leaving her body to deteriorate.” He said with a sigh. “She needs to sleep, we may have to medicate her but she should wait until the Alpha returns for that..” he said looking down to her. “She’s so young, and her body had been through a traumatic experience, she needs some time to rest and heal. Call for me when the Alpha returns and we’ll all decide where to go from there.” He said bowing and leaving the room. I walked over to the chair next to her bed and sat down, she had almost died, and has been in so much pain. Maybe we’ve been paying too much attention to her physical health, mostly her regaining function, that we forgot to take care of her mentally. I stared at her, she really was beautiful, I couldn’t believe this is the same girl that Greyson and I used to tease so often. As I finished that thought Greyson walked back into the room. “Okay, I got your food so no need to kill anyone!” He said opening the door, he froze in the doorway looking over her body. “What happened?” He asked, his voice stuttering as he spoke. “She’s just tired Greyson, she hasn’t been resting well or taking care of herself properly. The doctor wanted to speak with you when you got back. She passed out up on the roof, luckily I was there and brought her back here to the doctor.” I said looking between him and her. “She’s been through a lot man, you have to try to see things from her side. She found out that someone that bullied her in the past is her mate. She was scared and tried to run away, but then she almost died, and now she’s seeing the crash in her dreams, and that makes it hard on her.” I spoke carefully walking over to him and placing my hand on his shoulder. “I’ll go grab the doctor, I’ll be right back!” I finished patting his shoulder and walking out of the room. {Greyson’s POV} I stood frozen as my Beta left the room.. sadly, he was right. I looked over my mates body, her skin was paler than when she first arrived here, her body still battered, I knew what she has been through, but I never once tried to put myself into her shoes. I walked over placing my lips against her forehead and kissing it softly. “Trevor?” She whispered out in her sleep, my heart skipped a beat. Did she already have someone? Was I keeping her from the man she loved? I could feel my heart shatter, I thought we were finally beginning to make some progress, but now she was sick, and apparently dreaming of of a man. I closed my eyes for a moment, before walking over to the chair and sitting down. I’ll wait for the doctor, then we’ll decide what needs to be done moving forward, maybe when she wakes up I can ask her about this man she was calling for in her sleep.

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