Chapter 5

1006 Words
“Alpha Grier! So little time and you already have a pack together! Amazing gift from the Goddess indeed!” said the Elder who had officiated the Pires for our pack. “It was indeed a surprise Elder Zack, the Goddess has her ways for her children.” Said Alpha Santos, answering for me, receiving him with a handshake. “Well Alpha Grier, may you please call your new members together, we will have to do this a little differently, if not you will have to cut your palm too many times.” He said as he took out a Golden Goblet from the boot of the car he had arrived in. ´Bring everyone to the pack house´ I said through the mind link to my men, soon there would be everyone in the pack linked to me and them. They went off quick to bring everyone, the elders had put up a makeshift alter to the Goddess and were waiting for everyone to arrive. Soon the front garden of the packhouse was full of people all in respectful silence, some even quietly crying, as they gazed upon the alter. Suddenly, “I never thought I would be able to be in front of her alter again!” a mans teary whisper was heard and many agreed silently with him as they waited for the Elders to begin. I had not imagined what life was like for rouges or that they even cared about the Goddess anymore, but these proved me wrong. “We shall commence, all those willing to be part of the Sunrise Moon Pack please make a line in the center, children included, I will be cutting your palm and a drop of blood with be taken for the chaliz for your blood oath to the pack.” Soon everyone made an orderly line, and the Elders started recollecting the drops of blood. As I looked over the line of soon to be members, I saw a young man sitting and crying, looking longingly at the line. I walked over to him, “Are you ok? You don’t want to join the pack?” I asked, “I do Alpha, I do, but what can a man with no hands offer you?” He asked, as he extended his stubby limbs, making tears come from my eyes out of shear anger. They had cut off his hands!!! “Everything, you have offered everything, we will do the same, please if you want to, get in line, we will make sure they pay for what they did to you!” I said helping him up from the ground, suddenly a loud cheer was heard as they all pulled the young man into the line almost at the front, the Elders smiled as they took his drop of blood. When all was done, the Elders then came forth, “Alpha Grier, do you take all these people who have given their oath with a drop of blood as offering as your packmates?” Elder Zack asked. “I do!” I said loud and clear for all to hear as they cut my palm for my blood to be mixed with theirs. Suddenly my head started to hurt very bad, like a migraine, suddenly all of the pack was in my head ´Thank yous´ were all over the place as they each gained contact with me and the chain of command. Crys and cheers could be heard all over the place. “I’m sorry I didn’t prepare a feast for this event, it was all too sudden!” I said as I looked around. “Alpha, please don’t be mad, but some of the men went hunting while the others were helping.” Said the woman now I knew was Martha, looking at her feet as if I would reprimand her or them for this. “Don’t look down Martha, thank you. Martha, what was your position in your last pack?” I asked her. “Omega, Alpha Grier, most of us are. But we will work hard Alpha!” She said hastily as if I would chase them out of my lands. “Everyone!!! Do you agree to place Mrs. Martha Palas as Head Omega for care of all Omegas and the Packhouse?” I said in a voice loud over the cheering. “YES ALPHA!!” came the chorus from her packmates, she just broke down crying. “Why me” she asked, “ You cared for them until now, it is only fair that it stay like that!” I said to her, drying her face. “It has been a long 72 hours, Alpha Grier, you should get rested, many things are left to be done. Now that many packs know you are here they will not doubt to come to either make a treaty with you or try to take your position and your lands!” said Elder Zack, “Please, Mrs. Palas, would you escort your Alpha to her new room so she can rest?” “Yes, Elder” she bowed in respect to him and me. “Please Alpha, this way.” “Go Grier, we are going up in a bit as well.” Said Brayden “Good night everyone!” I said as I made my way inside the packhouse, now this was going to be weird. I had been in the packhouse a lot lately but never as the Alpha. I had not seen the upper floors as they were for the Beta and Alpha families. “We have cleaned most of the rooms Alpha, they have been changed of bedding and cleaned out the closets as well. I thought maybe having it as it was would be harmful to you to remember anything.” Said Martha as she led me to the Alpha quarters. “Thank you Martha, at least now that I have even the late Alpha's blessing it won't be that bad.” How wrong was I.
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