
The Alpha Femme Fatale

magical world
love at the first sight

Finding your true self and then the love of your life after you have lost it all?

How could that be possible?

Well in a single night and day, anything can happen.

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Chapter 1
Crying, screaming, gun shots and growls that is all I can remember from the night that I lost everything. I was the daughter of the gamma in our Sunrise Moon Pack, my father, Damian Altose, was fierce as they come when it came to his duty of caring for the Luna of our pack even to the point where he chose to save her over my mother but both died, and finally he was killed trying to save the Alpha. Our pack was not very big, 300 pack members most of them women and children, who the Alpha thought did not need to know how to fight as we had no known enemies and stayed off the radar of the conflicts between packs and off the grid in general. Most would say that was just the cowardice of our Alpha but I thought he was thinking of the future where there would be no need to fight. I myself learned to fight with the best of our fighters, to the point where I was made the commander of the Elite Force. My father and mother were adamant that I learn to fight and protect and be the best there was. My father had thought to go against tradition and make me his successor as gamma and the Alpha had reluctantly agreed when I had saved the Luna and her pups from being killed in an attack not 3 weeks ago. Today was supposed to be a happy day for the pack and mostly for me. I was to be named the successor of the Gamma position together with Brice as Beta and Alexx as future Alpha of the Sunrise Moon Pack. Alexx was not the son of our Alpha but his nephew, who he had raised as his own. The Alphas younger brother, our previous Alpha, had been killed with his Luna on a trip they had made by car. Drunk driver they had said but we all had thought more of the situation. So when the news came back and the new Alpha and Luna received their position there was quite the rebellion, but all was better when it was proved to be an accident and the Alpha legally adopted his nephew, Alexx, everyone was appeased and welcomed the New Alpha and Luna with respect. There was an underlying story to the brotherly rivalry that not everyone knew, the brother who had the first son was to be named Alpha. Our Alphas younger brother found his mate and had a son 12 years before his older brother took a chosen mate because his mate died the day after they met. His chosen mate then had twin girls, he hadn’t taken any position within the ranking because of the grief of loosing his mate but he resented his younger brother for the family he had but would never do anything to his brother or his family. When his brother was killed all he asked the Elders about was if he could adopt his nephew. He never spoke of the Alpha position, when they gave him the position because of his Alpha blood, he accepted on the reservation that Alexx would become the next Alpha not the unborn boy that the Luna was expecting. The years past and he raised Alexx as his own son and as the future Alpha, engraining in his mind the responsibility of becoming Alpha. Now, here, infront of me, Alpha Daniel, Alexx, Brice and any other pack member lay either dead or on the brink of death, including my mother, the Luna and her twin girls and little Bailey, the Alphas son. I was not strong enough to fight them all off, we were not enough to stop them from killing the Alphas family. The Elite team which was made up of 18 now only 6 of us are left. “Go find your families” I say biting my lips as my mothers last breath escapes her body limp in my arms and the link to her snapped inside of me as my fathers had not a few minutes ago. They rushed off into the darkness without a single protest to the order. In the darkness I hear the howls of mourning as they find their family members or mates dead. “Alpha!” comes the cry of one of my team mates, I jump up immediately looking to see if Alpha Daniel or Alexx are breathing, and rush to them. “Alpha Grier!” he says in a much lower voice, making my heart stop in a second. I turn around slowly intaking his statement. Much to my amazement I see my 5 remaining team mates kneeled in front of me. “I am not your Alpha!” I say in a low menacing voice, it doesn’t feel right to usurp the position I was not rightfully handed down. “You are now! You are the highest-ranking wolf among us, you already commanded the Elite force, and now you are the only remaining ranked wolf left. You are our Alpha!” Looking down at my hands full of wounds and blood of the fallen both friend and foe, a sudden burning sensation comes over my right arm, brining me to my knees. I look down only to find the tattoo of the Sunrise Moon Pack burning itself in my skin, half moon, half sun with a howling wolf in the middle and above it in bold cursive letters: “Alpha Grier Altose”. “No, NOOOOO” I scream at the top of my lungs, “This cant be, I can´t be Alpha” I say between tears. “We, Thaddeus, Malcolm, Peter, Brayden and Ikos, members of the Sunrise Moon Pack, members of the Elite force, recognize and confirm Gamma Grier Altose as Alpha Grier Altose, of the Sunrise Moon Pack a swear our loyalty to her as our Alpha” Well s**t…

Dreame-Editor's pick


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