Chapter 4

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Soon all was running just fine, the help that we needed to get the pires up for the almost 300 the we had lost were all placed in the opening that was usually for training grounds, white flags placed to the sides, and a bond fire in the middle where we would take the fire from to light them. The people were wrapped and placed according to the elders orders and the 6 remaining including myself, other than the 3 traitors were all lined up at the front of the stage. “We are here today to give back to our Goddess the remains of the members of the Sunrise Pack that were taken last night. We are here to return these good souls to our Goddess, may she take care of the loved ones we send to greet her tonight. Please Alpha Grier, we shall begin.” Said Elder Edward, he started to name the Alpha and Luna and their children, and so on until almost dawn when the last had been lit. It was tiring but at the same time, liberating that we did not have to do this all on our own, we had the company of 2 packs and the Elders. Once all was done, the Elders said their goodbyes and the pompous Alphas pack left as well, only Alpha Santos and Luna Eleanor stayed behind with their group. “Please ask us any question that you have, we will answer them all.” Said Luna Eleanor. “I truly have no questions, I saw your pictures in my mother photo albums, you were younger but it was you, I have no memories of you but they are there in photos my mother stored away. I just want to know, what comes next?” I asked truly this is all too new to me, I am used to receiving orders not giving them but now all of that is part of the past. I just hope that I do not mess up too bad. “Well you start by moving in to the pack house, getting all the information you can of finances and any other information of how the pack was being run and how the pack was making an income. Depending on that you can call upon the Elders to send you wolves that need a pack, there are so many refugees that need a pack, that it will be quite easy to find members willing to come and live here and make your pack strong.” Said Alpha Santos “I wasn’t expecting it to be so much but I guess I come from a strong bloodline if I got my brand right off the bat” I said trying to add some humor. “You were born from an Alpha bloodline, both your mother and father were from Alpha Blood, so it is not surprising that you were able to be commander of the Elite Forces so young, by the way at what age did you become commander?” asked Alpha Santos “14, I didn’t have my wolf yet so everything I did was in human form, I only started to shift at 16, but I had more strength than most of my peers before that” I said waving it off as nothing abnormal. “You can say that again” said Malcolm, “She would kick anyones ass just because they were mean to anyone, even humans” said Brayden chiming in as they came back from cleaning themselves up and eating from the food Luna Eleanor had sent to be made at the pack house. “Shut up, no one asked you” I said half laughing as they came and sat down beside me. A comfortable silence filled the area, the pires were still burning but the stench of death left with the smoke. Suddenly a new voice and new face brought us out of our stupor, “Why the long faces my children? The ones lost to you have just gone home to rest, they served their purpose to me. And now the new era of the Sunrise Moon is to come.” “Selene, its good to see you old friend! It has been too long. How is my baby girl?” asked Luna Eleanor, speaking as if the woman in front of us was just a friend dropping in and not the moon Goddess herself. “She is well, she just wants her princess to know that they are very proud of her and that she is every bit capable to be the new Alpha, and that as previous Alpha Daniel, he is very proud that she took the role as needed, he was the one to give her the brand before anyone voted her in as Alpha. My children can see everything that happens with their loved ones even if they are with me, so when he saw you fight for the pack to the last of the intruders, he knew you were worthy of the Alpha title, and so granted by me, you are Alpha.” She said as if it was the most normal thing looking at me directly. “As for you Santos and Eleanor, Isabella sends all of her love as does Damian, he thanks you for having granted him his mate and daughter, even though he could not defend them all.” “He was the best son-in-law and mate he could be, and his position left him no choice, we believe he did all he could. May he be in peace.” Said Alpha Santos as Eleanor just nodded solemnly beside him. “I am sorry, Moon Goddess?” I ask looking at her not being able to understand the extend of what is going on. “Yes Grier.” She answered “What will happen now, I mean I was gamma but this is a whole different level.” “You will know within minutes, you have visitors.” She said and disappeared just as she had appeared. “HELP!!! PLEASE HELP US!!!” a voice shouted through the trees, we all stood from our seated positions and into a defensive stance, what happened before would not repeat itself. “REVEAL YOURSELF!!!!” I yelled Through the trees dozens of people which by their scent gave off that they were wolves but not just any wolves, ROGUES. We all growled, threatening them to stop. They stood still and one by one they all bent to their knees, scared looks on their faces. Men, women and children all malnourished, with ripped clothing. “What is the purpose of your trespassing our territory?” I asked still on very high alert as well as all the wolves from Alpha Santos. “Please, yes we are rogues, but only because we were banished from our pack and have been hunted as game, we were part of the Purple Moon Pack!” We all growled at the mention of that pack, they were the worst, we knew of them because of a trespasser that had tried to kill the Luna and her pups, the very reason I was going to be made gamma, for protecting her from them. “How many of you are there?” I asked “There are 125 of us, 75 men, 30 women and 20 children” the woman answered. I turned back to Alpha Santos and my men, ´What do you think?´ I mind-linked my men then asked out loud to Alpha Santos. “She did say you would be receiving guests…” Luna Eleanor said, waiving in the direction where the Moon Goddess had just been seated. “Are you willing to become part of this pack, we are six now, just chain of command, but are willing to receive you.” I said to the woman who had come forth. “We are willing if you will have us, who do we speak to to be initiated in the pack?” the woman asked. “I am the Alpha, Alpha Grier Altose…” I said and saw her look of astonishment, “ do you still accept.?” “We do Alpha” she said with a look of pride. I thought for a few minutes, “Alpha Santos do you by any chance have the number of the Elders? I don’t know what the proceedings are to receive members.” I said a little ashamed. “I already called him back he will be here in 2 hours, they had already gotten a ways away.” He said looking at me with pride. Lets get this show on the road. “Are you willing to help with the clean up while the Elders return?” I asked the woman as I turned to find the men already cleaning rubbish and branches and the women fetching water and the children helping their mothers. The woman just smiled and bowed in respect, “We are at your service our Alpha. We cannot thank you enough for our new home.” She quickly ran off to help the cleanup. I was dumbfounded, I had not thought they would help before being initiated.
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