Chapter 3

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I turned back to the Elders, “What do I do now? I don’t know where to begin!” I said, looking for guidance, “we need help” was all I said as I sunk to the floor with my hands over my eyes, not wanting to see or smell all the blood and death around me. “Help is already on the way Alpha Grier, we requested the help of the nearest packs to your location, surprisingly none of them knew that there was a pack in this location! It doesn’t really surprise us that your previous Alpha didn’t meet with many other Alphas, but that they didn’t know there was a pack here that is surprising.” Said another Elder farther to the back as he came forward and helped me stand again. Just as I was standing up, many wolves came out from the treeline, starting to change from wolf to men and women, dressing into the clothes they were carrying in their mouths. I was on full intruder alert until another elder stepped forward and welcomed the Alpha of the arriving pack, “Welcome Alpha Santos, thank you for coming to the aid of this pack… their new Alpha will be needing all the help she can get!” “She?” Asked, who I now knew as Alpha Santos. “Yes She” I said as I came closer to Alpha Santos, he looked familiar, too familiar. One day I will know why, but now I don’t like his tone of voice. “I am now Alpha Grier Altose of Sunrise Moon Pack, pleasure to meet you, but I am sorry that we had to meet like this, under normal circumstances I would have been presented as Gamma Grier Altose.” I said as I out stretched my hand. I didn’t get past me how when I mentioned my last name his eyes became as big as saucers. As he took hold of my hand he turned my arm looking at my Alpha marking, I could be mistaken but a look of pride flashed through his eyes but was gone in the next second. “Well Alpha we must say that we are sorry for your loss, for all of your losses, this must be way too much for you as a new Alpha but we are here to assist in any way possible. That being said may I present my Beta as your provisional second if you have not your chain of command…” “I´m sorry to interrupt Alpha Santos, but my chain of command is now as you can see standing behind your group…” I said as he turned around and saw my 5 men at the rear of all of his group, no one had seen them move or get into position. The virtues of being an Elite, you learn to supress your scent, and move in the shadows. “I must say I´m surprised, what did you say your original position was? Gamma? Right?” I just nodded not knowing exactly at what he was getting at, “How do you have the abilities of Elite Royal Warriors?” he asked sizing me up, looking back at my men who were now behind me, glaring at him. I was quite surprised by what he said about our training, he said Royal Elites? “I´m sorry but did you say Elite Royal Warriors?” he just nodded allowing me to continue “That cannot be, my father was just a Gamma, he taught us everything we know.” “What do you mean we? I thought you were gamma and they were warriors!” “Yes they are warriors but from the Elite Force, and I was their Commander!” I said looking him straight in the eyes, my wolf coming forth for the second time this night. “I know those eyes! Hello Diosa, my precious grand-daughter!” he said shocking the hell out of me. “Your mother did a good job, like I taught her, where is she? Where is Danila? Where is my pup?” his wolf asked, desperate to see his daughter. I was still shock stricken when I heard him mention my mothers wolfs name, I looked at him and remembered where I saw him, my mothers photo album under the bed. The one she never let me look at, I snuck in whenever I could to see the pictures of when she was young. “Grandfather?” I asked in a low voice that only he could hear. “Where is your mother?” was all he asked I led him over the bodies still lying on the ground to where my beautiful mother lay in a puddle of blood. A loud mourning howl was heard that could have crushed any heart, on alert I looked around and saw Alpha Santos on the ground hugging my mothers’ dead body and sobbing loudly, the group of his pack soon sounded a group mourning as they each received the mind-link that his daughter was dead. Malcolm came up to me with a salt pepper haired man, “Alpha, this is Beta Deterious, he is asking how they can assist us, we must get everything under way, daybreak will soon be here.” “Let me speak to the elders and then we can move forward, Alpha Santos does not seem to want to part with my mother, so we will get everything under way.” “Yes Alpha” they both said and I went to speak to the elders who were speaking among each other, “Elder, I don’t understand but you might, but we can get to that later, please tell me what is the protocol for burials, we have almost 300 to undergo.” The last statement took them a little by surprise, “No one survived other than you 9?” he asked, including the traitor with us as survivors. “They did not survive Elder they hid and saw the massacre.” I said through gritted teeth, trying to hold in my wolf the best I could. “I´m sorry child, yes you are right. The rights are a follows first are the alphas betas gammas, then deltas and warriors, then general pack members. The pires must be high, families all in one and mates together. We will help you, they must be done in order and before tomorrow midnight, tomorrow is full-moon, the Goddess will be present.” He said laying out the order of rights, it was too much but I looked back and my men had heard everything and were just looking t me for permission to move into action. ´Start separating the bodies, have one group, make the pires and the rest bring the bodies to be wrapped´ I told them through mind-link, ´Yes, Alpha´, came the immediate response. “Thank you Elder, we will be needing your assistance again for the ceremony if you will stay and officiate” I asked, looking pleadingly at them all. “Yes we will stay, we need to be here so everything goes as it should.” He said with a sad tone, suddenly he looked around as if he heard something, then I hear another group of wolves approaching, he looked at me and patted me on the shoulder telling me silently that it was ok. “It is just another Alpha coming to your aid, he is a great friend of the Alpha-King, so anything you need you may bring your worries to him directly.” He said as the wolves showed themselves already dressed, the Elder gave them the ok and they came closer. “Elder, who is the Alpha remaining that you spoke of?” he asked as he came closer, he was a middle aged man as-well as Alpha Santos, “And why is Alpha Santos Crying aver a dead womans body, won´t Eleanor be angry?...” he asked just as a shrill scream came from the treeline, not one of anger but one of sorrow as a middle age woman came running throwing on the dress she had in her wolves mouth, throwing Alpha Santos to the side and hugging my mothers body, “My baby girl, This is all your fault…” she screamed at Alpha Santos. “Excuse me” I just said to the Elders and the Alpha as I started running over to where my mothers body was, they did not want to let her go to the ones that were going to get her and my father ready for the pire. “I´m sorry, but they have to take her, they have to” I said as she finally looked me in the eyes and again my wolf appeared, showing who she was. “Diosa!!!!!! My baby, my grandbaby!!” she said as she took me in a bone crushing hug, I could barely breath but at last she let my mothers body go. “Alpha Santos, Luna Eleanor, may I present my condolences as I see that you were kin to the woman who was just taken.” Said the pompous Alpha who had just arrived, coming close to our now small group as his people had begun to help the others in the preparations. “ Yes, Dexter, that was our Daughter Isabella…” said Alpha Santos as Eleanor just cried on my shoulder still, a look of genuine concern and pain crossed pompous Alphas face. “I´m sorry” I said when I could get out of Luna Eleanors grip, “but can someone please explain? Why are you two calling my mother your daughter?” I asked, I had seen the pictures but I wanted to know why in all of my 17 years hadn’t I ever heard from them. I grew up with just my parents and for me that was enough even though I did wonder if I had grandparents the same as the rest of my friends. “Grier, sweetheart, we are your grandparents, your mother was our daughter, the only heir to our pack, she was expecting you when we received a threat that you would be taken from her when she gave birth, so we made it look as if your mother eloped with someone that was not her mate so that they would go on a wild goose chase while your mother gave birth to you. Last year when you received your wolf you mother was on video call with us when she first appeared in your eyes and gave her name, that is how we knew who you were because of your eyes, we didn’t see your face just your eyes…” “Ok, we can talk more about this later, I have to get everything ready for the pire…” “oh no honey, let the new Alpha do that…” said Eleanor “My love…” said Alpha Santos to Eleanor, “Yes…” she said looking at him adoringly, “She is the Alpha”
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