Morning s*x

3136 Words
Camilla Pov What is wrong with me, why did it hurt seeing them kissing, Bianca's hands were all over him, his skin. When I interrupted them, He didn't look mad, why was he looking at me like that.... was it kindness? I don't want him to look at me like that, I wanted him to smirk like he usually does, so I remember to hate him. I leave the campus in a hasty as tears stream down my face, why am I crying now? Have some shame, Camilla, he's not even your beloved. I breathe in then force a smile on my lips but it hurts! It's been a week now and I've been avoiding Damien like a plague because that is what he is in my life, a plague that I should run from before it attacks my heart, we wouldn't want that now, would we, I am always the first one to leave the lecture room in the course we share. I go to the forest to hunt, it's been a while since I fed, I see a deer and Chase it. I sink my fangs in his neck as I drain it of blood, so good. After feeding, I lie on the ground, closing my eyes, I have to find my pendant, it's always with me, a royal pendant must be worn by our coven princess or queen, it has great value to me and it can cause a lot of damage if someone finds it, I hope no one touches. I groan waking up, how did I pass out? I shake my head getting up, I see wolves approach me, oh it's these losers again. Rogues They are surrounding me, I can smell them, their scent is different from werewolves who are part of the pack, these are dirty and uncared for. Most rogues let their animal instincts control them and we're chased by their pack for committing a crime. Not all rogues are bad, some become rogues because their packs were destroyed "Look who we have here guys, it's little miss runaway," I groan bored, seriously?, why is that man going to learn huh I don't want him, why does he send his people after me still? "The Rogue Alpha has been looking at you everywhere you know," another one growls looking at me with a sinister smile. I don't want to be some rogue Luna, f**k. I don't even want a man in my life right now, but their leader doesn't take no for an answer. " Tell him to f**k off," The three rogues snarl at me, coming closer, On pure instincts, my eyes change from silver to dark crimson. They look surprised wasn't expecting that, they thought I was just some human, how did they think I was able to escape from their so-called castle anyway. Their leader saw me once in the woods when I came to feed, according to him, he's in love with me and wants to marry me so the bastard kidnapped me but I managed to escape from them, it wasn't hard for a vampire to do so but it would have been impossible if it was a human. " Vampire!" They growl shifting in their wolf form, I smirk, I need this, it's been a while since I fought, these rogues are no match for a crowned princess of the most powerful vampire clan in the world, I have gifts of my own. One of them lunges at me but I use my vampire speed to kick and throw him in a tree, I use my vampire strength and speed to beat the other two. But another one tackles me to the ground and bites my leg hard, I let out a bloody scream, my leg is bleeding but I manage to shrug the wolf off me, pushing him away with incredible force and using my lightning power to electrocute it. It's dangerous I shouldn't, they can feel it when I use my gift, and they might find me but I have no choice The one I've electrocuted is burnt badly and the others are down, groaning in pain, I can't help the smile on my face. Wow, I needed that, I feel good. But my leg is still bleeding profusely. I am one of the few gifted vampires because am born, I am faster, stronger, good sight, smell, and better hearing than the others except for healing, I don't heal as fast as a vampire but not as slow as humans either, I don't know why. That's why my father had a witch do a spell on my royal pendant to help me heal fast but it can't heal me because I don't know where it is! My f*****g luck. My leg is still bleeding and it's dark here, I am limp my way through the woods if I try to run my leg sting more. And curse my luck it just had to start raining.....are you kidding me!!! I walk until I reach the main road, I even left my phone at home today, my f*****g luck, I walk slowly in the rain, it's so cold, I think about my messed up life right now when a black SUV stops by me, now what? I ignore and continue walking, a tall thin man in a grey suit walks out with an umbrella, “Miss, get in the car, we’ll drop you off,” he says with a gentle smile, but I refuse, no way I am getting kidnapped again, I shake my head before walking away, but the man doesn't take no for an answer. I sigh, it is late so I accept and walk to the car with him but when he opens the door for me, my eyes meet Damien f*****g man w***e, he looks at me for a while before going back to texting on his phone, I can’t be in the same car as him. I turn on my heel to leave as quickly as I can, unfortunately, I can't walk fast because of my injured leg. "Cami!" I glance over my shoulder at the familiar voice, Jackson is rushing to catch up, looking concerned. I should have known he’d be with him, they go around in a pair of three, he touches my shoulder in a friendly manner, the way he did a long time but I move away before I continue walking, this i***t is also getting soaked now can't he see? I stop to glare at him " Leave me the f**k alone, Jackson," Suddenly, it stops pouring over me, I look up to see Damien holding an umbrella over me, he doesn't smile or say anything, just looking at me with so much intensity. This man makes all my common sense go out the window, he is so hot, wearing an all-black outfit and a jacket, he is looking so flawless. Focus Camilla "What happened to you?" Asks Jackson looking at my bleeding leg. "Mousetrap," I answer and begin to walk, leaving Damien still holding the umbrella, Jackson holds my arm to keep me from walking further, I hear a growl that makes Jack remove his hand abruptly. "Let's go, we'll drop you," says Jackson again but before I can say anything he continues " it's dangerous to be going around this late alone and in this weather, please, " he begs, Jackson is waiting for me hopefully. I look at Damien who is watching us closely, before nodding and walking to the car. Damien and I seat behind the back, it's a silent ride. I didn't know I strayed so far from town, Damien keeps checking my leg. I am soaked "Camilla, what were you doing this far from town," asks the other friend, I don't know his name, he is sitting in front of us with Jackson. "I was taking a walk," I answer, he looks at me confused, yea he is right. "I am Leonardo by the way," I nod with a small smile but he looks at my leg with a frown, "Here," he throws a big bandage at Damien who looks confused. He gets it but when our skins touch there are sparks, I flinch a little and so does he. and starts tending to my wound, he is gentle and keeps glancing up to me before taking off his jacket to put on my bare shoulders then gets back to my wound. I don’t like the guy at least that’s what I try to tell myself but I am not freezing to death it’s cold, so I hold his coat closer to me, it's warm and smells like him too. "Does it hurt?" He asks softly and the image of him and Bianca in the hallway making out so I ignore him and look outside the window The scenario is good and we are now in the City, the lights, and the buildings. The car stops in front of my building. "Thank you," I say as I exit the car. "I'll take you inside," Jackson offers, gesturing to my injured leg, I am about to object "I'll take her," I shake my head but he ignores me getting out of the car, Damien carries me inside the building and I hold his jacket tighter. the concierge comes to us "Miss Collins," he says coming to me "I am fine, Zach," I give him a weak smile, I am not fine, my head is hurting everything is, and I think I might have a fever from being in the rain. it's just the two of us in the elevator and I am still in his arms his gaze burns, what is this man doing to me, I open the door and he takes me right to my bedroom, he takes me in my closet and sits me by my dresser Before walking away, he comes back after a few minutes and stretches his hand out for me "What are you doing?" I ask reluctantly giving him my hand. "You'll get sick if you remain in those clothes, I've run you a bath go," since when is he so concerned about well-being. "You didn't have to," I say in a low voice as I give him a big shirt he can change in because he is wet. he takes it before removing the one he is wearing. I can't help but stare at his lean muscular body, his torso is perfect with sexy abs, how many times does he work out? His eyes are beautiful, strong sharp jaw and a narrowed nose. I saw this last time but I can't get enough. Damn, this is one fine man. He chuckles when he sees me staring and I look away with a blush on my face. "You can go now," he shakes his head, I give him a look 'what are you doing look' But before I can ask him I start to cough badly. "You're sick, I can't leave you here to care for yourself," he says nonchalantly as he keeps looking around my closet with interest, he opens my underwear drawer and I rush to close it. " Don't open that!" I snap "no, you can't stay here, your friends are waiting for you, shoo," "They have left, do you want me to go out in this shitty weather? " He asks with a small frown, it is still pouring heavily outside, I open my mouth to speak but no words I can't stay with a stranger, what if he is a killer or something. Oh, f**k what I am saying, this is the man I had a one-night stand with him, now I am worried if he might be a serial killer classic, Camilla. Wait where will he sleep? the other room has Shane's boxes, he hasn't finished moving his things yet We shared an apartment but last month he moved in with his boyfriend. "Earth to Camilla,” he snaps his fingers in my face, drawing me out of my thoughts, damn I love how he calls my name in a deep husky voice. But he is right I can't let him leave "It's okay, I'll sleep on your backrest sofa that is across your bed," I nod before heading to the bathroom. " And don't look through my things!" I warn, pointing a finger at him. I sigh as the water hits my body, I wash my hair with shampoo. When I come out Damien is not in the room, I make my way downstairs. "What are you doing?" I ask, the man who looks busy in my kitchen, he turns to look at me with a smile and I take a seat on one of the kitchen stools. "Making dinner," he answers casually as he puts a mug of lemon tea, my favorite! How did he know? I take worriedly as I look at the soup he's making. "Do you know how to do that?" I ask because it's too much in the pot and is messing up my cooker "Your concierge brought you medicine," he says giving me a small package. I will thank him tomorrow. I leave him to go to the salon, Thanks to the lemon tea, am warm and in a minute he calls me to eat. I go to the counter, the food is already served, we eat in silence, the mushroom soup is nice and warm. Why is he doing this? "I'll help you with your assignments," he says after putting the plates in the sink. We go to the salon and I ask the question have been wanting to all night. "Why are you being nice to me?" I ask crossing my arms but the i***t smirks. "Well.. we are mates, aren't we? " I furrow an eyebrow, mates? In their world, a mate is your better half, the one made for you, you present and Future, " I mean we share a course, I just want to help since I am here, and I know you're... struggling," I let out a sigh of relief, yes I am struggling. I get my laptop, and he starts explaining to me, he's so good why didn't he study to become a professor, he keeps explaining and I nod, everything he says makes so much sense, why can't Mr. Spark explain like him. "Understood?" He asks. "Thank you," "Anytime," he has been so good, I wonder why, I take a bite of my hot dog ad Damien watch me closely, I bet he has noticed my huge appetite, he looks at me quite amused. "Want to watch a movie? I know there is no class tomorrow," He asks looking at the flat screen, I shake my head and get up, "I am tired," I go upstairs leaving him there, "oh, you can sleep on the bed but stay on your side!" I shout when I reach the door. It's going to be a long night. I sleep at the other end of the bed, facing the wall and so does he. We are silent but I can tell he is awake from the way his heart is beating. Oh I want to do is cuddle with him, just let him touch me, and I love the heat his body is radiating even from this distance, I hold my pillow tighter for more comfort I feel him turning to face me. " Can I hold you?" He whispers like he is unsure to ask, I turn, facing him too. What is he doing now, I nod, he moves closer to me and he inhales deeply why does he do that? I close my eyes, to sleep and I swear I felt him kiss my forehead, Is he like this because of that one night, we agreed that it was just for one night? Hope he is not thinking of anything else. I fell into darkness, another goodnight I wake up earlier than I wanted to, it's drizzling outside, and still dark. Trapped in his embrace I move away from him a little when I feel his hard member on my abdomen, but he tightens his hold. "Hey move your d**k," I can feel my cheeks burning, hitting his shoulder, he groans but doesn't open his eyes, Damien grabs my ass and starts to leave steamy kisses around my neck before coming to my lips, I respond to his kiss, it feels so good. I can drown in pleasure, my hands in his hair before slowly moving to touch his d**k, stroking it lightly, he groans in contentment, I know this man, he has a lot of girl fan clubs and is sure he sleeps with them, why does it hurt thinking about it? But I want him so bad. he gently removes the nightgown before getting on top of me, one thrust, it's pure bliss, he is leaving hot kisses on my neck and jaw, his d**k moving inside me, pleasuring me as I moan, our bodies dancing together, complimenting each other's moves he groans as I moan loudly, it's passionate and he keeps whispering in my ears, nibbling my skin as he rides me. "Hey, my turn," I whisper, he can't be the only one leading, he raises an eyebrow looking amused, and switch our position I adjust myself with his help, thrusting in and out, the room is filled with our moans and groans I change my pace to a faster one and he follows, thrust by thrust. "Yes, more," he growls guiding me, holding my hips. Oh gosh, what am I doing? he is holding my waist helping me, I feel a familiar sensation hit me as I c*m all over his c**k, I lie on his chest taking breaths, he sits up to look at him, we are so close, I am trying to calm my breathing he smirks at me before lightly kissing my shoulder and slowly start moving under me and I move along, this time faster and rougher "f**k yes," he groans, touching my exposed breast, licking and sucking them "You like that huh," I ask and he nods vigorously biting his lower lip to suppress his growls and groans. "how do you like this now," I ask bouncing off him. "f**k, your hot," he says as his fingers go to touch my breasts once more, he groans loudly as we both come. I lie on top of him, his member still inside, we are panting and his hand gently stroking my hair. I get off him, his drilling in me, he leans in to kiss me, and I smile softly What have we done, this seriously needs to stop But that was one hell of morning s*x, that was a good morning
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