her pendant

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Damien I slowly wake up touching the other side of the bed, she is not here, why did she leave so early? I can't help but be a little disappointed, last night was amazing how our bodies moved perfectly. I smile when I think of last night, best one-night stand, she is f*****g gorgeous! I can't believe it, never have I loved being in a woman's arms like that. Camila Collins. Everything that happened last night just felt right, her body is engraved in my memories, how she moved I loved it, but her kisses I loved more. I sigh thinking of the diamond-shaped tattoos on her side, they were beautiful and almost shinning. She is beautiful. My lycan was howling in ecstasy the whole night, it was hard to tame him, everything was so easy with her, I kept on wanting more and more, I couldn't get enough of her, I made love to her, I've never done that, I always f**k, wanting to get my release and be done with. It's usually fast with the others and I leave immediately, but this was different, is she because we are mates? I'm sure it has something to do with it yet, I loved it when she moaned, it was music to my ears, I enjoyed pleasuring her, taking my time to master her perfect body, both my Lycan and I enjoyed feeling her against us, her body colliding against mine in the most passionate way possible, I loved pleasing her, hearing her moans fill this room as my only go at that moment was to satisfy her. Back to reality now, I get up from the bed, and rush to take a cold shower before things get out of control on my lower part, today is Sunday and I am having lunch with my family even uncle Marcus will be there too, I wrap a towel around the waist before going to my closet to pick out some clothes. "Hey dude had a good night I see," Leonardo comes into my room with a smirk, I ignore him as I put on my shirt. " You haven't left?" I ask throwing a pillow in his face which he easily dodges, I turn back to my dresser to get a wristwatch when I see something reflect on the carpet, one can hardly see it, it's almost buried in the fur of the soft carpet, I pick it up to get a closer look, it's a pendant "That is beautiful," says Leo in amazement, looking at it, I look at it properly too, it is beautiful indeed. It must be Camilla's, a pendant with red diamonds on it, I can't help but look, it's captivating like magical, drawing me towards it, I smile, it's my mate's, I have something of hers now. I put it on my wrist as a bracelet, as I leave the room with my beta to go to the blood moon territory, he loves my mum's lasagna no wonder he stayed. As soon as I enter the pack, security comes to greet us at the border, I look at it once more, my pack is the largest, strongest in the world. We are very successful with very modern infrastructures around, mostly because of my father's company. I drive to my house which is not far from the packhouse, I pull in a three-story modern Victorian house, memories of my childhood come flashing on me, I've always loved this manor. "My love, my baby!" Squeals my mother as I enter the house, serious, I am almost twenty, why does she call me baby, I groan as I open my arms towards her. I embrace her tightly, my mother, my first love. "I am nineteen, mum," she gasps holding her chest then her face lit up. " Oh my. I need to start preparing for your coming birthday," I roll my eyes, I'm over my birthday already, I always have a party every year, a huge celebration. This woman always wants a reason to throw one. Only this month, I have been at two parties already hosted by her. " I'm not a child, I don't want my mama to throw me a party," I complain. "Oh well, you will always be my baby," she says touching my cheeks "Bro!" My sister Claire runs up to me, "I missed you, what have you got me?" My twelve-year-old sister looks at me with excitement, I remove the bars of chocolate and give her, her brown eyes lit up, she has our father's eyes and mother's blonde hair, making her look like some beautiful doll. My dad and uncle come to greet me too, well Marcus looks happy, he hugs me then does the same to Leo. As usual, my parents are not in a good place but are trying so hard to try to get along for our sake. Why does love hurt? It's been a long time I saw them happy together, it's always yelling, throwing things around. That's why I don't come home as much I would want to, I can't help but feel sorry for my baby sister, she's so innocent and oblivious to the world around her. "Hey Aunt, have you made my favorite?" Asks Leo as we take our seats around the table, my mother nods with a smile, and Leo's fists bump himself happy. Lunch is delicious as always, no doubt it's Margarita who made it, my mother is not a good cook, so far no arguing they always try to be as civil as they can be, we are all engaged in conversations, my father telling me about the companies and the clan. While Marcus talks about the places he's visiting, well he does travel a lot, he likes it. "You have no idea, she just...," he stops mid-sentence looking at my wrist. " Damien, where did you get that ?" He asks looking at my mate's pendant, my parents see it too and gasp, why are they making it a big deal? They keep looking at each other, mind linking, werewolves who are close kin or in the same pack can talk telepathically. I clear my throat. "Answer your uncle's question baby please," my mum begs. "Why do you want to know?" I ask crossing my arms against my chest, I am not telling them anything if they don't answer first. My father shakes his head with a sigh "It belongs to one of the powerful vampire clans in the world son," "Only a high-ranking member has that, either a princess or a Queen," my uncle says still looking at the pendant around my wrist. But why would Camilla have it? " A girl left it in my house but she's not a vampire, I am not sure really," I tell them truthfully, she doesn't smell like one, she has amazing piercing silver eyes, not crimson like a vampire would, with the nicest olive skin tone, vampires are usually white. Moon goddess can never pair me up with a vampire, she wouldn't be that cruel even if I f**k around, would she? It has never happened before, two different species to mate. "I still want to meet her," says my mother adamantly looking at my father who nods. "Yes, we have to know more," my uncle adds, why are they so interested in vampires now, I am sure she just got it from somewhere or just a fake. "Not possible, I don't know who she is," I lie through my teeth, If I tell them she's my mate, they will make a fuss wanting to meet her, party on introducing the future Luna stuff like that and I don't want that. Marcus looks disappointed. We continue to eat and after lunch, my parents left to have a private meeting in the study for I don't know how long, while Leo and I play video games in the entertainment room. " Yes! Won! " He cheers throwing the controller on the table while I throw mine against the wall, breaking it, why do I always lose to him in this game? I get up to go to see my parents, it's already 8 pm. I knock only entering when I hear a come in. "We are leaving now, it's late," I inform them, they nod "You should be coming often, it's just like twenty minutes drive from your school for goddess sake," my father says looking intensely at me, we see each other at the company almost every day when am there, my mother backs him on that. " Okay, I will visit more," I turn to leave but my mother's voice cut me. " baby! Have you found your mate yet?" why does she ask now, does she know something, of course, no "No mother, I told you I don't want one," my mother looks at my father with a sad expression on her face, no please don't. "It's our fault, isn't it?" She asks in a raspy voice, her eyes glassy. I get on one knee and shake my head before kissing her cheek, she smiles lightly at this simple gesture but a tear strays down her face. I hate seeing her like this, she's always this strong, beautiful confident woman, I wipe it away "You know I am not a one-woman type of guy," I wink, " why should I reserve all this body just for one woman, no thank you, I'm not selfish." She chuckles lowly and my father nods with a smirk. I go to Clare's room and kiss her goodnight too "Come soon D," she says in a sleepy voice. I place a kiss on her temple again before leaving her to rest. Leonardo is driving and all I keep thinking about is that tomorrow is Monday, will I see her? Do I want to? .... Well, 09 came too soon, I enter the lecture room and my eyes immediately search the room for her, she's not here. Why is she missing this class? To avoid me? Maybe she is unwell. Should I go to her? Wait and tell her what exactly, we are not friends. "Mr. Ortega, we are waiting for you to take a seat," says Mr sparks, I take my seat, class is boring nothing different there. I keep looking at the pendant and after the lecture, I go to the restaurant she always is, people are looking at me, all quiet as I look around, I sigh turning on my heel when I don't see her too, I go to our restaurant on the west wing where my friends are waiting. Is she searching for the pendant? Does she want it back? Maybe I should give it, but I don't want it's the only thing of hers that I have, so I'm going to keep it. It's been three days, is she avoiding me, wait what am I saying, we just said for one night right? I shouldn't even be thinking about her. 'it was just one night' I remind myself again like I've been doing the last few days, my heart starts to pound as her scent hits me, she's here. "Finally, you have graced us with your presence, Miss Collins," the old lecturer says looking at my tired-looking mate, she's wearing big baggy pants with slippers on her feet and a small white tight shirt that only covers her breast because I can see her belly button, her hair is in a messy ponytail. "I am sorry, Mr. sparks," " Have you at least done your Assignments?" He asks but my mate shakes her head no. Mr. Sparks sighs loudly, his hand on his forehead. "You will do an extra paper for that," "No sir, I was busy with work and.." before she can finish, he cuts her off "Work Or racing? How Is that work? If you don't submit by Monday, I am deducting thirty marks," he says directing her to her seat "Well at least I pay my tuition, don't I?" She grumbles, answering his first questions in a bored tone. Is she a motorbike racer? Is that the work she was talking about He shrugs and points to a seat again. But as soon as she takes her seat, she removes her sketch pad and starts drawing, well I think. 'find out everything you can about Camilla Collins,'. I link my father's secretary, he is great at such things 'yes, sir. His response comes immediately. The lecture commerce as soon as it finishes she rushes outside without sparing me a look. I find Bianca waiting for me, what does she want now. She drags me in the other hallways and starts to kiss me, agony is when Camilla happens to see us. fuck I push her away to lock eyes with Camilla as she approaches, her face is blank, void of any emotions, I can't help but look down, like a pup who has been caught cheating. "What do you want Cam.il.la?" asks Bianca annoyed and Cami rolls her eyes "Not here for you, b***h," she spats, her word dripping like acid and Bianca growls. "My pendant, did you see it?" She asks lowly, I want to give it to her but I can't, it's a little tangible piece I have of her I want to keep other than the memories I shake my head and she sighs inwardly with disappointment before walking away "And why would my Damien have your pendant?" Bianca asks grabbing her arm roughly, her claws extend from her fingernail, digging them in my mate's skin, she hisses as she harshly pushes her away, Bianca has a hard time finding her balance, wow, how strong is Cami, I can see claw marks on her arm, her eyes ablaze with fury as she goes dangerously close to Bianca, her silver eyes almost crimson but I think I just imagined that because when I blink they are back to silver. "Come at me like that and you'll regret, w***e," she warns before walking away. Why do I feel bad, the look she gave me was too blank, like we didn't sleep together, didn't she love it? did I hurt her when she saw me with Bianca? No, it was just for one night. she's just disappointed about her pendant. well, she will get over it. "Damien, where are you going?" Bianca cries trying to catch up, I stop turning to her abruptly. "Grab her like that again and you'll die?" I growl, she flinches bowing her head with a nod.
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