unsettling feelings

1454 Words
Damien Pov “If she makes you feel this good, go for her and accept the bond?" Asks my beta taking a sip of his wine, I sigh gulping my scotch. “Come on, you know I can’t, it’s not for me and she's human,” I don’t know what happens to me when it comes to that woman, I lose all my will, and I can't have a human Luna who can't defend herself against an attack, she'll be a liability to everyone but every time I close my eyes I see, I want her but I can’t. " Oh so now her being human is a problem?" Probs Jackson, I shake my head, not really but it's the only way I'll convince myself to keep from her, am an Alpha, a lycan alpha to be precise, we have no shortage of enemies and they'll use Camilla to their advantage, I don't want her to suffer all this is for her. I look at my best friends who are waiting for my response. " Guys, we don't commit, remember?" " But you'll be f*****g her whenever you want a release, what are we going to call that, Damien?" Growls Jackson, I raise an eyebrow at him. " That's not it," I defend, no it's not. She indeed satisfies me more than the others but I love being with her, this is not just for s****l gratification. " Then what? You are using her, to you she's no different than the w****s you f**k!" I growl, getting out of my seat, my lycan is angry. " You don't know anything so I suggest you shut up," I get the likes her or liked but he needs to watch his tone. I release my alpha aura unknowingly, I don't do that a lot because it makes others uneasy, lycan wants to take control, I've don't release my aura to my friends. Leo jumps out of his seat coming between Jackson and me. I glare at him but Jackson keeps his cocky expression. " Then enlightened us please, Alpha," I growl menacingly at him, now having a hard time taming my lycan, Jackson is looking at me challengingly. " Jackson, stop, talk walk," says Leo in a calm tone as I struggle for control against my lycan. He is sensitive whenever it comes to Cami and everything snaps but Jackson too is, so it won't end well. Jackson lets out an audible sigh before leaving the room, banging the door behind him. " Calm down, that's your best friend you want to go all alpha on," says my beta and I nod, I hate it when I do that with my friends. I take back my seat trying to calm myself, Camilla, I close my eyes as images of all come to mind, she calms me. She's peace, my serenity. Okay, it was a good weekend, it was the best, what happened between Camilla and me was good, but it’s just s*x. Yes I know she is my mate and all but I don’t want a mate and I have to get her out of my head, but f**k my Lycan is crazy about her, he wants her but it was just for s****l satisfaction, I need to get her out of my life and bed. ‘You know she is different' ‘No, she’s just like others to me' I argue. ‘Liar, she’s the only one that satisfies us truly' he says ok I agree, and how does she move her waist like that, we spend the whole weekend in her apartment just making love, and I like it when she dirty talks, it turns me on more. She is an epitome of beauty to die for, I need to just forget her, and that weekend it was just supposed to be for one night now this, it can’t be. I can’t stop thinking about her perfect body, they are engraved in my mind Her little tattoos on her sides, I wonder if they mean something to her. “Get off,” I order Bianca, every time I try to be with her, it’s Camilla’s face that comes to mind. “What is your problem?” she asks still grinding me and I shake my head “ Are you thinking about _ “ before she says it, I switch our positions and thrust in her hard I am going to forget about f*****g Camilla Collins no matter what, Bianca moans in pleasure and excitement. Does my mate do this too? f**k other men? Just thinking about her with another man makes me so angry, I will kill anyone who tries to touch her without thinking twice. “That was great,” The woman next to me pants as I walk to the bathroom, “Don’t tell me you’re leaving now? Why don’t you ever sleepover,” she complains, this again now it’s just getting irritating “You know I don’t spend the night with my f**k friends,” she frowns, her eyes cast on the floor before coming to me again. “I thought we were more than that,” I can’t believe she wants more, looks like I have to find someone else now “ Hey, how about if we go to Santorini, you guys have an island there, then we can talk about what we are.” she says, her brown eyes lighting up with excitement but I shake my head. That is one of my favorite places, I go there when I need some time to relax, and I haven’t found the right person to go with. ‘Like our mate' my lycan acts like some lovesick puppy, but yes I would like to go there with her, my mate. I want to travel, I'd show her all my favorite places Rome, explore Africa's continent! I want to visit every continent with her. Just us two, it would be amazing. …… Back in class, I can’t wait to finish. I haven’t seen her yesterday, “dude, are you okay?” Asks Leo to put more food in his mouth. I nod still looking around. Jackson is still giving me attitude, I glance at him but he snarls, hey, what did I do? “My Damien has been distracted lately,” Cindy adds, I ignore the two still thinking about Cami and the wild s*x we had over the weekend, she’s something else, here I am, surrounded by beautiful women but the only one I want to see is her. When did my life become this? Just as I am thinking about her, she walks into the restaurant sitting at the booth opposite ours, I can see her right through the glass, She looks perfect, there are three people with her, two men and a girl, wait I know that other guy, he kisses her close to her lip and she blushes, I let out in an involuntary growl as they talk and laugh. “What is it?” asks Cindy in a concerned voice touching me but Bianca pushes her hands away from my neck. “Keep your hands off him,” Bianca sneers coming to my side, this again am in no mood to settle their silly bickering, my feeling towards Camilla are still unsettled. “Ladies, enough,” Leo growls hitting the table, jack turns to their table then he smirks at me. ' I'll punch you, i***t,' I growl. ' oh Damien,' he sighs, shaking his head before standing up, I give him the middle finger as he leaves the restaurant but he just triumphantly smiles returning it. I keep watching my mate eat and converse happily with her friends, boy, can she eat, Camilla is not like the other girls who worry about what they eat or weight. She eats anything and in large amounts. I can’t help watch it with a smile. I like a girl with an appetite. But I don’t like how the other guy keeps touching her, and just sits there letting him what’s her problem, how can she behave like a w***e. My lycan doesn’t like any male touching her, what is she doing to us. Is this all the mate bond? I know what I have to do to reject her, but again I don’t want that. She suddenly gets up from her seat, looking frail and pale, that’s just when I see what she is wearing tight leather trousers and a small blouse, looks like my mate needs a lesson on not just letting males touch her. Yes, she does. I am surprised my Lycan agrees with me. When she stands up to go to the bathroom, I follow.
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