
2075 Words
He was looking into the deep green eyes and was sinking in them. Breath was caught in his lungs as the mouth of Human connected with his in another wet and exciting expression of affection. His heartbeat reached the speed of a chased rabbit, and the friction against his lower parts was driving him to the edge step by step. He broke their mouth contact in order to take a lungful of breath. Human’s scent was so unique and so enticing while mixing with his own scent that he couldn’t help himself but bury his nose into the honeyed skin right beside the annoying gauze that was covering the place he had marked. That was the place where their mixed scent was the most powerful. He smiled and took another deep breath. The sole fact that the object of his affection now smelled after him was driving him to ecstasy. Mine! He wanted – yearned– to smell after his human as well. He wanted to belong to the one whom he chose above anyone else in the whole world. He wanted to be marked. He was very well aware that it wasn’t possible now. There was something missing and he hoped he would have a chance to fix it. Everything went fine so there was probably a good chance that one day he would get what he wanted so much. He wanted a mate. And he had made sure no one was going to take what he deemed to be his. But they weren’t mates unless he got marked by his chosen one. Which wasn’t possible right now. He whined quietly against the white gauze and wrapped his arms around Human. How long would he need to wait for her to wear a fur coat and have fangs sharp enough to break skin and imprint the right to own into the tender flesh of the white wolf? A harder, impatient grind against his lower parts almost made him yelp with surprise and excitement. It was unexpected and he hated the idea that while he was like a fresh footprint in snow for Human, the feelings of his chosen one were still hidden from him. He growled quietly and pressed Human against the wall, and standing there chest to chest, he thrust back with the same force. He heard a beautiful gasp and a moan. Maybe in another time, he would have found the sounds Human making as amusing, but standing like this, tasting each other, and trying to get as much as they could from the restless contact of their bodies– all that was just making him even more aroused. He bit into the skin tasting after sweat and smelling so sweet, careful so that he didn’t cause any damage this time. Two hands pushed against his shoulders, but there was too little strength in it and the movements down there even sped up. Human’s moans became louder and her whole body was shivering as if it was already too much for her. Nevertheless, she pressed her clothed hips tighter against his naked ones and gave a few more hard thrusts until her excited cry filled the silence of the house, causing him to follow her in a silent violent tremble and making the bite in which he was engaged fiercer. There would be a bruise later, right beside the mark. Human was panting into his shoulder, her lithe arms folded casually on his broad back. He gave her a few moments to catch her breath, he needed those moments himself too. This was more intense than anything he had experienced before, more exciting and more intimate. Much more beautiful and yet more hurting... He licked the red imprint of his human (for the time being) teeth and nuzzled Human’s cheek affectionately. Then he dropped down to his knees. It was cleaning time… He looked up at Human and smiled, but before his tongue had the time to touch the denim dirtied with her own wet release, he was pushed away. “No,” said a firm voice, and he looked up, puzzled. Her cheeks were red and it was obvious that she understood what the wolf-man’s intention was. “No, we won’t do it like that, we’ll do it differently.” Now the voice sounded more gentle, and Human walked to the counter to come back with wet cloth in her hand. Her green eyes met his hazel-blue ones and a shy smile appeared on her lips. “You… can do this alone… if you want?” He didn’t understand the words, but it was obvious that Human didn’t feel confident enough to make the cleaning part. She needed reassurance. He smiled and nuzzled Human’s cheek again, adding a wet touch to her lips. Human chuckled and she began moving the cloth lightly rubbing it on his sensitive parts, wiping them clean. The breath in his lungs hitched for a moment, but then he chuckled and licked Human’s neck. Human shivered and pushed him away again, but the shy smile didn’t disappear from her face. “I should change my jeans. And we should probably find something for you as well.” The voice was light and warm, and he was still smiling when Human took his hand and led him into her bedroom. There she turned around and gave her guest a scrutinizing look. “You won’t like this but the only thing I have that will fit you belongs to Val. But don’t worry, it won’t smell like him, he hasn’t worn these again since the first time I moved here... Hm, a t-shirt shouldn’t be a problem,” Human said thoughtfully, “but I’m concerned about pants…” He leaned his head to the side, watching Human rummaging through her closet. Then there was some piece of clothing in his face and he took it hesitantly. Human smiled. “Sweatpants. They will be a bit short, but they should do the job.” He looked at the clothes and then at Human. Aha. He… could do this. He scrutinized the piece of clothing in his hand and hesitantly, not sure whether he was doing this right, he pulled it on. The wide smile on Human’s face told him that he didn’t mess up. He smiled back. “Okay. Here’s the T-shirt,” Human said and handed him another thing. He was close to giving a whine: why did he need to wear this? But he still obeyed. Just to make his human happy. Obviously, he did. He needed just one step to stand close to Human and he leaned to her and nuzzled her cheek before he licked her ear. Human chuckled softly and patted his chest. “Okay, okay. I know this is a bit weird for you, but it would be kinda… distracting if you kept walking around… um… just in your natural outfit.” Her hand ended up buried in the wolf-man’s hair. “And I don’t want you in your animal form right now. I like this form of you much more,” Human said in a whisper and graced the wolf-man’s mouth with a quick, nice touch of her lips. “You’re perfect,” she whispered after a while into the sharp ear, and the wolf-man shivered as the hot breath tickled his earlobe. He buried his face in the crook between Human’s neck and shoulder, breathing in the beautiful mixed scent of both of them. He smiled contentedly. His own scent on Human’s body was strong. That meant the marking was done properly. Human chuckled again. “I didn’t know wolves could be so cuddly.” The answer was a soft, satisfied purr. “Now give me a second. I need to take care of myself.” He was pushed away… AGAIN. How outrageous! Human rummaged through the closet one more time and she pulled out two pieces of clothing just like the ones she had given him before. “I’ll be right back,” she said and left the room, heading to the bathroom. He followed Human and when the door was closed in his face, he leaned against a wall and waited. Why wouldn’t she let him in? They were together now, weren’t they? Human and their tendencies to make things complicated, he swore. After a few minutes, Human was out, smelling after water and those liquid people used for cleaning themselves. “You left a nice mark,” she said nonchalantly while reaching her neck, rubbing the already visible bruise, though he could hear her voice stagger slightly. He grinned and pulled the hand that was covering that beautiful place away before he licked the bruise. It was also an attempt to drown the annoying chemical smell in her natural scent again. Human sighed and pulled away. “Oh, I must’ve smelled like artificial strawberry... I’m sorry for that,  I forgot you guys have sensitive noses,” she said quietly and walked into the living area where she sat down on the couch. He followed and sank on the couch, too, his eyes trained on Human. Human watched him for a while. “Do you have a name?” she asked after a few moments of silence. He frowned a bit and leaned his head to the side. “You don’t understand. Of course not,” Human sighed. “But I feel stupid when I don’t know how to call you. ‘Wolf-man’ won’t do. You need a proper name.” He whined quietly. He understood that this was important. “What letter would you like your name to start with?” Human continued. He shifted closer. “We can go through the alphabet and let me know when there’s a letter you like, okay?” He sniffed the air. Expectation… “A… B… C…” This was funny. Just sounds, no words, and he couldn’t get their purpose at all. “ … G… H… I…” He was about to whine… “… J…” He winced. It was like a distant echo of something familiar. He looked, wide-eyed, at Human. “What?” Human asked gently. “Do you like the letter? J?” J… Familiar and still so faraway… He was staring at Human with anticipation, hoping she would understand. Human smiled at him. “Got it! So J, huh?” she said, and continued with, “I’m Beth.” and pointed at herself. He sniffed the air again. B…Beth… He should remember the sound connected with the incredible scent of melted snow and a crackling fire in the fireplace, morning coffee mixed with a feminine fragrance. Beth. His human. Beth smiled when she noticed his interest. “J. There are many names starting with J. Hopefully, we’ll find the right one soon. How about Justin? Jeremy? John?” He blinked, puzzled. What were those? All those sounds were killing the feeling of familiarity. Beth. He liked Beth. “Okay, I see you don’t like those…” Beth sighed. “Jason? Jack? Joshua? Jeffrey?” He yawned. This was stupid. Beth looked affronted, then she smiled and shook her head. “Sorry, sorry. Maybe I should call you just J….” She shrugged. J… The familiarity was back, though it wasn’t exactly correct. J was too general. Still, he smiled at Beth and shifted a little closer. “Do you really like J so much… Jase?” Click. He halted. His eyes were locked with Beth’s and it looked like Beth wasn’t even breathing. Well… obviously both of them were holding their breaths right now. “Jase?” Beth repeated the name, waiting for a response. Strength and freedom. Life. That all was in that one simple word. Jase. That was him. “Ja…se,” he tried to say it out loud just to hear the sound coming from his own mouth. It was like coming home. “Jase.” Beth’s cherry lips widened in a smile. “Jase. You are Jase.” “Jase…” He smiled back and cuddled close to Beth, nuzzling her neck. He wasn’t pushed away this time. “Jase.” “Yes, Jase,” he heard Beth’s soft voice. “Be... Beth,” he tried to say the other name. “Beth.” “Beth, yeah. That’s me,” Beth whispered as the hazel eyes were fixed on her face. “Beth,” he corrected himself and smiled. “Beth.”
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