
1114 Words
The lovely smell of morning coffee got me out of my comfy bed. Another hallucination? I padded to the kitchen, finding the naked guy from the other morning there. I stopped him when he was walking to the doorway; obviously, the guy was better prepared today and noticed me coming sooner than yesterday. “Nuh-uh, buddy. You’re staying,” I said determinedly, looking straight into the hazel eyes. The guy was uneasy. I could feel that. He was afraid that I could get mad for some reason. As if the fact that he broke into my house while I was asleep and made me breakfast wasn’t enough of a reason to get me mad. I sighed. “I’m NOT mad.” The guy still made a step back, eyeing me apprehensively, as if he knew I was not telling the truth. “Alright, fine, maybe I am a little mad, but who wouldn’t when a naked stranger broke into their house while they were sleeping, right?” I got no response, and somehow it reminded me of the wolf. That animal never responded to me either. I couldn’t help but notice a long healing wound winding down his right arm. Yesterday, there were stitches. Today, they were missing. I allowed myself to do more inspection. The guy was tall and muscular, perfectly built. Nothing on him was small… together with... I blushed. I couldn’t stop myself from looking at that particular part of the other man’s body. I licked my lips and then swallowed, lifting my eyes from the guy’s crotch only shamefully. If Val was here, I’d be getting his famous death glare and a long-ass speech about boundaries and violation of privacy. I realized the man was watching me with utmost curiosity. I smiled. “Oh, sorry about that, but, um, do you know that you’re… hot? Like really hot,” I asked and nodded approvingly, licking my lips again. “Yeah. Really, really hot.” The wolf… MAN, I corrected myself… didn’t seem unsettled anymore. There was some sort of easiness to him and anticipation spreading through his consciousness. Anticipation… What the hell, how did I know that? I took a deep breath, steadying myself, and slowly raised my hand. If what I thought was right... “Come here,” I said softly. “I know you want to. Come to me.” I felt the wolf-man’s hesitation, but then there was happiness that hit me like a tidal wave. The guy grabbed my hand and came close to me in one long step, not giving me any time to prepare myself. He leaned to me and nuzzled my cheek before he licked my ear. Oh my God, gross... But so wolfish, I thought and grinned, my other hand coming up to touch the man’s face. In the deepest corner of my consciousness, I was painfully aware that I should probably have been freaked out… but I felt content and absolutely satisfied instead of that. I took a deep breath of the man’s scent and felt warmth and excitement. So nice… My heartbeat quickened as the wolf-man’s desire washed over me. The man whimpered and pressed closer to me, his lips slowly tracing a wet trail down my neck. I trembled and folded my arms around his broad shoulders, burying my nose in the man’s brown hair, and breathing. Maybe… maybe the desire wasn’t just the wolf’s… MAN’S! I hope this guy didn’t actually put something in my morning coffee that would cause me to act like this. I certainly am out of my mind.  The wolf-man’s body was heated against mine… too warm as if he had a fever. I blamed it on his wolf part. I allowed my one hand to slowly slide down the man’s back, feeling every muscle under that smooth skin. The sensation was sending sparks right into my body, and I cried quietly. The man stopped licking my neck and pulled away a bit so that he could look me in the eyes, trying to read my emotions. I smiled as best as I could, and my eyes dropped to the lips so close to my face. I wondered how they could taste… and I wanted to taste so I carelessly went for it. The first touch of our lips was slow but soft and nice, and even though I could feel the wolf-man’s initial shock, the kiss was returned enthusiastically. Heat spread through my body like a fire of want. I kissed him with more desire this time and the wolf-man was returning it in the same way. I gasped for air when our lips parted for a moment and the man smiled. He put his big, masculine hands on my hips and pressed me carefully against the wall behind my back. An unintentional whine escaped my mouth before my swollen lips were sealed again in a new kiss. The wolf-man was kissing me deeply and not so gently; it was more about teeth and saliva than the tender flesh of tongues… but I didn’t care. Something hard and long and heated was pressed against my thighs. It became a bit maddening when his strong hands were holding me motionless while his own hips started moving in a slow rhythm against my body. I moaned disapprovingly into the wolf-man’s mouth and reached down to grab his hands and pull them away. The man stopped moving, causing me to whine with desperation. Feeling the wolf-man’s confusion and hesitation, I kissed him quickly in an attempt to assure him that everything was fine. When the man tried to put his hands back on my hips, I shook my head. “No. Not like that,” I gripped his wrists tighter and pressed my own arousal against his own. The man let out a quiet sigh and started moving again in the same rhythm as my hips did. I was amazed at how silent the wolf-man was; nevertheless, the feelings that were attacking my consciousness were literally screaming with growing lust and passion. My grip on the man’s wrists loosened, and I found myself trapped between strong arms as the man rested both of his palms flat on the wall. When I looked into the man’s eyes, I found out that the hazel green of his irises was rimmed with blue of the same shade as the sky during sunny days. Heaven on Earth, I thought. I could see the whole powerful Universe reflecting in the depth of those eyes focused on me and only me. Way too soon to be head over heels in love with a werewolf, Beth. I scolded myself.
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