
The Wolf's Whisperer

kickass heroine
special ability

When Beth Ambrose stumbled upon a wounded white wolf, all she wanted to do was to nurse him back to health. But when the wolf imprinted on her and decided to mark her as his possession, she found herself suddenly able to read and know the wolf's thoughts and emotions. She never thought that her newfound ability would change her forever.

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Hello dearest reader, before you continue reading this story, I would like to announce that The Wolf's Whisperer will go on a pay-to-read program a week from now (January 5th, 2022). So, if you guys haven't started the book yet or are still in the process of reading it, I suggest you guys finish reading before the date :) I am currently in the process of writing a new werewolf book and I hope you guys are looking forward to it as much as I am. Thank you so much for all the views, comments, and support you guys have given me. I appreciate it so much and it motivates me to continue writing. Have a good day everyone, and again thank you so much for all the support! x *** He was staggering away… away from the place where he underwent defeat and was humiliated. He was moving away, running, of course, but with such injuries, no one sane would linger. Blood was dripping from the deep wound on his shoulder and the right front leg, leaving crimson spots in the pure white freshly fallen snow. He was an enormous wolf. He was young and full of power… but he was still too foolish to try to overthrow The Alpha… and he lost. What was he thinking? He was too daring, too stupid, too cocky, and this was his punishment. He was alone, bleeding and exhausted, not knowing where he was advancing. He just wanted to run away from the disgrace and shame he felt. The further from the pack he was, the less angry and more fearful he felt. The pack was always there to lick each other’s injuries, to keep each other warm when they were freezing in the cold, to assist and support each other whenever it was needed. Today he lost all of that. He didn’t know how long he was wandering around like this. It felt like an eternity, and he was tired. There was no chance of digging a hole into the damp soil, so he just curled up in the cold snow and closed his eyes, prepared for a long, maybe even eternal sleep. *** I woke up early in the morning. Not that it was unexpected, but it was the full moon last night, and I always slept poorly during full moons. That was why I would have a big problem with getting out of bed in the morning, but today… Today I felt surprisingly energetic and full of life. I looked around the cottage I was living in. An old beige couch pushed up against the wall, a huge window overlooking the woods, a big television across the couch, and a modern fireplace decorating the inside. Books and sheets of paper were strewn around; magazines about wildlife, old newspapers, notebooks, college textbooks, and maps of the local area. My scientific research was focused on the behavior of wild animals. And now, I am currently writing an article about animals living in packs, wolves, lions, meerkats, elephants, oxen, reindeer, and many more. I heard that there were a few wolf packs living in the woods around, and I hoped for a chance to watch wolves cope with the dangers that winter brings. I looked out the window while having a light breakfast consisting of buttered toast and my usual cup of iced coffee. It was a good thing my friend Val helped me bring supplies of food and chopped wood yesterday. I had already been out of coffee and bread, and there were only a few pieces of wood for the fireplaces. Valentine, or Val, was my colleague and my best friend, and despite the fact that he refused to stay in the midst of a forest with me, he agreed to help me with whatever I needed, and he also kept an eye on my well-being. Not that I couldn't take care of myself, I am plenty capable of doing that, thank you very much. But it was always lovely to have Val call me every day to make sure I was all right totally alone in the wilderness. I smiled over my coffee. Val was a true friend. After finishing my coffee, I pulled on a thick brown jacket and stuffed a notebook with a pencil into one of its pockets before I took my digital camera and hung a rifle on my shoulder (Val insisted on me to always take the gun just in case I met an aggressive animal and needed to defend myself. But knowing me, I would rather be killed myself than having to kill an animal), and then I walked out into the cold air. The snow was rustling softly under my boots as I walked deeper into the forest, and the slight breeze was blowing in the naked crowns of trees; those were the only sounds I could hear. The tranquillity of the forest always made me feel like an intruder, and probably I really was one… a stalker of the wildlife… this time of wolves. I stopped and listened to the quietness, looking around. I had hoped I would spot some tracks or clues that would tell me I was heading in the right direction… and yes, I really did spot something. Red splotches on the white snow making a line winding among the bodies of the trees. Huge footprints were following the bloody path in a parallel line. They were canine as I could see. A wounded over-grown wolf? Probably. I was curious. I decided to follow the trail, trying to be as soundless as possible. After some time of slow, cautious walk under the swaying branches, I spotted the animal. A big wolf, with a white furry body, was curled up in the snow, unmoving. I held my breath as my eyes watched the animal for a while. I gripped the strap of the rifle hanging on my shoulder and moved slowly to one side in a wide circle around the wolf, making sure there was always a tree between me and the wild animal. The wolf didn’t seem to be aware of my presence. Well… actually, the wolf didn’t seem to be awake at all. I walked slowly and very carefully with the rifle in my hands towards the animal. The wolf didn’t move. Seeing closely, I could see the deep wound on the wolf’s shoulder and the front leg. The wolf’s muzzle was red with blood; obviously, the poor thing had been licking it. The fur around the wound was caked with blood and saliva… and it seem to be frozen. My heart ached, wondering what happened to this animal. Thankfully I could see that the blood wasn’t oozing from the wound anymore, though the wound itself still looked quite scary. I came closer. The wolf’s eyes were still shut. I crouched next to the big–huge–body and reached out, touching the thick white fur lightly, it was surprisingly very soft. Nothing happened though, only I could feel the subtle heaving of the wolf’s chest in the faint rhythm of this wolf’s breathing. I clenched the rifle in my hand tighter. I knew I was being a reckless fool… but I couldn’t let such a beautiful animal die here… right? Especially when it was hurt. I couldn’t let any animal die on my watch. I hung the rifle back on my shoulder and put my arm under the wolf, trying to lift it a little, so that I could take it in my arms. “f**k…” I huffed as I felt the weight of the big animal, I should have thought this more thoroughly, but I didn’t want to give up. It wasn’t so far back to the cottage… no… it… wasn’t… “s**t, you’re one hell of a wolf, big guy…” I had to put the wolf down and rest for a while. The animal still didn’t wake up, but fortunately, it was breathing. I really wanted to help this creature. I took the wolf in my arms again, hurrying back as fast as the wolf’s weight allowed me, but I still had to stop once more before I finally reached the cottage. Before I set fire in the fireplace and arranged a few warm cozy furs in front of it, I put the unconscious wolf on my couch. The animal’s legs were dangling over the edge of the couch and the whole scene would have been funny if there hadn’t been the wound. The stains were going to be such a pain in the ass to clean, but it’s alright. I settle the heavy weight of the wolf on the furs by the fireplace and hurried to the bathroom to fetch the first aid kit. I knew I had to hurry before the wolf woke up. I wasn’t good at this thing, but the wound looked really scary and it needed to be stitched up. So I set to work… When I was done with the needle and the thread, I bandaged the wound and then retreated into the kitchen. It seemed that my roaming around the forest was over for today. Until the wolf woke up, I could prepare something to eat for him… There was some meat I could chop into smaller pieces and give the wolf to prevent him from attacking. Holy s**t! What was I thinking when I brought the animal here?! It dawned on me only now how foolish it was. What would Val say? He would kick my ass first and only then ask questions… And he would be right! Jesus Christ! I had a WOLF in my damn living room, an overgrown, wounded, and surely aggressive when he woke up WOLF. Surely the creature would be aggressive when he woke up because my cottage was strange territory to him. Oh God, help me. I breathed out. No matter what my mind told me, I wasn’t sorry. I would have done it again. If it meant I could save the creature. And that was the most stupid part of the whole thing. Val would be so angry.

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