Chapter 6: Luan Grey

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Liviana's POV Another morning came. Monday. It was time to go to school again. I got up, showered and got dressed before going down. "Goodmorning, Alpha" everyone greeted me. I nodded and gave them a small smile. I went to the kitchen, drank a glass of milk and grabbed an apple. "I'm going to school" I announced and left in my motorbike. I arrived school and went to my locker to get my books. As soon as I closed my locker, Howl's face greeted me with a smirk. He slightly bowed his head and then looked into my eyes again. "Why did you hide it?" he asked. I knew he was talking about me being the Alpha for 2 years now. "Can't you mind your own business?" I said annoyed as he followed me. Seriously? "You're surprisingly strong" he said. I chuckled in disbelief before glaring at him. "Get lost, Howl" I said and entered my room only to see another headache ahead. I went to my seat which was in front of him. I can feel his eyes piercing at the back of my head. I ignored him. Luckily, the professor came in immediately and started his lessons. I pretended to listen just to distract myself from Grey. Then class ended and finally, I could get away from this man. Atleast that's what I thought. He held me by the arm so I couldn't go. I glared at him. I didn't care if he was a prince. He was surely pushing my buttons. "Let go" I said seriously but he ignored me. "I said let go" I said sternly. Once everyone was out. He let me go and went to the door locking it. I raised a brow at him. "What do you think you're doing?" I said annoyed. He approached me and quickly pushed me to a wall pinning me. I winced a little when my back hit the wall with a harsh impact. The pain subsided immediately and I glared at him. He put my hair aside leaving my bare neck before tracing it with his fingers. "5 Alphas versus 1and yet, you're alive and barely wounded. You amaze me, woman" he said amused. News sure travel fast. "Let's hope this pretty little neck of yours heal faster" he said and planted a kiss on my neck. I felt shivers on my spine. That's it. We switched our position and now he was the one on the wall with his neck on my hands. "Listen here, your majesty. I respect that you're royalty and all but if you think that I'm a pushover who'll let you just do anything, you're wrong" I warned him. He chuckled his eyes glowing green. "That's what makes it even more fun" he said with a grin. I let him go and chuckled in disbelief. "Why is a prince like you chasing after me, anyway? Can't you find another mate in the same level as you?" I said annoyed. His eyes darkened. "I will do no such thing. You are my mate. Mine" he said holding my wrists. I looked at him in the eyes. I'm sorry, Amaris. "I, Liviana Crest reject you---" my words were cut off by a kiss. Sht. I tried to push him away but I couldn't. His lips dominated mine and although my mind said to get away, my body gave in and soon I stopped resisting. "Try that again and I'll be sure to mark you as mine right here. Right now" he growled at me with his eyes glowing green and then walked out. Damn. I'm im so much trouble. I was already late for my class so I didn't bother going. Instead, I went to the library to distract myself. Luan's POV I walked out of the room pissed. I've finally found my mate but all she does is push me away. I know her wolf wants me. But why doesn't she? I didn't do anything to her. It was the first time that anyone said no to me knowing I'm a prince but I found it rather intriguing than annoying. There was something more about her that I couldn't point out. I'm Luan Grey, i turned 18 a few months ago. I'm the son of Elliot Grey, the current King. I'm a Prince. The next in line for the throne. Any other wolf even as an Alpha would rattle in fear at my presence but not her. I don't think she even cared whether I was royalty or not. When I first moved here, I already noticed her presence. There were plenty of wolves in campus but she had a different aura on her. And I'm not talking about her aura as an Alpha. There was something more. I also felt the pull but I wasn't sure because her scent was too foreign that I couldn't recognize it as my mate's. She didn't seem to feel the pull at that time. Probably because she wasn't 18 yet then. Even my cousins Abe, Beau and Cassandra sensed her unique aura but didn't acknowledge it. Her scent was the most intriguing. At first, it was barely noticeable specially since most times, she'd stench of a human's scent especially that one guy and her scent seemed masked. But it was still there. Then after that night when I was in the woods and I encountered her real scent, I knew it was from my mate. I tried to meet her and see her only for her to run away from me. Surprisingly enough, she was able to outrun me. I was able to find her at school. She had masked her scent again. But I knew better. After that almost encounter in the woods, I have already familiarized her scent. My mate's scent. She ran away from me twice not knowing I was prince and she ran away from me again last nighy already knowing of my status. I thought she'd submit easily after knowing my status specially when I first came to her in their pack house but she only seemed to have showed respect to me in behalf of her pack but she still looked at me like I was just a nuisance to her. She's pushed me away every single time I approached her then today she almost rejected me and although I feel like my ego was crushed, I can't bring myself to be too upset with her. It's the damn mate bond. I've heard about last night's event from my men. I would've went there myself but I knew I'd cause a stir and I'll only drive Liviana to the edge. If I'm not mistaken, she's the very first to be a female Alpha and I'm not going to lie, she's doing an awfully good job at it based from what I've heard. I heard she defeated 5 Alphas last night all alone and defended her position and her pack. I was livid of the news knowing someone tried to harm my mate. Yet, she managed on her own and I doubt any other Alpha would be able to do what she did. There was really something about her. It was something I couldn't point out but what I know for sure is that this woman is even more special than I anticipated. And she's mine.
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