Chapter 7: Persistent

1682 Words

Liviana's POV I met up with Blake and Katie during lunch and they both treated me like a child since last time I went home sick. After class, I had to hurry home because Edmond had mind linked me that one of the new set of pack members had arrived already. It didn't take long for me to arrive outside of the pack house where the new members gathered. I got down my bike and took off my helmet as Edmond approached me. "Alpha" he bowed to me and I gave him a nod before walking to where everyone was gathered. They all turned to me and bowed their heads in respect. I stood before them with my head held high. "First of all, I'd like to send my condolences to all of you for your late Alpha" I started. No one dared to meet my eye. Specially the former pack leaders of the former Alpha.

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