Convincing Nigel

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Draco's Point of View: Talyah, Edward and I continued to spend the rest of the hours at the Light Festival until it was time for everybody to leave. It was almost close to midnight and I needed to get Talyah back to her house. I didn't want Nigel to worry about his daughter being out past a certain time. "So, this happens every year?" Edward asked Talyah. "Yes, it does." Talyah confirmed. "I go to it every year as I was born during a Light Festival." "So, it reminds you of your birth, basically?" I asked her as we got closer to her house. "Yes." As soon as we got inside, the front door opened and Talyah's mother stood in the doorway, waiting for us to deliver her daughter. Talyah walked up to her mother and hugged her before she headed inside. Laria watched Talyah for a second before she turned to Edwards and I. "Nigel is at the house, waiting for you." She told me. "Thank you." I said, bowing to her. Edward was already leaving, but when I turned around, Laria sighed out loud, grasping my attention immediately. "Did you come here to find a Mistress, your Highness?" She asked me. "No, I didn't." I told her as I turned back around. "I came to see an old friend before I headed to do what I wanted to do." "Why my daughter, though? She's young and she's not ready to do those things a Mistress is required to do." "She wasn't going to come alone. And I would never take advantage of her. She will have my complete respect and I will make sure she is well taken care of." "What about her safety? It's clear your Queen won't be too happy to bring home a new woman." "She has no say so in the matter. I want her to divorce me. That's all I ever ask." Laria stopped talking and looked down at the ground. "Your daughter will be okay." I told her in a whisper. "She's very beautiful and smart for her age. She's not weak and I like that about her. Please, help me talk to Nigel." "That's his only daughter. How can I do that, your Highness?" "I will be here for a couple more days. Will that be enough time to convince him?" Laria stared at me before she nodded her head. "But, she better be treated well." She told me. "I hate that you want her for a Mistress." "Her position will move up if she does things a Mistress should." "What position can you move up to?" "A Queen." Laria's eyes widened when I told her that. "Are you sure about that?" She asked me. "I'm serious, Laria. I need your help with him. He's my best friend and that's why I can't think of him even attempting to let Laria go with me." "He will. Once you show him that you will respect her." I nodded. There was going to be a lot of convincing. Nigel was a good man, but negotiations with him was like negotiating with the Gods, himself. He was one of the many men who didn't sit well with things once it came to family or close friends. All I could do was hope that he would be able to trust me. I wasn't coming to him as a King, I was coming to him as an old friend. "I'll show you both that I will treat her, respectfully." "Say to my husband. Goodnight, your Highness." I nodded and walked away. She had every right to question me. I could understand the sadness in her voice. Talyah had never been anywhere else, but work to home. I was going to give her something more than that. She would do a lo of things with than my own wife. More traveling and more of her being able to spend time with me. Hopefully, she would be ready for that. "King Draco!" I heard someone shout my name. I turned around and saw Lucis rushing over to me. He stopped in front of me and bent over, breathing hard. "Lucis, is everything okay?" I asked, raising an eyebrow at the young man. He took another deep breath before he leaned back up, staring into my eyes. "What's going on?" He asked. "My father is a little upset about something you said." I knew it. Sighing, I folded my arms and looked the other way. "Your father is not happy with me at the moment." I told him. "Why?" "Because I offered him a proposition that bothered him." "Well, what is it?" "It has to do with you and your sister coming to stay in the Kingdom with me and others." Lucis smiled, widely. "You want us to come with you to the Kingdom? Of course, we will. But, why did he get mad?" "Because... I want your sister as my Mistress." Lucis stopped smiling when I told him that. "My sister as a Mistress? Why?" "Don't worry; the Mistress part is temporary. At the moment, I am not in love with my wife anymore." "Don't you have kids with her, though?" "All girls." Lucis chuckled. Then, an idea struck in my head as I continued to watch Lucis. He was a decent young man and he looked like he was able to handle himself. "How old are you, Lucis?" I asked. "I am 22 years old, your Highness." "Hm. How come you're not married?" His eyes widened as a chuckle escaped his lips. "I never thought about it." I told him. "Why what's going on?" "Just asking. When you come to the Kingdom, I want you and my oldest daughter to get to know each other, okay?" "Um, sure." I patted him on the shoulder before I headed back to the guest house. Lucis followed me and as we made it to the house, I saw Nigel talking to Edward. Sighing, I walked over to the two. Nigel turned his eyes to me and I could just feel the anger within that stare of his. "Edward, can you excuse us, please?" I asked my friend. Edward's eyes shifted from Nigel to mines and then back to Nigel before he nodded his head and headed inside of the guest house. As soon as the door closed, Nigel began the conversation I was ready to have with him. "It makes me wonder if what you are trying to do is something people would consider good for a King." Nigel told me. "You come into my home and think I will just let you claim my daughter as your Mistress?" "That's not why I came." I told them. "Then why the hell are you here?!" Yelling at me would've had consequences, but Nigel was my long term friend. I hated that we were having this argument, but I knew it was needed at some time, especially since we haven't seen each other in ages. "I understand you're not happy." I told him. "You think?" "Nigel, just here me out. I didn't come to you for that. I wanted to visit you to catch up like old times. I didn't know you had a daughter. Last time we spoke, you said that you wanted to leave and settle down with your family. I never knew you had more children than that until I came earlier. Nor did I know that you had a daughter." "I feel like in someway, you did know. Otherwise, you wouldn't be doing this to me." "Nigel, I've always been there for you. What you think I'm doing is far from what I have in mind. I didn't know I was going to want your daughter to be with me." Nigel shook his head and turned the other way. "That's my little girl." He told me. "I know." I agreed. "However, I want her to be with me." "Do you know your people will look at her weird? Not only because of her skin, but because of her being a King's Mistress. Royal Consorts don't always have a good name with the people. She'll be the whisper of the Kingdom and it will hurt her. I'm sure your Queen won't respect her, either." "You leave the Queen and my people to me. I will make sure they respect her. You are a well respected friend of mine and I will not have your daughter disrespected because of race and being a Mistress. Just, please... Give me a chance to show you I will honor your daughter the way she should be." Nigel stared at me and shook his head. "I'm not sure, Draco." He told me. "Knowing our past history, I feel your words don't mean anything." Before he left, Nigel bowed to me before he turned to walk off. Just hearing his declining speech angered me. But, I was not about to give up on Talyah. I wanted her adn I was going to get her. One way or another....
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