Leaving Gerinburg

2109 Words
Talyah's Point of View: "Let me look at you." Mother said to me as she walked into my room. I turned to her and she looked at me with a smile on her face. The sadness was written all over her face. She wanted me to stay, bu when a King wanted something, they had to obey. I hated to disappoint my parents, but King Draco wanted me to be with him. Plus, I wasn't going alone. Lucis walked in, wearing a new outfit. He was going to be by the King's side as well. A guard. My guard at best. Like a older brother would be. "You look just like your father did when I met him." Mother told him. "I hope that's a good thing." Lucis chuckled. Mother hugged him and Lucis hugged her back. "Please, protect her." Mother told him. "You're going to need to be by her side no matter what." "I will, Mother." Lucis promised. "She will not be treated poorly as long as I'm around her." The two released and Lucis turned to me with a smirk on his face. "No funny business, young lady." He joked. "I know." I told him. "Wow, you look...." I heard my father's voice behind me. I turned to him and he smiled at me. Yeah, he was another one I was afraid to face. He seemed okay at that moment, but deep down, I know he didn't want me to be the King's Mistress. Not to say, the title wasn't comforting to me, either. I was going to need to talk to him about that. "Like what?" I asked him. Father placed his arms on my shoulder and our foreheads touched. "Don't let them make you feel like you're trash, my baby girl. Civilians within the Kingdoms always have a problem with Mistresses. Also, make sure to stay in the King's good grace. Be yourself and don't make him regret choosing you." "Yes, Papa." I nodded. "I love you so much." Father hugged me, placing a kiss upon my forehead. "Be strong and if you ever need to come back, you are always welcome." He told me. "Yes, Papa." I sniffed. It was going to be hard to leave them. We always stayed with them in Gerinburg, but now that my brother and I were of age, we were able to leave with problem. I couldn't lie, though. Knowing my brother and feeling the way I was at that very moment, we were both excited to tour the world. Father released me and I glanced down at the beautiful gown that King Draco had custom-made for me. A beautiful long black dress that hugged me as if it wanted to stay on me forever. Black gems were all over the dress. The black shoes I wore were very comfortable and it was good enough for me to walk in. Lucis walked over to me and extended his arm in my direction. I smiled and linked my arm in his, then he guided me out the room with our parents behind us. As we got downstairs to the dining room, there was a knock on the door. Father walked over to it and opened it, letting Edward come in with a box in his hand. "Nigel." Edward nodded his head at my father before he turned to me. "You look amazing, sweetheart." I looked down and smiled. "Thank you." I told him. "Um, King Draco and his men are preparing the horses." Edward told us, then he looked at Lucis. "You will be riding as well. If you get too tired, you can stop and you can ride in the carriage with your sister." "That won't be necessary." Lucis told him. "I will ride until we are able told to stop." Edward nodded, then he turned back to me. "King Draco wanted me to give you this." He said, handing me the box. "It's a coat. We will be hitting snowy areas and he doesn't want you to get a cold." I walked over to Edward and grabbed the box. Placing it on the table, I opened the box and removed the long, thick furry coat and placed it on me. It was nice and warm and held it close to me. "Thank you." I told him again. "Um, King Draco will explain to you about the next two places that we will be leaving to. So, please, follow me to the carriage." Edward turned and walked out of the house. Lucis and I said our farewells to our parents once more and we left the house. As soon as I got out, people of Gerinburg were all around us. It was hard to say goodbye to the people and me having to say goodbye to not only my family, but my friends and my boss as well, was extremely hard. One thing I loved about Gerinburg citizens, though was that they never had anything negative to say to me or King Draco. Lucis guided me to the carriage and we stopped as soon as we saw King Draco and Evans' father, Eugin arguing. "You arrested my son, for what?!" Eugin asked in frustration. "I take it you're that boy, Evans' father?" King Draco asked. "The Baron came to my house and said you were charging my boy with s****l assault! What the hell for?! He's never assaulted anybody here! He's a good boy!" "Now is he? I caught him touching on a woman that didn't even want him to touch on her. That is why I had him arrested." "If my boy dies because of you, King Draco, I will come for you." "Then, you do that. However, the results won't be pretty." King Draco and Eugin glared at each other before Eugin huffed and stormed off. When King Draco turned around his eyes shifted to mine. "Is everything okay?" Lucis asked him. He didn't say anything because he couldn't keep his eyes off mine. "King Draco?" Lucis called his name. King Draco looked at him and nodded his head. "Everything is good." He told him. " Um, there's food for you guys to eat. Your mother packed a very hearty basket with water, milk, bread and fruit for your travels. Your belongings are packed as well, but I will get you new clothing from the places we stop at." "Yes, Sir." Lucis and I said in unison. "Lucis, your horse is next to mine." "Okay." Lucis turned and rushed over to his brand new horse. I walked over to King Draco and he opened the door to the carriage for me. "You ready?" He asked me. I looked around before my eyes looked back at him and a smile formed on my face. "Yes." I told him. Then, I turned to get on the carriage. Once I was seated, I turned to him, waiting for him to to tell me our next move. "I wanted to explain some things to you and your brother once we depart." He told me. "Of course." He moved back and closed the door and I could hear him, talking to his men as they prepared to take off. I moved to the other side of the carriage and opened the window. Once I did, the first two pairs of eyes I saw, belonged to my parents. They waved to me and I waved to them. I saw King Draco climb onto his horse and he turned his head to the side. I saw him and my father exchange nods before King Draco clicked his tongue, causing his horse to gallop off. Then, Lucis and Edward followed. Next thing I know the carriage jerked forward and moved away from my house. I looked back at my parents and they both held a strong smile on their faces. When they became a blur to me, I closed the window and sat back in my seat. I couldn't help, but to shed a couple tears. I was actually leaving home to experience something new and I was already missing it. I looked across from me and saw the basket of food that my mother had packed for my brother and I. I grabbed a napkin from it and dried my eyes. A soft knock came on the window and I opened it. King Draco was galloping beside me and I gave him a small smile. "Are you okay?" He asked me. "Yeah." I told him. "It's just suddenly hitting me that I'm leaving my family behind." "I understand. Your family is more than welcome to come to the Kingdom to see you and your brother." I nodded. King Draco looked back up front and sighed. "Look, I promised your parents and your brother that I will make you feel at home and welcome. You didn't have to accept me, but you did." "You're giving me an opportunity to leave home and experience life as an adult, King Draco. Even though, I don't know what you are expecting me to do as I have never been a Mistress before." King Draco chuckled. "I never had a Mistress before, either. So, we're both new to this." "Really? For a handsome King, I'm surprised you haven't had women throw themselves at you." He looked at me, licking his lip. "I do, but I did respect my marriage." He told me. "You did? So, what happened?" "I'm just not happy." I leaned my head on the window sill and stared at him. He sighed and continued looking ahead. "So, what do you have planned for my brother?" I asked him. He looked back at me. "Your brother is going to finally have his own family." He stated. "What do you mean?" I asked him. "In my Kingdom, when a boy becomes a man, he's to marry. However, I noticed your brother isn't married, yet." "Well, he hasn't found anyone he took an interest in." King Draco nodded. "Well, I have a lot of beautiful women who will change that. All he has to do is pick one." He gave me a smile before galloping back to the front. I leaned back inside of the carriage and closed the window once more. Then, I decided to take a nap. Something that took longer than expected. *** 3 hours later: A sudden feel of a hand was what woken me up. I sat up and turned my attention to King Draco, who was now sitting across from me with Lucis beside him. Lucis was knocked out and the carriage had stopped moving. "Are we there yet?" I asked King Draco. He shook his head. "I had my men make a camp for us." He told me. I looked back at Lucis and smiled. "He almost fell off the horse." King Draco chuckled. "That's how tired he was." "He should've known you and your men ride for long hours." "True." It got quiet for a second. I did have some questions for him. Since we were alone, I thought that moment was the approriate time to ask it. "King Draco, what do you require of me?" I asked. King Draco's eyes lifted up to mine as he leaned back in the seat. "Companionship." He said. "Someone who'll be by my side and someone who can keep me away from my annoying wife." "Why didn't you just work it out with her?" "There's nothing to work out. I fell out of love with her." I looked down and fiddled with my fingers as he told me about his marriage with his wife. "I just hope I'm what you are looking for." I whispered to him. King Draco put is hand under my chin and forced me to look up at him. "You're perfect." He told me. "Don't ever feel like you're not." "How do I compete with your wife? I know it's going to be a lot of tense times with her." "Yeah, it will be. My wife has her moments, but don't let her get to you." "Easy for you to say. You've been living with her." King Draco smiled. "I have, but I feel you are stronger than she is. So, you will be okay in the Kingdom." He caressed the side of my cheek before he released me and sat back in his seat. I crossed my leg, one over the other and looked at my brother. I wished he was up at the time. I needed another to talk to. Being with King Draco was making me blush even more and I was hoping he didn't see that he made me nervous just from close contact.
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