Meeting The Dragon King- Talyah's Pov

1573 Words
Talyah, can you cut the vegetables for me, please?” Mother asked me. “Of course, Mother.” I said, washing my hands in the sink. I walked over to the drawer and grabbed one of the sharp knives to use. Father’s decorative knife was definitely going to work, but we weren’t really allowed to touch it. “Go ahead, he’ll understand.” Mother said.  Nodding my head, I grabbed the knife and rushed towards the table where the vegetables were. I ended up cutting the carrots, onions, green and red bell peppers, potatoes and celery. Mother was making a big venison feast for KIng Draco.  “Mother!” I heard Lucis’s voice from the outside. “Father!” Father came downstairs and looked at me. “Are you using-?” He was going to ask, but Mother stopped him. “I told her to because the other knives aren’t sharpened.” Mother told him. “Is that okay?” I glanced at Father, who smiled at Mother and nodded.  “Yes, my love.” He said before he walked over to the front door. He opened it and a huge smile came on his face. Lucis walked in and pointed. “Found our guest.” Lucis said.  “It’s been a minute, my friend.” Father said, backing up. “It’s been too long.” A deep voice said outside the door. I watched as a tall male walked in. Father and him shook hands before Father turned to us. “This is my beautiful wife, Laria and this is our daughter, Talyah.” Father introduced us. I got up from the table and bowed to him.  “So, this is the man you speak highly of, my dear.” Mother said as she came out of the kitchen. Mother bowed her head to the King and he smiled. I could not help, but to stare at him. He was not only young looking, but he was so attractive for a King. He was stocky, but you could tell he did not lack muscles. His brown hair was long and braided down to the middle of his back. His eyes were…. Mesmerizing. Almond shaped with big sea-green pupils. When he smiled, his pearly whites appeared, nice and perfect.  “It’s nice to finally meet you.” The King said as he walked over to Mother. He grabbed her hand and kissed it, then he reached for mines. I extended it to his and he did the same thing before he turned to Father. “You know how to choose.” Tje King joked. “I learned from you, my dear friend.” Father said as he walked over to Mother and kissed her.  The King smiled, but his eyes cut to mines while Father was busy talking to Mother. As we stared at each other, I felt something. A weird feeling. “Hey, did you know that the Night Festival is tonight?” Lucis asked. Thank goodness, I thought to myself as I looked away. I turned to Lucis with a smile. “The Light Festival?” I asked. “It’s tonight?” “Yes.” Mother answered. “Are you guys going?” “You know I love this festival.” I told her.  “You go every year.” Lucis chimed in. I looked at him and rolled my eyes. He chuckled and walked away.  “Would you like a tour of the town, Draco?” Father asked. “Hm, yes.” King Draco said.  “Okay, let me finish with the duties around here and we can-.” “I’ll take him.” I cut Father off. “I prefer if we go at the Light Festival tonight since everybody and everything will be out.” I glanced at father, then I turned my attention to King Draco. “It’s up to you.” King Draco said to Father. “Of course.” Father said.  “That’ll be awesome.” Mother said. “When you guys get back, food will be ready.” “Mother’s cooking is the best in town. Plus she makes an extremely large feast, so your men will be full as well.” “Yes, bring them all with you.” Mother said. “I know they will be happy. The ride was long and we barely ate on our way here.” “I can take you to the market and we can get some food for me to cook for you guys.” I told the King. “Oh, my men can cook for themselves.” King Draco told me. “But, thank you for your kind offer.” “Actually, in this town, the women cook for the men.” Father explained to King Draco. “So, it bothers the Baron when a man is in the kitchen.” King Draco shrugged his shoulders and smiled. “Alright, let me know when you’re ready to go.” King Draco said to me. “Go ahead.” Lucis said to me. “I’ll finish the vegetable cutting.” “Okay.” I told him. King Draco and I walked over to the front door. He opened the door and I walked out first, then he followed behind me, closing the front door. We walked side by side, quitely, making our way out to the market. “Talyah!” I heard someone shouting my name.  King Draco and I stopped before I turned around. Evans ran over to me with roses in his hand. He stopped in front of me and turned his attention to King Draco. “Your Highness.” Evans bowed before he turned to me. “These are for you, milady.” I smiled, taking the roses from his hand. “Wow, they’re beautful, Evans.” I said. “Thank you.” “It’s no problem. Um, I wanted to ask you something.” “Okay. What is it?” “Um, I was wondering if you… Would like to go with me to the Light Festival tonight?”  “Oh, um…” As much as I wanted to go with Evans, I had plans with King Draco and blowing off the King was not a good thing. “Actually, I was giving the King a tour tonight.” I told him. “Oh… Okay.” Evans said. “Can we meet there, though?” I asked. Evans smiled and nodded his head at me. His hand caressed the side of my face. “I wanted to talk to you about something else as well.” He said. “Can we talk tonight?” “Yes, of course.” Evans leaned forward and kissed my cheek before he rushed off. I turned to King Draco and smiled. “Sorry about that.” I told him. “Can we continue?” King Draco stared at me for a second before he nodded his head. “I see you’re popular.” He said to me. “Is Evans your boyfriend?” I chuckled and shook my head. “No.” I told him. “We never looked at each other that way.” “It’s clear he looks at you like that.” I stopped and looked at the King. “If he did, he would’ve said something before.” I told him. “Hm, it’s clear you never noticed then. It was right in the open.” I smiled at him and shrugged my shoulders. “I never notice these kinds of things.” I told him. “Just like when he calls me ‘a beautiful flower’.” “You don’t think you’re beautiful?” “I just… I never see it.” King Draco stared at me for the longest time. He licked his lips before turning his attention to the road. “Let’s go.” He said. He walked ahead and I followed behind him. We finally made it to the market and everybody acknowledged him. They stood in two seperate lines, bowing their heads as him and I walked down the market aisle, looking to buy food. “You choose the food and I’ll buy it, okay?” He said to me. “Are you sure?” I asked him. “Yes.”  I nodded and of course, I headed over to the booths that was needed for the meal. ** We headed to the guest house and one of the guys walked over to us. “Please tell me that’s food?” He asked King Draco. King Draco smiled and turned to me. “This is Talyah, my friend’s daughter.” King Draco said. “She will cook for us since men aren’t allowed to.” “Really?” He asked, then he turned to me. “My name’s Edward. Nice to meet you.” “Same to you.” “Um, go ahead and go in. Draco, can I talk to you?” “Yes, of course.” King Draco guided me inside of the house.  “Um, I guess you can go ahead and start.” He said to me. “I’ll be outside.” I looked at the soldiers, who were resting and chatting as they waited for their King. When they saw me, standing there, the room got quiet.  “Um, I guess I’ll feed you guys, then.” I said. King Draco smiled before he headed back outside to talk to Edward. 
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