32. The Other One

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The next morning we wake up and go to my place for our bath. We wash each other and end up having s*x again. But we get to his office early anyway. I'm dressed in a nurse outfit. Didn't have time to get all done up, but we did get my hair dry at least. Tre and Kane are there. Tre is at the desk and Dipak goes over to see what he's doing. They talk for a minute and I watch them. They look good talking about things over a desk. I watch Tre. I see Kane's eyebrows shoot up but he doesn't say anything. "FOR REAL? DIPAK." Then Thora whisper yells. "YOU WERE SUPPOSED TO FIX THIS. HER DAD IS COMING IN." "I thought I did." Dipak grabs me by the head and smashes my face into his chest. I hear my dad come in and say good morning to everyone. "Take her to the sitting room. I will explain this." That was Kane. Dipak guides me over to the sitting room and sits on the couch with me. Tre comes in and sits on the other side of me. Thora and Kane walk in after a minute. Thora throws a pillow at Dipak. "Seriously do better." He throws his head back and puts his hands in his hair. Kane laughs. "How bad are they this time?" "Bad. What were you thinking about?" "I was wondering what they were talking about at the desk. I was about to go over and ask." Dipak nods at Kane. "You talk now." I pull his hand into my lap and hold it. "Just relax. I'm sure it's something weird again." Kane scratches his head. "Ok." He moves a chair and sits in front of me. "Well." He stares at the floor. I get irritated. "Kane say it." "You're trying to fix the dark eyes with the wrong one." We all stop and stare at him. He continues. "You have 2 mates. The bonds are connected enough with both of them now. You need intimacy from both of them. And no, it does not mean sex." He laughs at Dipak. "You are about to die." He's had enough between yesterday and this morning. "I need a nap." He rubs his eyes. We all laugh. Kane smiles. "Intimacy is being close. Touching skin. Hugging. Feeling connected. It doesn't have to be s*x. When your eyes go dark like that, you need to spend some time with one you are needing. If you don't get that intimacy, your eyes will keep getting worse. And no amount of time with the other will fix them." Dipak throws the pillow back at Thora. "See, I didn't have to do better." I understand, but I don't at the same time. "I don't... well... I mean... What?" Tre stands up. "I'll deal with this. Come on." He holds out his hand for me. I stare at it. I don't know about this. Thora laughs. "Dipak can finally get a nap now." Tre and Kane both laugh at that. Tre smiles. I take his hand and he leads me out. I don't say anything, and he walks me back to the advisor hall. I'm really getting nervous. I've never been with anyone but Dipak. What if I'm really not enough for Tre. "Baby we're just going to talk." He pulls me closer as he opens his door. "I'll hold you and we can talk ok? I'll never push you into something you're not ready for." I stand still right inside the door. He starts laughing. "Last time you were here, you screamed at me to get naked, then pushed us right in. Now you are frozen in the doorway." I don't know what to do. He smirks and shakes his head, then picks me up. He carries me to the bedroom and lays me down. He takes off his shirt and climbs in with me. He puts his arm over my stomach and pulls me as close as he can. Then he puts a pillow under his head and gets comfortable. "We're only going to talk baby." "What do you want to talk about?" "Why don't you tell me what happened that night you ended up at the werewolf village with Dipak." I feel my eyes get bigger. Now I am frozen solid. I can't make words. "That's what I thought. The truth would be nice. I won't be mad, and I won't tell anyone or get you 2 in trouble." After some coaxing, I tell the truth about what happened that night. "Once I started talking, the wolves went and cleaned the campsite up and made it seem like we weren't there long. Then they beat up and threw Dipak in a cell before Daddy got there. They told him they had him in a cell all night so daddy wouldn't kill him." He really doesn't seem mad. "Everything happened like we said. We threw the timeline off so no one would know we fell asleep." "But you didn't do anything with him?" I shake my head. "Not even a kiss." He relaxes. "What?" He shakes his head. "The rumors were so bad. I thought you hated me and were pregnant with his kid. You 2 were running away together. They were horrible. And you didn't even kiss." He chuckles. "You were supposed to me mine then. It really hurt. That was probably the worst night I ever had. The truth really isn't that bad baby." "It was bad when I woke up with someone who wasn't you, after I stayed out all night with him. It was terrible. It sounded bad. I was so worried, and I didn't want Dipak to die for it. I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have fell asleep, and I'm sorry you had to hear all those things. They weren't true. And at that time, I had never kissed Dipak at all. The only one I had ever kissed was you. And I felt like you were pushing me away. Dipak was pulling me in. I was so confused. Then momma brought up you wanting to break the contract. I wanted to run away. It felt like the one person I thought would always be there for me, left." I start sobbing. "It felt like you were really gone, and I was alone." He rolls to his back and pulls me on top of him. He starts to cry too. "You are never alone baby. I'm so sorry I made you feel like that. If I could go back, I would do so much differently. I'm so sorry." "It's not all your fault, Tre. I did things I shouldn't have. I was really attracted to him. Even back then I was. It was so confusing. It was both of us that broke us." "I did it. You couldn't help it baby." He hugs me so tight. I shake my head. "No, it was both of us. Maybe more me. And looking back now, all the stuff you had to deal with. If I had been good. Everything would be perfect." "No it wouldn't, baby. I still lied. I still hid things. I still treated you like a child. Of course, you were going to Dipak. I couldn't give you what you needed at all. To me, you were a child. To him, you were a woman. That had to have hurt you so much. I was the one you needed, and I turned my back on you." He wraps me up so tight in his arms and I feel something else connect in my chest. I think we both relax a little bit. It does feel good when it reconnects. We don't say anything. We hold each other and touch. I make shapes on his chest and he rubs my back. I look into his eyes. He has the most beautiful blue eyes. I scoot up and kiss him. I give him a deep slow kiss. I let my nails run over his marking spot when I do it. He flips us over so fast. He kisses me and his hand rubs my side. He pushes the dress all the way up, so he's not fighting with all the fabric and lays down on me between my legs. I missed this man so much. I can feel him already getting hard. He's pushing it against me. Then he kisses my marking spot. "mmmm" I push back against him and run my nails lightly up his back. He so gentle about everything. He is not rough at all. I want to be gentle with him too. I undo the snaps on the dress and push it down. I need his chest on mine. "You are so perfect baby." I feel his tongue on my n****e and then his lips. "uuuuuhhhhh." I shove my chest towards him, and he sucks on it a little bit while his fingers play with the other one. I put my hands through his hair and try to pull his face even closer to my boobs. He chuckles a little bit. "I do love this too, baby. I missed you so much." He moves back up and gives me such a deep kiss. It turns me on so much. My feet are trying to get his pants off. Then my hands rub down his back and try to help. "Please more Tre." He kisses my marking spot, rubs my n****e, and thrusts against me all at once. My head drops back. "OHHH YES." "I want you baby." "YES PLEASE." And then someone bangs on the door. "You have got to be joking right now." He gives me another kiss. "Maybe they will go away." I smile at him and pull him in for another kiss. The guard walks in. I gasp and jump. I nearly jump out from under Tre, but my shirt is down. He turns his head towards the guard for a second then sighs. "Advisor Tre, you are being summoned outside your door by Advisors Dracul and Miculai." "Ok fine. Get out. I can't get up with her like this." The guard leaves the room, and he stands up and throws the sheet over me. He puts his shirt on and gives me another kiss. "I'll be right back baby." I listen to him yelling for a minute. Then I sit up and hug my knees. I have 2 options. Get naked and let this happen or stop it here. Am I really ready? I'm not even in love with him. I don't want to rush it. But at the same time, he feels so good in my arms, and he is my mate. I feel Tre's hand run down my back so softly. I love it when he touches my skin. "What are you thinking baby?" "That you are my mate." "What else?" "It feels so good when you touch me, but I don't know if I'm ready." I fight tears. "I know baby. We've been through a lot. Let's not push it for now. We got carried away is all. It's ok. Let's talk and cuddle some more." I try to fix my dress. "Oh no, that can go away." He pulls me right out of the dress. "We need more skin contact baby. And honestly, I really don't want you to ever put those away." I laugh, and he pulls me back down onto his shirtless chest. "It's hard to talk with you against me like this." He rubs his hand up and down my back. "I know it feels good baby." "Tell me about Egypt. What did they talk you into? Separate rooms?" "No, you'll be with me." "What about the s*x stuff?" He sighs. "I don't know. I want you to be ready. I want you to trust me. I want you to love me. If you're not ready, then we are not ready. It's that simple." He kisses my head. "But they keep saying the bond is so broken. The only part of it left is the physical connection. If I hurt that, It's over. The thought of actually breaking our bond is horrifying. They say if we spend time together without s*x, the bond will repair the other parts of itself. If it can. But if all we do is get physical, then nothing else will get fixed. And we can't maintain a relationship like that. Even mates will break apart." He kisses my head and hugs me again. "And I really do want to fix this baby. I don't want to even think about ever being without you." I make more shapes. "It may be awhile before I'm ready, Tre." He tilts my head up and looks in my eyes. "I will wait forever for you." I know he's serious. I feel something else connect. He smiles and gives me another kiss. "They are right about it. It keeps repairing when we talk or do things. Nothing at all when we kiss or anything like that." "Let's work on letting the bond get repaired. I know physical stuff is going to happen. I don't want to get to focused on it. Is that ok with you? I don't want to chance losing you." "No s*x until the bond is fixed then. I think that would be the safest way." I shrug my shoulders. "I want you to love me first." I don't even know if that will happen. "I already told you. I will wait forever." I kiss him again. I don't hold back at all. I want him. He smiles then goes after my marking spot. "I did want to see how many times I could get you to c*m in a row with my fangs." My eyebrow shoots up. "We're going to have to do some stuff baby. If not, we'll both go crazy." I smile and pull him in for another kiss.
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