47. Doable

1800 Words
We go out the front door and fly to the festival. We get there at the same time as everyone else. Dipak starts directing people as they get out of the carriages. "The food is that way. Shopping that way." Momma, Asa, and Tre come up to us. Momma rolls her eyes. "We know how a festival works, Dipak." Asa grabs my head. "SHE'S BEEN MARKED AURELIA." Momma grabs my head so fast. They both grab onto Dipaks head and check his neck. Then they move over to Tre and do the same thing. Momma is mad as hell. "WHICH ONE OF YOU BIT MY DAUGHTER?" Prinna hears it and runs over. "OH NO. BOYS SHE IS TO YOUNG. YOU CAN NOT DO THAT. Let me see it sweetie." She tilts my head. "This needs ointment. It hurts." "WHICH ONE?" "Me." Dipak is staring at the ground. All 3 of them yell. "DIPAK NO." "YOU CAN NOT DO THAT." "YOU WILL DESTROY THE BOND COMPLETELY." "SHE IS TO YOUNG." "WHAT WERE YOU EVEN THINKING?" "YOU HAVE GOT TO CONTROL YOURSELF." "I'M SUPRISED SHE COULD CONTROL NOT BITING YOU BACK." "YOU CAN NOT SEAL THAT BOND." "DO IT AGAIN AND I WILL TAKE YOUR f*****g HEAD OFF." "YOU HAVEN'T EVEN FELT THE MATE PULL YET." "WE NEED TO SEPERATE THESE 2." "YOU'RE RIGHT. THEY WILL NEVER MAKE IT 14 YEARS." Thora runs over. "I have something in my bag that will close it." She runs back to her carriage. Momma stares at me. She apparently has 1 volume right now. "HOW DID YOU NOT BITE HIM BACK? WE'RE YOUR FANGS OUT?" "He grabbed my head and held it back. Yes, they came out on their own." Asa shakes her head. "DIPAK SHE IS SNEAKY. IF SHE WOULD HAVE WIGGLED HER HEAD OUT OF THAT, YOUR BOND WOULD HAVE BEEN DONE." Bud runs over. "Everyone let's calm down. They both understand. How did it happen? I know you're not that dumb." Dipak shrugs his shoulders. "I bit him first." They all grab Dipaks head again. Momma screams. "WHERE?" "I didn't use fangs. I just bit him. It was to close to his marking spot I guess. His fangs came out, and he bit into my neck. Then he grabbed my head and I couldn't move. It just happened. I didn't mean it." Momma shakes her head. "DO NOT BITE THAT, EVEN WITHOUT FANGS. IT IS TO MUCH." Thora hands the cream to Tre. She ain't even trying to get close to me right now. She runs back to Frode and they go in. I nod at her. She's crazy right now. "I'll be more careful." Asa crosses her arms. "AT LEAST HE HAD THE SENSE TO HOLD YOU DOWN AFTER HE BIT YOU." Momma shakes her head. "NOW I REALLY NEED A f*****g DRINK." They go off to find alcohol. Prinna smiles at Dipak. "You have got to be more careful. You have waited so long for this one. Don't ruin it over 14 years baby." She pats his shoulder then walks off with Bud. Tre comes over and turns my head a bit. I jump. "Ouch." "Yea, I bet that hurts baby." He puts some of Thora's ointment on it. "Are you ok?" "Yea I'm fine. I don't know why it didn't close like last time." He glares at Dipak. "WHAT?" Dipak's pissed now. "Last time was for the dragon. It wasn't like this. There's more stuff you have to do. And I had her held down then too. It wasn't like this time. Biting her was an accident this time. I shouldn't have done it and I know that." I give him a smile. "You did good. You got me held down and didn't let it go any further. I'll be more careful where I bite. It really is my fault." He hugs me. "I am the one that broke your skin with my fangs sweetheart. I did that. It's not your fault." Gunner walks up to us. "The carriages are all over in the field." "You are on my mom and Asa for the time being." He nods and goes in. "Let me look at it. It is weird that it didn't seal." "The cream makes it feel better." "I'll talk to Thora and see what it is. I'll make sure we have more in case it takes a couple of days to heal. It's not healing with vampire speed at all." Tre smiles. "That was a good neck adjustment though. I'm going to go check and make sure everyone has a guard on them." "Don't forget Mary. She likes to go a bit crazy at these too." Me and Dipak go to the music. He leads me out on the floor during a slow song. Mary and Kane are dancing and kissing. I go right for Dipaks sword. He grabs on to it. "No woman. You can't do that here." I go over to them and glare. I'm 1 foot away. They both stop and stare at me at the same time. Kane says. "I drank to much." and runs away. I start after him. "YOU BETTER RUN. What the hell?" "He's warm and muscly little miss." Dipak busts out laughing right behind me. "I can not believe you. What are you thinking?" Tre comes over. "What is going on? Why are you causing a scene?" I turn to him and must be crazy. He shuts his mouth. "Mary, you dance with Tre. Right now. No more scene. And stay apart, I mean it. I am watching you." They start dancing and Mary is laughing so hard. "And you better not be feeling how warm he is." I'm standing right beside them lecturing. "And no touching muscles. I can't believe you." Mary nods. "I think you need some process time." Then she busts out laughing again. "I can't believe this. I'm going to kill him. Mary give me my sword." She stops dancing and laughs. "Little miss... I'm going to pee." Tre hugs me. "What happened?" I point at Dipak. "YOU SEEN NOTHING." I get a sword away from Mary and go searching for Kane. I find him and he keeps running from me. I finally cut him off on the side of a building. Then I start swinging at him. "Why are you touching my Mary." I try to cut his arm off and he blocks it. "I like her." "But what about your mate. You will find her and hurt Mary." "I lost my mate a long time ago. When my village fell." "I am so sorry. You never said anything like that. I had no idea. That had to have been terrible." "It was... It damn near killed me. Worst pain I ever felt. I never thought I would find anyone else. Broken king. No village. Mary doesn't care about any of that. We like talking and sitting close to each other. It's new for me. I never thought anyone would do that again. I really do care about her. And this is the first time in a long time I've cared about someone like this. And I think she actually cares about me too." He is being honest with me. "I'm still mad and I need to swing this at you some more." He laughs for a second. "Fair enough." I try to cut his leg off and he blocks it. "How long has this been going on?" "Not long after I got here I knew there was something different about her." "Why didn't you tell me?" I knick his arm. I smile. I'm proud of myself. "Because I didn't know what it was that was different about her." We are in the middle of the festival. Momma, Asa, Dipak, Tre, and Mary are all staring at us. As well as a lot of humans. Dipak is still trying to stop laughing. I hook the sword on my hip. "We are not done talking about this." "Can I go back to dancing and kissing her now?" I give him a dirty look. "I guess." Mary and Tre bust out laughing. The humans go back about their business like none of that happened. "I understand why you attack chairs constantly, Mary. His ass is going to be on the ground soon too." Thora runs over. "Frode left. I'm with you now." "What is that cream?" "It's for mate mark bites. Helps them heal faster." "Why do you have that? You're already marked." "Once you get bonded and marked. They are still fun to play with. It's really intense, I know you know that now." Dipak looks at her. "But what is it, or how do we find it? How much will it take to heal that bite?" "You only put it on once. Let me see." She tilts my head over. "Yea see it's almost healed already. And you won't need anymore for a long time." She takes it away from him and puts it in her pocket. This confused me a bit. "So even after you're marked you can still bite each other?" "Yea. Imagine if they bit you at the same time." "My head would probably pop off." They are both staring at the ground. They are hiding something. "What are you 2 hiding from me?" I think about it for a second and I think about all the tingles I get when they're both touching me or holding me. My body wants them both. Thora walks towards a drink stall. I put my hands on my hips. "I DON'T THINK SO. JUST NO. I DON'T EVEN KNOW. JUST NO." I stand there glaring at them. "What are you thinking, sweetheart?" "You have to bite me at the same time to get both marks to stick." Tre nods. "We do." "It'll be to much. I can't handle that." "It's still a long ways away. You'll get more use to each of us by then." Thora hands me a drink. I take a big gulp. "I guess it's only biting. I'll probably scream a lot, but I could probably do it." "What's up princess queen?" "They have to bite me at the same time to get the mate marks to stick." They both stare at Thora. She turns and spits out her drink all over some random person walking by. "What it's biting? I can deal with it. It only takes a second." Her eyebrows shoot up. "Oh my." She hugs me. "We both need more alcohol, princess queen." We stand there hugging. She steps back and looks at me again. Then she looks at the boys. Then she hugs me again. Then she chugs her drink. She looks at me after that. "Yea it's doable." Then she drags me to the dance floor.
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