11. Therapy

1499 Words
As we are leaving dinner Dipak smiles, "Calf massage?" Tre nods. "Both sides." Dipak gives him a dirty look. "I never had both sides." Thora throws her arm around my shoulders and whispers, "Can we have some therapy?" I whisper back. "Yes. I was stuck in surgery for hours. I would like to do anything right now. What are we wearing?" "Let's do human." We go in opposite directions in the hallway. Both boys must have seen it because they are both on me. "What was that?" "What?" "What were you and Thora talking about?" "Therapy." Dipak shakes his head. "I can't go tonight. I have to much stuff to finish." "I can. But they need 2." Kane glances at me. "What are you trying to get away with?" Thora comes running up in a human dress. "I'm ready. Why aren't you ready?" "I haven't been able to get away from the questioning squad yet. We need 1 more escort. Dipak can't go." "Frode has the baby and he is tired. They both need sleep." We both stare at Kane. "Why are you looking at me?" "What are you doing tonight?" "What do you want me to do?" "No like what are you doing right now?" "Talking to you." "No, I mean what were you planning to do tonight?" "NO." Everyone turns to Tre. Tre shrugs his shoulders. "What do you think?" Dipak shoos us. "We'll talk to Kane. Give us 10 minutes." "Ok." Me and Thora run to my place. I get all ready and Mary brings us the swords. We talk about dancing first and the 3 of them come in. Dipak crosses his arms. "Kane will go with you and Tre tonight. You will listen to them both. When they say it is time to go, you will not argue." "But." "Who am I kidding? They're both going to argue." He looks back at both me and Thora. "When they say enough men, that is enough. And try not to get to drunk. You were both sleeping on top of Tre last time." "Well you 2 were the clingy ones, you wouldn't let us get more than a foot away from either of you." Tre puts an eyebrow up. "You tried to kill the entire village. Yea, we were going to be clingy after that." Dipak nods. "I'm serious, listen to Kane as much as you do Tre. You have your fun, and they will keep you alive and unharmed." "Ok. Thank you." I smile at him. He shakes his head and opens the door for us. "Kane do you fly?" "Yes ma'am." "Ok." Thora jumps and wraps her arms around me. I switch to my dragon and take off. Takes about 10 minutes to find a festival. I help Thora fix her hair. "Maybe if we put a veil on you to fly it would help. You are always wind blown." "I wish I could fly. It's so fun. I was never able to transform into anything though." "Well you can always fly with me." I fix her hair a little more as we go to the music. Thora goes to get us some drinks and Tre leads me to the dance floor. "I want one dance." "Of course sir." I wrap my arms around his neck and step in close. He's warm. I relax and take a breath. He smells good. He pulls me in closer and I lay my head on his shoulder. He has his arms tight around me. "I really do miss this." I smile. "Me too." The song ends and he kisses my head. I wish it didn't end. I could have stayed like that awhile longer. He puts his arm around my waist and leads me back to Kane's table. Thora is standing right by it. "I got us some drinks. Drink these 2 fast. We're on our third now." "Oh it's going to be that kind of night... Protect the village boys." I down the first one. "Hurry up. I want to dance." "I'm trying, but this is a lot to suck down fast." I finally get the 3rd one done, and she drags me to the dance floor. We dance with anyone who will dance with us. We are having so much fun. Men start buying us drinks. And dancing close with us. The boys don't step in until one tries to walk off with Thora. They bring her right back. I smile at her. "Where were you going?" "I don't know." We both laugh. The boys however, do not find it funny. After another 20 minutes we leave town and come back in at another angle. "I want to go first." I take her sword and follow the boys. She stands under a torch and a man comes up after about 3 minutes. We all follow them and she goes in the house. The boys get on the porch. I go up to sit by the door too. But the porch doesn't have guard rails, so I fall off the side of it. I jump up. "I'm ok." By the time I get back up on the porch, the boys are going in. Thora looks at me. "What happened?" I bust out laughing. "I fell off the porch." Then she laughs. "My turn." I give her the swords and stand under a torch. "Look at you, pretty little thing. What are you doing out here?" "I'm searching for a place to sleep and I don't have any money. Do you know anyone who could help me?" "I got a bed you can sleep in. Come with me." I smile and he wraps his arm around me. "You're warm sir." "You do feel cold. I'll keep you warm." We get inside and he turns and kisses me. I stand there dumbfounded. He chuckles. "You ok?" "I did not expect that. At all." "What did you expect?" He picks me up by my ass and I wrap my legs around his waist. "Maybe something more like this." He sets me down on the table. He runs his hand up my stomach and rubs my boob a little bit. Then he leans in for a kiss. I break his neck and he drops to the ground. Tre comes in first and he is pissed. "NO KISSING." "I did not know he was going to do that. They never do that. And I didn't kiss him back. I didn't even open my mouth. That's why he asked if I was ok." "Fine. But be more careful." He looks at Kane. "They are not allowed to kiss them." Thora jumps up and down. "MY TURN." I take the swords and she goes out. She gets one and goes into his house. He sits her on the table and she kisses him. Like a lot. I go the door. "That's my kiss sir." Thora busts out laughing. The man smiles. He lets her go and grabs me. He sits me on the table by her and comes in to kiss me. I break his neck. I jump up as the boys come in. "Thora, you're not supposed to kiss them." The boys are both staring us with their arms crossed. "We just talked about this." She says as innocent as she can. "I forgot." Tre is about to say something so I jump up. "MY TURN." I run out to the torch. I know he was going to tell us we are going home. I had to get here first. The next one pushes me down on the couch and smirks at me. I'm twirling my hair for what seems like forever. It's the I don't know signal. Eventually he climbs on me, but he goes for my crotch with his face. I straight panic and try backing up. I don't give any signals. I panic as he pulls me back. I hear the door shut. Tre has him dead before I can even get off the couch. I can feel the tears coming up in my eyes. Tre pushes my hair back. "You're ok." I leap on him. I wrap all around him. My legs are around his waist and he's holding me. I hug him and cry. Thora comes back from the kitchen and pulls me off Tre. She hands me a cup. We both drink then she starts crying. "I FORGOT I WASN'T SUPPOSED TO KISS THEM." She starts bawling. I grab onto Tre and cry again. Thora sits on the couch. "I forgot." Tre smiles. "Time to go." Thora stands up still sobbing and falls over. Kane catches her and holds her up. She sobs. "I'm sorry I forgot." Then she hugs him. I stand up and Tre catches me from falling face first onto the floor. Then he picks me up and carries me out the door. Kane is carrying a passed out Thora. I snuggle into Tre's chest and he is warm, I pass right out.
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