30. The New Protector

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I wrap my legs around Dipak when we get close to his office. "f**k baby. I'm not going to be able to wait until tonight." He gives me another kiss. Then I kiss his marking spot. "Now sounds better." He puts me against the wall and goes after my marking spot while thrusting against me. He is so hard. It feels so good. "Yes more." He carries me into the his office. "Guards no one in." He sits me on the desk and lifts my dress up. "f**k sweetheart, I really need you. I can't even figure out how to take this off you." His eyes are pitch black. He nods and goes for my marking spot. "mmm" He tries to pull my underwear off and only 1 hip comes down. He shrugs. He's really not acting right. "Stop." I hold his shoulders back for a second. "What is it?" "I hated seeing you like that today. I couldn't get to you fast enough. They yanked you right away from me. I heard you scream and I couldn't even see you. My dragon tried to take over, but I had to fight it back. It would have killed everyone. I knew Tre had you, so I had to get there. And the whole thing happened because of me. I shouldn't have been with you in the market. These people all know I'm the king now. I'm so sorry." I hear his voice crack, and he lays his head on my shoulder. "I love you. And you couldn't have known that would happen. We've been in the market together before. It could have been someone recognized me." I lift his head up and give him another kiss. "Everything is ok. You got me out of there so fast. All I really got was my hair pulled because someone tried to take the veil. Nothing terrible happened." "It still scared me." "I know, but it's ok now..." I rub his back a little bit. "You did good out there. You got me out so fast. I'm proud of you this time." We smile at each other for a second and something else connects. "How much stronger is thing going to get?" He laughs and shakes his head. "I have no idea." He gives me a deep gentle kiss. Then he goes for my marking spot. I tilt my head so he can get to it easier. He's giving it little kisses and nibbles that are making me crazy. I bite his shoulder, and he gives me a "mmmm." "You're killing me doing that sir." He slides his hand up my thigh and right into my underwear. He starts rubbing the outside of me, at the same time he's doing the kisses on my marking spot. "You're so wet for me baby." "OH YES." I pull his shirt off over his head and bite on his shoulders. He slides his fingers inside of me. "PLEASE." "Please what sweetheart?" "PLEASE SIR." He chuckles a little. "This is my favorite part." He pushes his fingers in a little deeper, then he takes them out and rubs the outside of me. "DIPAK." "How does this one come off baby?" I show him, and he gets my dress off quick. He goes straight for my boobs. He kisses one of my n*****s and pinches the other one lightly. "OH YES." I pull his hair a little. He slides his fingers back in me and moves them slowly. Then he pulls my underwear off and drops his pants and underwear. I reach for his d**k and stroke it a couple of times. It's so big and hard. "I want to kiss him." "Yes ma'am." I drop to my knees. I kiss him down both sides. Then I use my tongue on the end of him. I start sucking and moving him in an out. Then he pulls back and I give him sad eyes. "I got somewhere else I want to c*m babygirl." I lick the end of it like he likes. He picks me up and puts me back on the desk. "But I wasn't done with that yet." "Woman, now you are going to kill me." I smile and give him a kiss. He kisses me right back then goes after my marking spot. I tilt my head, so he can get to it easier, and he slides his d**k in me at the same time. The sensation makes my head fall backwards. "UUUUHHHH." "So wet and tight baby." He moves it in and out. "OH YES." I pull his hair, and he shoves it into me so deep I come off the desk. I grab his hips with my knees, and we are standing in the middle of the floor like that. I've got my arms around his neck. My whole body is tight, and I am locked in place. I kiss him because I can't stop. He tries to thrust into me, but he can't because my legs are hooked to his hips. He moves to put me back on the desk and I push up cause I don't want to hit the desk. And it feels really good. I use my legs to move up and down on his d**k. "f**k BABY YES." I ride faster and get him as deep as I can. "AAAAHHHH" "OOOHHH f**k" I want to c*m, but I can't get control. I can't hardly move right. I'm so close. "DIPAK PLEASE." "OH YES." He puts me right against the door and takes over. "DIPAK" "f**k YES BABY." "OH DIPAK YES." I c*m so hard. The pleasure explodes in me over and over. "DIPAK." He holds it still deep inside me and I feel him throbbing. "DIPAK YES." I run my fingers into his hair and enjoy it. He carries me back to his chair and sits down with me on his lap. I lay my head on his chest and make shapes. He rubs my back and my knee. We sit like that for a couple of minutes. "I do think the guards outside that door should get a raise. We didn't even land on the floor." "That one has passed the strength test, sweetheart." "The prince is here to see the king." Dipak grumbles and throws his head back. "I know you dealt with that already. But he's going to make me have to deal with it next." "He's a kid too. Remember, tell his parents on him before you hurt him. Throw him in a cell and make his dad come and get him. And he did ask for you, not me. See what he wants. Maybe it's not that." Dipak chuckles a bit and nods. "That would teach him for chasing my woman." I put my underwear and dress back on. Dipak puts his clothes on and fixes my hair a bit. It can't be that bad, I wasn't laying down at all. He yells enter as I go to the conference table. The door opens and Dipaks eyes go pure red. "CODE RED." The alarms sound immediately. I run over to the door and Dipak has Clay on the ground by his throat. Everyone is there nearly 2 seconds after I see what's going on. "DIPAK NO." He picks Clay up by his throat and throws him out the window at the end of the hallway. "HOW WAS I NOT INFORMED HE WAS HERE?" Tre is so furious he's shaking. "WHO KNEW? SOMEONE HAD TO. HE WOULDN'T HAVE CAME HERE WITH NO ONE KNOWING." Momma shakes her head. "We didn't know." Kane puts an eyebrow up. "That's the prince. My brother." He nods. Tre crosses his arms. "DAD DID YOU KNOW?" Dracul shakes his head. "No son." "DID YOU KNOW MICULAI?" I've never seen Dipak this mad. "No. What was he asking for?" "TO SEE THE KING." "He thinks I'm still the king. He didn't know you were in there." "f*****g DEAL WITH IT MICULAI AND GET HIM OUT OF HERE." "STOP IT! He's my brother." Dipak punches the wall. The whole wall to the sitting room crumbles. Tre grabs me and throws me over his shoulder. He puts me down on Dipak's couch and sits right beside me. I try to stand back up. He holds me down. "I'm sorry, I'm trying very hard not to do anything stupid. But I can't let you out of my sight right now. I can't. I'm sorry." He puts his head down and rubs his eyes. Mary shows up 2 seconds later and sits in one of the chairs. Kane sits on the couch across from us. Omar sits in another chair. We all sit without speaking. I try to move over, so I'm not squishing Tre, and he stops me from doing even that. Dipak comes in and sits on the other side of me. He's so close, he's touching me too. I know they are all scared for me. But I'm really ok. I don't think he'll do anything. I lean more on Tre and he puts his arm around me. I put my legs over Dipak and get comfortable. I don't think I'm moving from this spot for a bit. I look around again and it hits me. Mary smiles and hands me a sword. I point it her. "The Guardian of the throne." I point it at Omar. "The Doctor of the throne." I point it at Tre. "The Teacher of the throne." I point it at Dipak. "The..." Kane smiles. "Wrong." Dipak nearly breaks his neck turning to Kane so fast. I feel Tre move behind me. I point the sword at him. "And you are sir?" "I'm the thrones new protector... Slave protector king actually. I'm acquiring quite a title." "But that's Dipak." Kane shakes his head. "He stepped into his role as king. As did that one." He points to Tre. "You will get a new teacher shortly as well. And you should have an enforcer. Or will get one eventually." "I really can't back out of the queen role, can I?" "You can here. Give it back to your dad. But no, you are the queen of queens. You have already taken it and that title can not be removed. It is yours alone. You are a queen, whether you choose to be one in this small village or not makes, no difference. What you rule is so much bigger. However, you are so very young. Both you and Tre are. I don't think anyone seen this coming. You have no control over a dragon, and he doesn't have one at all yet. Makes things more difficult for me and Dipak, but we will handle it." "Is Thora anything?" "From what I have seen, she is your best friend. But no, she has nothing to do with the throne." "Do I need to build my own castle? Because this is getting confusing." "How is it confusing." "Well, that island, the 3 of us took it. Not my dad. Do I need to make my own army?" "No, you are sitting beside the commander of the northern fleet. The troops are under your command already. This village is under your command as well. Even if your dad takes the rule back. He will still remain under your command. He will only rule this village." I give him a confused look. "You will rule many, many villages. Each of them will still have a ruler. You can't be everywhere at once. You will give laws that all of your villages will accept. The rulers of the villages will implement the new law." I look at Tre. Kane talks again. "Think of it this way. Say you make clothes in the color blue illegal here. It would also become illegal on the unicorn island. You are not there. But you would send word to Celina, and she would take out all the blue clothes. They would be illegal in both places." "Oh." "Now, just so you understand. You will rule the world." "I'm going to need a lot of messengers." He laughs. "We'll figure something out. But right now you are so young. And yet, you are already collecting villages. No one seen this coming yet. It's really early. Dipak is going to need a bigger office." Kane rubs his eyes. "Who are the advisors for us being here and who are they for the queen of queens throne?" "That choice is yours. Your advisors for your main throne, like Mary or myself, will advise you anywhere. Advisors for the village will only advise you for stuff here. You have to sort out where you want them. But the people in this room will be with you for life." I smile. "I'm keeping Thora." Dipak squeezes my leg. "I'm keeping my dad." Tre kisses the back of my head. "I'm keeping my dad too." I nod. "Do you think I should give the throne back here?" "It does not matter. You have only collected 1 land. It's not like you are super busy with the queen of queens throne yet. As long as Dipak is fine here, I would say keep it. It keeps him busy and gives him something to do. They are also both getting practice for when their main roles take over. But talk to each other. If it's to much, step down. Relax and enjoy the slow time." "How are we going to do the office thing? Cause it's not going to work like this." Kane laughs. "No it's not. But for now it will be ok. Plus Tre is learning a lot about bookkeeping and records from Frode. He will need that knowledge later. I do not ever see Dipak doing much paperwork. Tre is definitely the organized one. At some point, you can either add another wing here and take it over with your people, or you could build your own castle. I don't think you are that far along though." "Yea I only have 5.8k anyway. I had 47k but Tre took it." I give him a dirty look. "I could have put that in my vault." He kisses my head again. "I didn't know you had one baby. I probably would have." My eyebrows shoot up. "Operation smuggle daddies money is about to go into effect guys." They all laugh. "2k at a time and next time the drawer gets full, put it in my vault." Dipak laughs and rubs his eyes. "It's not your daddy's money sweetheart, it's ours while we have the throne." "But I want more money in my vault. I'll tell you when it's getting full, and you can move it." Dipak shakes his head. "Tre." "Yea, I'll deal with it later." "Woman approachin..." We hear a crash and the guard is gone. We all stare at the door for a second. Ylle runs in. "Did you by chance buy another dragon sweetie?" "No my brother is here." "Oh ok, bye then. Tell the guard I'm sorry. But really in a hurry." Then she runs out. "I like her speeches. Short and to the point."
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