5. Just A Touch

1274 Words
I have not played doctor in forever. I will try that. I get to the medical area and Dorseti smiles at me from the desk. "You seem better." "I feel better. Thought I would come up here for a bit. See if I remember how this works." "Are we mad at anyone today?" "Those boys haven't done anything to make me mad in so long. They are doing everything I want to try and get me better. Maybe that's what I need. To get mad at one of them." "I bet I can get you mad." "How?" "There are 3 guards in here because they are running experiments on them again." "ARE YOU SERIOUS? LET ME SEE THE CHARTS." "Dr. Cruor keeps them locked up. We aren't even allowed in the room." She points down the hallway. I take off down the hallway and sure enough the door is locked. I don't have a key. "MARY SWORD." She tosses me a sword and follows me with hers. I get all the way to the king's office and she grabs my arm and whispers, "Let me go in first. I'll take Tre's chair out. He'll never see it coming." I smirk. Then I hear the crash and Tre yell, "WHAT THE HELL MARY?" "WHAT THE HELL ALL OF YOU? WHY ARE YOU EXPERIMENTING ON MY PEOPLE AGAIN?" I'm swinging my sword at all of them like a crazy person. "WHY?... NOW." Dipak lifts his eyebrows. "My princess calm down." "NO DADDY. I HAVE TOLD YOU ABOUT THIS." Tre shakes his head. "We're testing more with the poison." I swing down at him so fast he barely gets his sword out in time to block mine. "NO MORE." I swing again. "YES MORE WE HAVE TO TEST SOME STUFF." I start swinging at him as hard as I can. "THOSE ARE LIVES YOU ARE PLAYING WITH. LIVES OF MY PEOPLE." "KNOCK IT OFF NOW." Tre is getting mad but I don't care. "YOU KNOCK IT OFF. THOSE ARE MY PEOPLE." He reaches in to grab my sword and hits my upper arm with his sword. He takes my sword away. I don't even think he knows he cut me. It's not bad but it draws a bit of blood. I stand still staring at the blood on my arm. He puts his sword away and throws mine on the table. He goes to say something but sees my arm. "You cut me." It definitely hurts my heart more than it does my arm. He's never cut me before. I feel a couple tears fall out of my eyes. "I'm so sorry. I didn't mean that." He grabs my arm and examines it. "I didn't even know I did it." He wipes the blood off. "Thank god there was no poison on that." He's really sorry. I know he didn't mean it. It shocks me. Dracul stands up. "Tre any sword injury to her has to be cleared by the doctor. Take her now." Daddy laughs. "Oh it was just a touch. Maybe if she would have learned to block as well as the rest of us have, she wouldn't have got hit." Dracul shakes his head. "She needs cleared by the doctor. That sword could still have things on it that need to be checked for." Tre grabs me and pulls me out by my waist. "BUT I AM THE DOCTOR." Dipak yells, "THE OTHER ONE." We get almost all the way to the medical area and he is still pulling me by my waist. "Tre stop. You are pulling me to fast. What is wrong?" I bush myself off a bit. He quickly hides the tears in his eyes. "You need cleared by the doctor. Sorry I didn't mean to drag you." On 'drag you' he wipes a tear away. "Let's go." He turns his back to me and opens the medical area door. We get in and Dorseti gives us a room. He sits on the couch and stares at the ground. I put my arm around him and he lays his head on my legs and cries into them. I rub my hand through his hair. "Tre what?" "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to cut you." "I know that. I know you would never hurt me on purpose." "But I still did it." "Well, I was kind of trying to murder you. You were taking my sword away. I know you didn't do it on purpose. It was an accident." "You had tears in your eyes. It about ripped my heart out. All the times, even as kids, I never let you get hurt or cut. I don't know how it happened." I sit him up. He seems as bad as Dipak did last night. "Tre, I am not mad or hurt. It shocked me when it happened because it was you. That's all. That can happen when people play with swords. It is not your fault." He looks into my eyes. "I promise, it wasn't your fault and I'm fine." He looks from my eyes to my lips and his eyes start going dark. He reaches out and touches my cheek. I do miss his eyes looking at me like this and I love those lips. I watch his lips and lean in to kiss them. He runs his hand to the back of my neck and tilts his head a little more as he leans towards me. I close my eyes right as our lips touch. Then the door opens. I jump back to sitting beside him and stare at the floor. "Nadine what happened?" "Um." Tre stares at Cruor. The doctor glances back and forth between us. "DORSETI." "Yes doctor." "What happened?" Dorseti busts out laughing. She calms down after a minute. "She was trying to kill him and he cut her arm on accident, with his sword... Not sure what all happened after they got in here though." She laughs as she leaves again. "Sword injury. I can deal with. Let me see your arm. It's perfectly fine. It's actually already healed. That was pointless." "Yes, sorry Dr. Cruor, they said any sword injury to me has to be cleared by a doctor. I tried to clear myself but they refused." "They are right. Sometimes those swords have some nasty things on them. But you are fine. You are clear to return to work now." "Oh yea, I guess I was doing that. Why are they experimenting on the guards again?" "We need to know how to react in certain events. They are making sure the guards who volunteer know the risks. Also between us. There really is not risk of death for this. They are being monitored very closely." Tre smiles at me. "They know all the risks and are volunteering. No one is being forced." "Why am I locked out of everything?" "Because no one will take the risk of you coming in contact with any of the poisons in that room. It is not worth the risk for you to be put in harms way." Dr. Cruor closes his chart. "Anything else?" I shake my head. "Are you going to stay here? I need to catch up on some paperwork." "Yes, doctor. I will stay on the floor until dinner." "Thank you Nadia. She is clear. Here is the paper. You can return." He hands a paper to Tre and leaves. Dorseti laughs when I sit down at the nurses desk with her. "I thought you were mad at them? That changed quickly even for you." I hear Tre chuckle before he gets out the door.
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