4. A Pain

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Weeks later... "THIS IS SO STUPID. THE FISH ALL HATE ME. WHAT DID I EVER DO TO THEM?" I beat the hell out of the water with the pole. "WHAT DID I DO TO YOU?" Tre cooks some fish on the fire. "Try not yelling." I glare at him. "I WILL YELL AT YOU THEN." I run towards him, swinging the pole. "WOMAN GO FISH. I'M TRYING TO COOK HERE. YOU WANTED TO FISH." "AAAAAAAHHHHHHH!" "Standing there screaming is not helping. GO FISH!" He points back to the water. Omar and Dipak come up to him laughing. "Put the line back in the water. Fish still don't fly." "OMAR! I'M WARNING YOU." I point the pole at him. Dipak smirks. "I do believe we are about to lose all the fishing gear for the 3rd time this month." Omar starts laughing again. "Maybe we could put a cage in there, so when she throws it, it doesn't actually go anywhere." "FISH HATE ME." They all 3 yell, "PUT THE LINE IN THE WATER." I run towards them swinging the pole. Omar backs up a couple steps. I lift it up to swing it at Tre. He catches it and takes it with one hand. He gives me a plate of fish with the other. "Go eat. That's enough fishing for today." I take my fish and sit by the fire. "This is really good Tre. Thank you." "You're welcome." He looks at the other 2. "It's someone else's turn next time." I eat all my fish. "I want to jump on Butter now." Dipak smiles, "Baby, we have things we have to get done. We can't do everything with you." "BUT I WANT TO JUMP ON BUTTER NOW." Tre shakes his head. "I have to do the paperwork from yesterday. I can't." "Baby, let's wait. I still have to get ready for the meeting." I start to cry. "But I want to jump on Butter." Dipak puts his arms around me. "For a little bit ok?" I wipe the tears away and smile. "Go get a couple horses. I'll clean up here sweetheart." I run for the barn. I hear Omar say. "This spoiling thing has gone entirely to far." Dipak let's me jump on Butter for an hour before he says he has to go back in. I'm getting kind of bored with this anyways. Need to think of something else to do. We take the horses back. "What are you going to do?" "Watch fish." He gives me a kiss. "You have fun sweetheart. I'll be in the meeting for a few hours. Then we can do something." I watch fish for an hour. Then I get bored with that. I want to go shopping in the market a bit. I'll get Thora. If I go in and get her they will complain about her leaving to shop. But if I summon her, they can't say much. I wash up a bit and throw a veil and gloves on then go sit outside the entry. "Guard summon Thora to entry from Nadine." Tre and Thora both show up. "What do you need, princess queen?" "Let's go shopping in the village. I got some money." Thora laughs. "Ok let's do it." Tre seems pissed. "Did you seriously summon an advisor out of our meeting to go shopping with you?" "It's here. We won't leave. I promise." He turns around and goes back in. Me and Thora eat from the bakery and run all over the place. We point out everything sparkly. Even buy a few hairbands. Then we go to the music and dance for an hour. "We should go back princess queen. It'll be dinner soon." I didn't notice it was this late. "Yea you're right." About half way back, "Thora what would you do with 2 mates?" She takes a long time to think. "Love them. Make sure they know they're loved. It's all we really can do with a mate. Make sure they feel loved enough." "How do you make someone feel loved? I'm not sure I'm very good at that." "How do they make you feel loved?" "They put up with me... They make sure I eat, and I'm taken care of. They make sure I never actually need anything. They entertain me as much as they can. They make sure I'm safe. They touch me a lot. They make my life easier." "Well, there you go. Do that back for them." "Do you think I will really have them both?" "If every expert on the matter is right, then yes. They will both be your mates." "I feel like I would be cheating on Dipak if anything ever happened between me and Tre." "They are both yours. So it would only be cheating if it was with someone else." She smiles and takes my hands. "You and Dipak are in love and that's easy to see. You're not in love with Tre yet. Someday you will be. You should probably talk to Omar a bit before that day comes. I think he will help you understand it better than I can. But you don't want to fall in love with Tre and feel like you are hurting Dipak. That would be horrible for you. They will both be yours. You are not cheating on either of them." "How am I supposed to know where to sleep? I can't imagine not being beside Dipak. And I don't want him to leave my bed. What will I do with Tre? I can't make him sleep by himself forever." She busts out laughing. "That part you can figure out later. Right now concentrate on Dipak and talk to Omar a bit more about this stuff ok. He's been studying about women who have had 2 mates. He will really be able to help you more as the time comes. But please don't wait until after you fall for Tre. It will kill you if you think you are hurting either of them." We get to the dining room and momma crosses her arms. "Well, thank you for joining us." "We're only like 5 minutes late, momma." "You should have been here on time." Thora smiles. "It's my fault. We stopped to have a conversation." Everyone stares at us. Omar's eyebrows pop up. She gives him a little nod as we sit down. I cross my legs and hook my foot behind Dipaks. He gives me a little smile. He looks like hell. He's really wore down. I'll make him feel better after dinner. Momma gives the signal for food and we all eat. Mostly in silence. We get done and we walk to my place. "What's wrong? You don't look so good love." "I caught a lot of hell today for not being able to tell you no." I raise my eyebrow at him. "I am doing everything I can for you. We all are. And I really do love doing anything with you. But you pulled an advisor out for shopping today... I'm trying my best to run the kingdom and make sure you have everything you need. But that was a lot, sweetheart." "You didn't even know what I was doing." "Tre caught hell too. Neither of us can tell you no. We both know it." He pulls me into his chest. "I love you." "I love you too. I won't do it again. I'm sorry. I'll try to back off and let you concentrate more on the meetings." "Thank you sweetheart." I kiss his cheek. "Do you want me to rub your back and we can sleep. Or do you want me to rub oil all over you before sleep?" "What for?" "You look exhausted. I'll help you relax, then we can sleep. I can tell you need sleep." He picks me up. "How about sleep, and you rub oil on me in the morning?" "I'm still sleeping naked. I like your skin on me." He chuckles and puts me on my feet. We both get undressed and climb into bed. I rub his chest until he falls asleep. Then I close my eyes and fall asleep with him. He wakes me up a little early the next morning by rubbing my back. "Did you just wake up sir?" "Yes thank you for letting me sleep that long. I really needed it, sweetheart." "I could tell. You want me to rub some oil on you and send you to work?" "That sounds amazing." I get the bath and oils ready, then he climbs in with me. "This smells so good today." "It's the dry skin one. You have dry skin." I wash his hair and his body. I put the oils everywhere and rub them in. "You always make me feel good." His eyes are dark. I run my hand over his hard d**k. "Stand up sir. I'll make you feel even better." His eyes go about 2 shades darker. He stands up without saying anything. I start kissing and licking his d**k up and down the sides. Sucking on it in spots. "That feels so good sweetheart." I run my tongue in circles over the end of it, and he grabs the back of my head. He really loves that. I can tell. I do it a few more times, then open my mouth. I slide as much of him as I can in and go in and out with it. He balls my hair up in his hand. "UHHH" He rocks his hips and picks up my speed. I pull him deeper into my mouth. I want to see how much of it I can take. He thrusts in my mouth faster, and I get it half in. "Baby I'm going to cum." He tries to pull it out. I suck a little more and keep it in my mouth. He empties right in my mouth. I swallow it all. We snuggle for a minute then he goes right for my marking spot. I move out of the way and smile at him. "If you do not leave, you will be late sir." He looks around and looks at me. He knows I'm right. "But." I shake my head. "You have taken care of me for so long. I'm going to take better care of you now. And I will try my best to stop being such a pain. I promise." He smiles at me. "Go sir. I don't want the guards seeing me naked when you get summoned." He laughs for a second then climbs out. "Yea I don't want that either." He dries off quick and throws his clothes on. "Your food and blood should be by the door, sir." He comes back into the bathroom smiling. I shake my head and point towards the door. He chuckles. "I'll see you at lunch sweetheart."
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