7. Surgery

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5 minutes before dinner. "I'm going to get ready to leave. You want to let Dr. Cruor know I'm leaving please?" "Of course." As soon as Dorseti stands up, the doors fly open. "DOCTOR. 3 PEOPLE FELL OFF A CLIFF. 1 IS PREGNANT." "GUARD INFORM MY DINNER! GET ME VITCHEN AND MARY." "DORSETI GET DR. CRUOR." I run into surgery with the woman. Tre and Dipak both run in. "A convoy went over?" I fight the tears and start the blood drip. It's absorbing somehow. The boys stand there staring. I start getting the rocks out and Dr. Cruor flies in the room. "Report." "Her heart took damage. She is really far along. I don't know if either of them will make it." "MARY GET THAT SWORD IN HERE NOW!" "Nadine you take the baby. I got the woman. Get that baby out now." I rip the veil and gloves off. Mary hands me the sword. She's going to pass out. She runs right back out. I glance at the boys. "One of you have to assist." I do it like last time. I climb on top of the bed with the woman and put the sword to her stomach. I go in slow. Layer by layer. "s**t FUCK." Dr. Cruor yells. "DON'T SCARE ME. I CAN'T JUMP." "Sorry doctor." Layer by layer.... Little at a time. The water gushes out. I reach in and find the baby. "IT'S NOT MOVING." I rip the sword into her to make the hole bigger. I reach in with both hands and rip it out. I turn and Dipak takes it. I cut the cord and clip it before he moves. "GET IT'S MOUTH CLEAR YOU TWO. MAKE IT CRY." I pull the extra goo out of the woman, then jump off the bed. I run for the baby. They have it on a table. It's still not moving. They are shaking it and everything. I get to it and the throat is all full of goo. "FUCK." I have 1 option here. I put my mouth on the baby and suck. Whatever is in there dislodges and goes straight into my mouth. I turn and puke everywhere. I can't stop puking for a few seconds. I finally stop and look at them again. Tre smacks the bottom of the baby's foot and it screams. I stand there staring at the 3 of them for a minute. "That's the best sound I've ever heard." I pick up the baby and hold it against me. I close my eyes and hug... "She's a girl." I start sobbing. The baby is still screaming. I'm covered in everything and standing in my own puke. Dr. Cruor has both hands in her chest. I hand the baby back to one of them and check the blood. "It's still absorbing. She might make it." "I don't know, this is a lot of damage to the heart. We will have to keep her open and watch it close." I yell out the door. "SOMEONE BRING THE DAMN ANTISTE." Dorseti runs in with the box and drops straight to the ground. Cruor shakes his head. "Seriously? DIPAK, GET ME THAT BOX." "I got that rock that was under her lung." "Your small hands are good for that." He shoots it into her neck and we look around. "We made a mess Dr. Cruor." "Yes and someone will have to put Dorseti in a bed." We're both covered in everything. "There is still 2 more. GUARD summon Asa." Tre still has the baby. "Give her to your mom. She knows what to do from here. Where are Vitchen and Elkie?" "They had to travel for supplies." "Dipak you assist me after you get Dorseti in an empty bed somewhere. Tre after your mom takes that baby, get in with Dr. Cruor please." They both nod at me and I run out leaving my shoes. "MARY I NEED A CHANGE FAST." Mary does one of her super fast changes and I am grabbing the next patient. Dipak follows me in the room. "Dipak, can you get me that box again please?" The blood drip is absorbing. I dose the man for 4 days. Then I cut the mans shirt right down the middle. His intestines are out, and his stomach area is mangled and open. Rocks everywhere inside him. He also has a large piece of wood sticking out of his chest. I hand Dipak the knife. "Cut his pants off." He does it without even blinking. I run my hands around the back of his neck and it feels fine. "That wood is very close to his heart. I can't take it out. I'm going to have to crack his chest and take it out that way. Slow and easy." "Why?" I cut down the center of his chest. "It's to close to his heart. The wood could hit rib bone and splinter into his heart, killing him." It takes me 10 minutes to cut his chest down the middle. "You have to pull him apart. I do not have the strength to do it. Easy pressure. We don't want to tear him apart." Dipak grabs onto the 2 sides of the man's chest. I move his hands a little bit. "Pull apart slowly." He pulls and my eyes about pop out. The wood is somehow stuck into the bones he's pulling, and it's pushing on the heart. "STOP. Do not move." "What is it?" "This man has had better days." I get a saw and try cutting the wood but it's moving to much and not cutting enough. I get the bone saw and try cutting the bones the wood is hooked to but that's not working either. "I need you to see this. I'm out of ideas. The wood has splintered and is stabbing right by 3 sides of his heart. No matter what I try, 1 side tries to puncture the heart." I grab the mans ribs and hold them right where they are. As still as I can. He sees what I was working on. "You're right. This man has had better days." He messes with the wood. "I think I can." He reaches in. -Crack- "Well, that worked for that one." "What?" "I broke one of the 3 pieces off. We have to get that back one. My hands are to big. Switch me sides and you try to break it." I reach and grab the piece of wood. "I can't break it. It's to thick. Maybe I can saw it out of there." I grab the littlest saw I have and try to saw through it. "This is going to take forever." After another 10 minutes I pull the chunk out. The heart still no issues with it. Check the blood drip and it's still absorbing. "Still alive." The main piece of wood is still sticking threw him and stuck in his rib bones. I push on the top of it. "I think if we apply enough pressure in this direction. It will pop out." "Let me see baby." We switch sides again. "Yea I agree. You have a good grip? This might have some force when it gets free." I hear the ribs cracking and I move my face away so it doesn't get hit with anything. The ribs break and pop completely out with the piece of wood. He hands me the wood with the ribs still sticking out of it. "How does that even happen?" He laughs and I put it down on the table. "His heart is fine. Everything's good now. He will live." I take one step to the right and examine all the intestines spilling out on the bed mixed with dirt and rock. "On to this." I grab some goo off the bed. "All this needs pulled out and thrown somewhere else. It's not going to heal. It's dead. His body will create new ones. We have to clear the area and get the rocks and any debris out." He pulls stuff out with me. The man lays there with his stomach and chest completely open. "He was really lucky. This is all fine. Bad break in this leg. It should heal on its own, but I'll make a note to watch it." I check the blood and it's still absorbing. "Let's close him up as much as we can. Help his body a little anyway." He pushes the chest closed. I try to close the stomach, but there's not enough skin on it. It's mangled. "You ok sweetheart?" "Yea tired and need a bath. I need to do some paperwork before I leave. You ok? That was quite a lot to see this evening." He smiles. "You are amazing. You saved that baby. Me and Tre were not having any idea what to do." "Well you did much better than Dorseti and Mary. 1 passed out and the other ran away." He kisses my cheek. "I am proud of you. You did good baby. You are an amazing doctor." Something connects in my chest. It felt good. I smile and give him a big kiss. I stop immediately 3 seconds later. "I sucked in goo and threw up all over. I forgot sorry. That had to be wonderful to see." I go into the hallway. "Hand me my rib wood please." He follows me out in the hallway to the desk. He is laughing his ass off. Tre and Cruor are sitting there. I show them my piece of wood with the ribs stuck in it. "How does that even happen?" Dr. Cruor examines it and shakes his head. "I have never seen that happen before." "Me either." We both stare at it for a couple minutes. "I really don't understand this." "Yes, this is mind bending, Dr. Nadine." Tre rubs his eyes. "How long are you 2 going to stare at that?" I jump back. "I'm sorry. Got lost in thought. I'll get the medical witness papers. Was that 2 or 3 patients for them each?" "It's 3. The baby was its own patient." "What are we calling the baby?" "Baby. We can't name it." I fill out the top of the forms and give them each 3. "I need them back within a couple days if you would please. You don't have to stay tonight and do them. Where did you put Dorseti and the baby?" "I'm pretty sure my mom left with the baby after she cleaned it up. Probably took it to show off to everyone. You'll get it back in 4 or so days." "I guess that's good enough. She is good with babies." Dipak points at a door. "That room was empty. I put Dorseti on the bed and I hooked up a blood drip to her." "Thank you for that." They both seem so tired. "Thank you both for the help. Not sure what we would have done if you 2 hadn't showed up." They smile at me. Tre says, "We thought a convoy went over the way the guard ran in there." I laugh a little. "I didn't want momma to be mad at me for being late again. I asked them to inform my dinner, I think?" We all laugh. "I was so messed up with the pregnant woman. It was scaring me." Tre winks. "You did perfect in there. You really are an amazing doctor." "Thank you and sorry if I threw up on you." They all laugh again. "I need Mary. MARY." She roams around the corner and shakes her head. "You need more than me little miss. I think you have some of that man stuck in your hair." I jump around and shake my hair. Sure enough, a part of the intestine flies out. "Yep, that sums up my day." Mary grabs my arm. "I sent for 5 servants to help with your bath and 5 for the room itself. I'll be in there to direct." She motions at the boys. "You both need to bathe tonight as well. You are not as bad as this one. But you can not let that blood and goo sit on your skin. Have any of you ate?" We all shake our heads. "I'll open the dining room back up. After you get clean, go in there and eat. After that, sleep." "I could fall asleep in the bath at this point, Mary. I don't need to eat. I need to clean and sleep." "You have to eat something, little miss. It will be ready in the dining room for you. Go in, sit down, and eat a little bit before you sleep." "Fine Mary."
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