
1777 Words
***Theo’s pov*** As I make my way through the forest the amount of bodies rise. She really is a weapon. The further I run, the louder the sound of fighting gets, which means I’m getting close to Nikki. ‘Theo, a group of us have begun entering the forest as the number of rogues decreased in the main area.’ ‘That's good to hear I’m almost there!’ ‘Which way should we go to get to you?’ I chuckle to myself, 'Follow the trail of blood and bodies, you’ll find us' ‘Sir yes sir.’ I finally make it out of the dense forest and spot Nikki’s beautiful red wolf. I stand there for a second and watch as she goes to kill a wolf trying to attack her throat. She ducks down, sliding under the wolf. She then springs up, catching its stomach in her jaw. She shakes her head, tearing a piece of meat off the rogue. It yelps and tries to get out of her way, but she is so much faster. She catches its leg and bites down, hard. I hear the crunch of bone followed by a whine and growls. I take a step forward as I watch three more rogues start to surround her. Their heads snap up to me and they each let out a menacing growl. I growl back and take a step forward. The three rogues also step forward as they continue to growl. Nikki looks back at me then focuses her attention back onto the three rogues growling while lowering herself to the ground, preparing to fight. ***Nikki’s POV*** We continue fighting when we hear a snap of a tree branch. We quickly look up, only to be met by the appearance of a midnight black wolf, with streaks of brown on his fur. Just judging by the size of him, it’s obvious he’s an alpha, and a powerful one at that. We sniff the air and are overcome by the smell of the forest and cinnamon. Is that… ‘It’s our mate, you stupid girl…' ‘I figured as much.’ ‘Well, now that he’s here we can’t relax, we must fight harder!’ ‘Your right Nikita, now that he’s watching we might as well put on a show.’ I smile at the thought. ‘That we will, so let’s do this.’ ‘Okay, whenever you’re ready.’ We bend down, bringing our chest closer to the ground, and let out a menacing growl. These rouge’s have no idea who they are f*cking with. Turning their backs on us was a stupid decision on their end. We are still here and ready to fight our way to freedom. It’s clear we hold the power in this scenario. There is no way we are letting them get control over us! One of the rouge’s move closer to our mate and I feel Nikita’s anger rise. ‘We can’t just attack, we need to come up with a plan! If we strike randomly, we risk unnecessary damage and casualties!’ ‘I hate it when you're right!’ ’I know, but we have too much to risk!’ ‘True, so what do we do?’ I take a second and look around the secluded area, two against three. I clear my mind and heighten my senses. I quickly notice my pack's fast approach. They should be here any minute. I focus back on the Rouge’s it’s clear they haven’t noticed. The middle wolf is clearly focused on Theo; the other two are looking around making sure no one else interrupts us. ‘Nick, I know you were stupid enough to follow dad into the forest, right now it’s 2 on 3. Chances of winning are good.’ ‘Cool, does it sound like any more rouges are coming?’ ‘I don’t hear any. Did anyone keep an eye out for Logan?’ ‘Sh*t! I was so focused on protecting our pack that I forgot to keep a watch on him.’ ‘Do you know if anyone knows where he went?’ ‘I’ll ask around. Be safe Nikki, if he did manage to sneak through, who knows what his next move may be?’ ‘That’s what I’m afraid of. Tell everyone to keep an eye out for any suspicious activity. If they see anything, keep a safe distance and do not engage. We don’t need him to know he’s after us.’ ‘He already knows we are onto him.’ ‘True, but we don’t want to give anything away. Whatever you do, Nick, do not, under any circumstance, use your gifts.’ ‘aye aye captain.’ ‘Stay safe Dork’ ‘you too brat.’ I re-focus on the wolf in front of me. The middle wolf is still focused on Theo while the other two keep looking around the surrounding area. If I wait much longer, we could end up causing more harm to ourselves than to the Rogues. ‘Nikita, I think we just have to wing it! I can’t think of a plan, so I’ll let you pick the one to attack first. All I know is we need to act fast and stay stealthy. The less noise we make, the better we can do.’ ‘I agree, let’s get this started!’ I release control to Nikita, and she lowers us even further to the ground. We look around and make note of all the loose things on the ground. Slowly, we start crawling towards the wolf on the left. We don’t make any noise and keep track of where the Rouge’s look. Making sure to stay out of eyesight. As soon as we are close enough to this wretched wolf, we pounce. Biting into the scruff of the beasts. I close my jaw tighter and start shaking my head. It lets out a cry and that signals to the others what’s happening. The center one charges for Theo while the one on the right starts to charge at me. With the right one charging, I managed to rip the left one's neck open, causing him to start bleeding out. We hop off it’s back just as the right one pounces on him right where we used to be, causing them to roll onto the ground. ‘I have a risky idea, Nikita, but I think it will pay off.’ ‘What are you thinking, girl?’ ‘Let’s shift back, put the mutt into a headlock and use our alpha aura to make it shift back or submit. Either way, we can capture it for questioning.’ ‘I like the way you think, better act fast though it looks like the stupid dog is angry.’ I shift back and yell at the wolf. It starts to charge at me again. I anticipated its movement and managed to catch it in a headlock. It tries to shake me off, but I’m stubborn and strong as hell. I focus on my wolf and bring in her strength. “Shift.” I say with as much force as I can muster. I feel it tremble trying to refuse my command. I look this thing dead in the eye. “I. Said. SHIFT!” It whimpers and starts to shift back. I grab her two wrists and force them behind her back. “Get up!” She stumbles but complies nonetheless. I look over at my mate and find him staring back at me. The wolf under him is dead. I look back into his eyes and find them turning even darker. “Whatever you are thinking will have to wait. We gotta take this b*tch to the cells.” He shakes his head and nudges me back the way we came. I push her along. We keep walking until we meet up with my pack. Two of the warriors shift back and lead the prisoner back towards the Dungeon . An omega hands me a large t-shirt to cover myself with, and I quickly thank her and pull it on. “Well that was fun, now how about we clean up and figure out what the hell just happened hmm?” I look between my father and mate and they both nod. I instruct everyone to gather the bodies and toss ‘em in a pile. While they do that, I link my family. ‘Well, that was eventful. I’m going to get cleaned up, then I’m assuming there’s going to be a family meeting and right after a pack meeting?’ ‘Correct’ ‘See you all in 15.’ I walk back to the house and quickly went up to my room. I grab a quick pair of jeans, underwear and a band tee. No point in being fancy when we are about to talk business. I head to the bathroom and get the shower started. I pull off the spare tee and toss it into the laundry hamper. I look in the mirror and can’t help but laugh. I look like a fuckin racoon. My makeup is smudged to sh*t, and I’m covered in mud and blood. I look myself over for any visible wounds but don’t find any. I look into my reflection and pick a leaf out of my tangled red hair. I look like a warrior princess haha. ‘Soon we’ll be a true warrior Queen.’ ‘Give it a rest Nikita, we haven’t even solved our problems yet. Right now there’s no guarantee we will be able to be queen.’ ‘Theo already promised to mate us!’ ‘Correction my impatient Wolf, he said he wouldn’t reject us. That’s not a promise to mate. We are literally looking at the start of a massive fight. Now is not the time to be focusing on a hopeful fantasy.’ ‘You're just mad that we have to wait.’ ‘I am, but I’m also trying to be realistic. We are being hunted, someone is after Theo's throne and even if we fix all that, who's to say there won’t be another problem down the road that will stop us from having our happily ever after?’ ‘Well, it’s best to hold onto that hope, so we don’t become a miserable pile of sh*t. Hope never killed anyone.’ ‘True, but it has led to massive disappointment.’ ‘Hmph.’ She grumbled as she set up a wall between us. ‘Real mature, I’m just trying to protect myself from being let down.’ ‘We are done with this conversation you stupid girl.’ I shake my head and jump in the shower. I might as well get all this mess off me. Goodbye to the intriguing warrior princess and hello to the alpha's precious daughter.
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