Chapter 17

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After my uneventful shower, I quickly make my way to dad’s study, no point in procrastinating. We were just attacked, and it was clear they were after me. That means the pack is at risk of more attacks while I’m here. When I open the door, I see Nate and Tanner sitting beside my father’s desk. That’s what happens when you're next in line to be alpha.. On the couch at the side of the room, I see Nick sitting beside Theo. Standing beside the couch is Theo’s beta, and I’m guessing Nat and her mate are trying to either calm the pack or help with the cleanup of the mess I made in the forest. "Glad you could join us, sis." Nate says. "Wouldn’t miss it for the world." "Enough with the small talk, let’s get down to business." my father chides. “Nikki, please take a seat, we need to figure out what is going on.” "Alright, I know exactly what they are after." I say as I take a seat right in front of my father. "Care to share with the class?" Nick jokes. "Me, and before we get into an argument about it, hear me out." I say as I give everyone in the room a look. "I noticed while I was on stage that they were focused on me. To test my theory, I ran to the forest. Just so happened as I started to run, they all followed, only attacking those who were in the way to get to me. Even in the forest they did not want to kill me but capture me.” “Yes, we know that, but what we don’t know is why.” “Is it possible that they are after what I can do? I mean, when Theo and I were in the forest, I made myself look into the future to get a glimpse of his personality and what I saw confirms that I’m wanted and that they want Theo’s throne.” "This is just wonderful..." Tony says as he rubs his head in frustration. "With all that being said, I captured a rogue, so we could have someone to interrogate. I want to know more about this threat to the kingdom and what they want and know about me." “That’s a fair point, but is there any chance at all they could know about the gifts the twins possess?” “Nathaniel, no one besides the family and Nikki’s mate know about what they can do.” My father grumbles. “Even if it was possible that they knew, why wait till now?” Nick pipes up. “What if they waited till now so that I would have more control over my gift?” I ask. “If that was the case, why not take you as a child? Train you up so that you would do as they say no questions asked?” Tony says as he tries to think of possible reasons for the rogue’s interest. “I don’t know! What I do know is that we have a rogue in the dungeons waiting for us to interrogate them. This way we could answer some of the questions we have. I’m also concerned about why they are working together. Usually rogues stay in small groups, not massive ones who form attack plans and kidnappings.” “That’s a fair point. It is incredibly odd that they have grouped up, they must have some kind of leader that is pulling the strings.” “That’s my point! I think Nick and I should head to the dungeon to question the rogue. That way, he can feel her emotions and I can use them to our advantage.” “I’m going with you!” “No Theo, you won't. We need her to talk and Nick and I can make that happen. The more people in the room, the more fear she will feel and, therefore, the less she will talk.” I say as I try to get my point across. “I need you to trust me here, I know what I’m doing OK?” “Fine, but if you need help, call one of us, and we will be there instantly.” “It's like you have no faith in me, I know what I’m doing. This isn’t my first rodeo, OK?” “Fine your right, I’m sorry.” “Mhmm sure, Nick, let’s go, so we can get this over with.” “Sure, thing sis.” I quickly stand from my chair and make my way to the dungeon with my twin in tow. I know my temper may have been a bit high, but I don’t like it when people doubt my abilities. I know what I’m capable of, and I know I can do this. I’ve been known to get great results when interrogating with my brother. The walk from the pack house to the dungeon isn’t a long one and the guards let us in with no questions asked. Unlike most packs, our dungeons are cleaned regularly, and the people kept healthy. It’s not like a hotel or anything, but we know that they are people and deserve a bit of human decency. As we get closer to the cell that the rogue shewolf is in, I notice my brother tense. I grab hold of his hand and look at his face. A look of shock on his face. ‘Everything OK?’ ‘Why does it smell like freshly baked brownies down here?’ I take a deep sniff and only smell the rogue scent and the smell of the disinfectant. ‘I don’t know what you're talking about, Nick…’ ‘Could it be that this rogue is my fated mate?’ I freeze in place. Why didn’t I think of that? Of course, he smells his favorite thing and the only prisoner we have is this rogue. ‘I believe so, brother, and unfortunately, we still have to question her about why she attacked me.’ ‘I know, just promise me you won't lay a finger on her. I don’t think I could handle that.’ ‘I promise I won't hurt her. In fact, why don’t we use the fact that you’re her mate to our advantage? I’m going to ask you to talk to her. She may be more inclined to answer your questions. I’ll only step in if I have something to add, fair?’ ‘Good idea Nikki. I’ll be able to feel her emotions even more intensely, so I'll definitely need your support’ ‘Whatever you need me to do, I’ll do it’ ‘Thank you’ ‘Anytime, now, let's get this over with, so hopefully we can get her out of here’ We continue our way to her cell, which is equipped with a bed, a toilet and a desk and chairs in the middle of the room. We enter the cell, shutting the door as we enter. We sit down and motion for her to join us. She timidly gets up from her spot on the bed and joins us at the table, looking at Nick skeptically. I hold back a giggle as I try to think of what could be going through her mind. I really hope she tells us what we need to know. I don’t want to hate the girl. She’s meant to be my twin's other half, so I really want to give her the benefit of the doubt before jumping to terrible conclusions, but I guess only time will tell on how this will go. I just hope my brother doesn’t get hurt in the process. ****NICK’S POV**** I follow Nikki to the dungeon and the closer I get, the more nervous and anxious I feel. Even my wolf is feeling anxious. Once we enter the dungeon, I smell the faint smell of freshly baked brownies. Odd but I keep walking. The more I walk, the stronger the scent. I stop abruptly and receive a mind link from my sister. ‘Everything ok?’ ‘Why does it smell like freshly baked brownies down here?’ I ask. I watch as she raises her head and takes a deep sniff. ‘I don’t know what you're talking about, Nick…’ She doesn’t smell it? Could it be that I have finally found my mate? I link my wolf and ask him what he thinks. She's our mate, but we need to be cautious. We don’t know what’s going on, and she’s a rogue, so we need to be on our toes.’ ‘Could it be that this rogue is my fated mate?’ ‘I believe so, brother, and unfortunately we still have to question her about why she attacked me.’ ‘I know, just promise me you won't lay a finger on her. I don’t think I could handle that.’ ‘I promise I wont hurt her. In fact, why don’t we use the fact that you’re her mate to our advantage? I’m going to ask you to talk to her, so she may be more inclined to answer your questions. I’ll only step in if I have something to add, fair?’ ‘Good idea Nikki. I’ll be able to feel her emotions even more intensely, so I'll definitely need your support’ ‘Whatever you need me to do, I’ll do it’ ‘Thank you’ ‘Anytime, now let's get this over with, so hopefully we can get her out of here’ We continue and enter the cell. I sit down and look at my mate. She’s sitting in the corner of the room on the mattress provided. She has her knees pulled to her chest and her head lowered. We make ourselves known and motion for her to take a seat. As she stands, I take in her appearance. She’s short and very thin. She’s covered in dirt; her hair is matted. Even though this would be considered disgusting, I find her beautiful. Her hair is a beautiful shade of light brown. I bet if she was cleaned up and fed a proper meal she would be 10 times more attractive than she already is. Even her eyes, my goddess, her eyes! I can't help myself from staring. We make eye contact as she sits down and their beautiful shade of brown shines with hope. I watch as a small smile appears on her face and, just as quickly, it vanishes and is replaced with fear. The hope that once resided there is now gone and all that’s left is her unyielding fear. I watch as she shakes slightly on the spot and glances between my sister and I. When she looks at my sister she pales even more and the fear in her eyes grows. All I want to do is comfort her, but I know I can’t, not yet anyway. I completely understand why she’s scared; Nikki can be very intimidating, plus she just tried to kill and or kidnap her for goddess knows what. And I bet sitting in front of the one responsible for the death of all the rogues she was working with doesn’t help.
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