Chapter 15

1521 Words
***Nikki’s POV*** Standing on the stage, I watch as the Rogues run through my territory attacking anything in their path. I cannot just stand here like some stupid damsel in distress! First things first, I need to make sure my family is ok. I instantly search through the crowd and spot Blake in his wolf form fighting the rogues who are attacking him, my sister and any nearby children. I continue to look around and spot Nate, who seems to be looking through the crowd doing the same thing I am. What can I say? Great minds think alike. ‘Nate, we need to protect the children; they are the next generation and need to be moved to a safer location along with anyone who can’t fight.’ ‘I know! What do you want me to do?’ ‘I want you to get Tanner and have him help you bring them all to safety. The bunker is nearby, and I will start assisting in the fight.’ 'Got it. Stay safe kid.’ 'Worry about yourself, I'll be fine.’ I quickly cut the link and shift into my wolf. Being the head worrier and the alpha’s daughter, I have a responsibility to my pack. I need to protect them at all costs. I jump off the stage and charge at the nearest rogue. I go for the neck, but it seems to have anticipated my movements and dodges. I watch as it starts to circle me, growling, trying to find an opening. There is no way a pathetic rogue will take me down. As the rogue continues to circle, he tries to swipe at my muzzle, but I quickly get low to the ground. I let out a low growl and aim for the neck. This time I don’t miss. I feel my teeth sink into the wolf's scruff and I quickly shake my head, ripping the rogue's throat open in the process. I watch as the blood spurts out of the gaping hole in its neck. I feel myself grin and quickly move on to the next one. If they want to fight, they will get a fight. I spot a rogue stalking towards a young girl and quickly rush at it. I feel myself crash into the beast, and it growls in response. I turn to the girl and place myself protectively in front of her. I let out a growl and the wolf runs at me. As soon as it gets into swiping distance, I smack my paw against its head. It quickly shakes off its surprise and goes in to bite me. I drop to the ground in time to make the wolf miss. I move forward and bite the wolf's leg as hard as I can, breaking the bone. The wolf whines and tries to go for another attack, but I’m faster. I get under its belly and take a huge bite. I hear it cry out in pain, but I keep biting. I cannot let this monster live. No wolf who attacks an innocent child deserves to breathe. Soon the wolf became motionless, and I turn back to the child behind me. I quickly mind link her. ‘It’s ok, you're safe now.’ She starts crying as she hugs my wolf. I reach out to Nick and let him know what happened. ‘Nikki, where are you?’ ‘The stage.’ ‘I’ll be there soon, is the girl ok?’ ‘She’s traumatized but safe.’ ‘Alright.’ Soon I spot the familiar chestnut red wolf and yip to get his attention. Nick runs over and nudges the young pup. She gladly jumps onto his back. He looks at me, then runs off towards the bunker. ‘Nikki, I think the rogues are after something or someone in particular! They are only attacking whatever is in their way while they search.’ ‘What do you think they are targeting?’ ‘Your still near the stage, right?’ ‘Yes, what does that have to do with…. Oh, you think they want me?’ ‘Yes.’ ‘Sh*t. I’ll start running towards the forest. If they follow, then we know I’m what is being hunted.’ ‘If they do follow you, you won’t be able to fight them all by yourself.’ ‘I can take care of most of them. If you’re that worried, send someone to follow me, but I’m doing this regardless.’ I don’t wait for my father to respond and start running towards the woods. I can sense that I’m being followed, but I keep running. If they truly are after me, then I can at least protect my pack from any casualties by leading them away. I run, dodging trees and jumping over rocks. I notice a few rouges in front of me. F*cking hell, I’m surrounded. ‘Let me take over Nikki, we can kill them.’ ‘Nikita, what makes you think we can survive this?’ ‘Just trust me you stubborn girl!’ ‘Fine!’ ‘Good, I’ve been itching for a fight!’ I release control over to Nikkita. I watch through her eyes as she launches our body toward the closest wolf. No mercy. She just tears through them, leaving severed limbs in a pool of blood. This is what we are known for. Full massacres, no mercy, just death and destruction. I can’t help but smile at myself as I see just how strong we are. ‘Lend me some of your strength, and you will see just how powerful we can truly be!’ Nikita says while tearing another rouge apart. I lend her some of my own strength just as she tears the guts from the rouge in front of us. I watch as we keep running, tearing apart anything that crosses our path. For Nikita, this is nothing but a game of how many we can take out before we get overwhelmed and, so far, we have dismembered at least half of the wolves that chased us. Nikita lets out a large howl, trying to encourage the wolves we left behind to keep fighting as well as scare the wolves that are still trying to hunt us. After a few minutes, we hear multiple howls and barks. If they survive and fight their hardest, so will we. ***Theo’s POV*** I look around at the mass of dead bodies surrounding me. And let out a sigh. ‘Alpha, it seems that the rogues are all heading in one direction!’ ‘Explain Tony’ ‘The main crowd is being ignored while the Rouge’s head towards the trees.’ 'I'll take a look.’ ‘I think they are looking for her.’ I freeze in place. How could I have forgotten? I look towards the stage and see her missing. I knew she wouldn’t stay put, but I didn’t expect her to run off. ‘Have you seen Nikki?’ 'Not since the attack started.’ F*ck! I was supposed to protect her, keep an eye on her and now she’s missing. I look back towards the trees as a loud howl resonates through the air. Every wolf, pack or rogue stops at the powerful howl right before all the rogues charge towards the tree line. As the rogues start running, all the pack wolves let out a response and start attacking harder than before, trying to stop as many rogues as possible. I see Nick running through the crowd and stop him. “What happened?” “I’m heading for Nikki. They are after her.” “F*ck! Why would she run off?” “To confirm our suspicion of what they are after.” I grimace and take off towards the tree line. ‘Tony, follow the rogues into the forest. Nikki is in there!’ ‘Figured, she’s a handful of trouble that girl!’ ‘Yeah, but she's my trouble.’ I continue running, pushing myself harder than I ever have before. I can’t lose her, not yet. I just found her, and I’m not going to lose her to some f*cked up rogues. As I reach the forest entrance I stop and look around. The ground is soaked with blood, rogues torn apart, limbs spread as far as the eye can see. My wolf chuckles at the scene before us. 'This is no laughing matter.’ ‘Your right, but our mate is strong, and lives up to her reputation.’ I sigh, I completely forgot that she was known for leaving a battlefield full of death. I shake myself out of my thoughts and keep running, following the river of blood before me. I can’t believe she did this by herself. Typically, a group of 2–3 wolves would cause this much destruction, but this was done by one she-wolf, one immensely powerful she-wolf. ‘Not just any she-wolf, our mate.’ My wolf grins at the thought of Nikki on the battlefield. I, on the other hand, can't help but worry. She may be strong, but how much energy does she have left? How much longer will she last before they overpower her? I push myself to go faster, willing my body to catch up to my mate.
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