
1189 Words
**Theodore's POV** ~Theo's dream~ I walk through the dense forest towards what sounds like a young girl singing. The farther I walk into the forest, the louder she gets. Although her words are incomprehensible, her voice is beautiful. The melody she sings sends shivers down my spine, while the emotion in her voice while she sings surprises me. I never pictured something so beautiful that could sound so heartbreaking and sad. She sounds as if she has lost the most important thing in her life. Just as I reach the clearing, her singing stops. I see her staring off into the distance surrounded by flowers. A long white dress blowing in the wind while the wild red hair surrounding her seems to stay still. I look at her in complete awe as she slowly turns around sensing my presence. The sight before me takes my breath away; her bright turquoise eyes seem to be filled with a type of confidence that you would expect a queen to have. The air with which she presents herself is astonishing, while the power she expels is one that could match my own. Yet there seems to be a hidden sorrow in her gaze, as if she knows something will happen. "Are you OK?" I ask. Only to have her stay silent. "I won't hurt you, I promise," yet silence still greets me. "Believe me, I could never hurt you, I want to help!" I begin to plead with her. I watch as a single tear falls down her perfectly tanned skin. "Please don't cry" I say as I take a step closer to her. She sits gracefully on a rock that I failed to notice earlier. I take this as a sign that it's ok for me to get closer. From deep in my mind I hear the voice of my wolf. 'Be cautious, something is not right about this.' I take a step closer when I see it, bright eyes filled with rage burning in the forest behind her. "Please listen to me, you're not safe!" She just stares at me, as if she doesn't understand. I extend my hand to her,"please let me get you to safety, this won't end well!" She opens her mouth, but her voice is mute, the tears in her eyes threatening to spill as she looks at me in frustration. I can't tell if she's frustrated with herself or me. "Please, you must get out of here!" Again she opens her mouth but to no avail. How can she sing but not speak? Is she messing with me ? Does she want to die? "I heard you sing! I know you can speak! Why don't you answer me ?" Again she opens her mouth, her lips moving but no words come out, the tears I saw hiding earlier begin to fall. I glance behind her and the rouge wolves are moving in. If I don't do anything, she will be their lunch. "Please just listen to me," I yell. More tears run down her face. I scream in frustration and begin running towards the girl. "Just RUN! RUN DAMMIT! Please." I scream as I jump over her, shifting into my wolf. I feel my bones snapping into place as my clothes rip off my body. I land just behind the girl and I know there's no turning back. My wolf lets out a loud roar as the wolves begin to ascend. I leap into the fray feeling strong and light on my paws. I glare at the invaders. Why are they targeting her? I feel one of the wolves bite into my leg and I let out a ferocious growl. I know my wolf and I know I can handle a lot of pain, but I still don't like it. I leap at the wolf that bit me and sink my canines into his neck. I feel the blood fill my mouth along with his fur and flesh as I shake my head, tearing the wound up with each movement. I glance behind me and see a large black wolf chasing after the girl. I run after it. As I gain speed, I leap onto him. Pinning him down to the ground. I flash him my bloody teeth as I growl. Warning him not to move. He tries to nip at my neck, but I move just in time. I give another roar, watching as the wolf under me begins to cower in fear. I don't take the chance of leaving him alive and go for the death bite. My large paw on his throat pushes the little air he has out of his muzzle. I watch as life fades from the wolf's eyes. I turn around and watch as some of the wolves howl in pain, as I must have killed their alpha. I give another menacing growl and a few steps forward. They run away back into the woods, choosing not to fight with the remaining pack. There was one pup that stalked forward trying to seem taller than he was. I stood at my full height and towered over the wee mut. I showed my teeth in warning, but he still pressed forward. I let him walk up knowing that when he goes to attack I'll kill him quickly. He reaches me and tries to go for the belly. I bite the scruff of its neck and throw him away. I watch as he stands again and tries to run at me. I lift my paw and place it on his head. Bringing my head close to his, I let out a low growl. I am in no mood for games. I slowly move my muzzle to his neck and watch as the poor thing begins to shake. I stare at its eyes as I sink my fangs into his neck. The painful yelp was loud, but it was cut off quickly as I bit down harder, my teeth sinking in deeper. Another wolf, gray, smaller than the Alpha but still strong, lets out a howl and charges at me. I could tell the wolf was a female, either the dead pup's mate or mother. Before I have time to react, her teeth snag my back. I shake her off quickly, but her fangs are sharp. I can feel the warm blood on my chocolate brown fur. I quickly turn and snap at her. I scratch her face above her eye down to the tip of her nose. Soon, I see that I am surrounded by the remaining wolves. I know I can handle them, I just have to focus. I let out a low growl and I scan over the crowd of wolves trying to shake their confidence. I'm a King for F*cks sake! How dare they challenge me! My wolf lets out a loud growl and takes full control of our movements. Soon, I watch as the chaos unfolds, wolf after wolf attacking us as we bat them away, scratching and biting as we slowly kill them one by one. Soon we are standing on a pile of dead bodies.
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