Chapter 4

1261 Words
*** Nikki’s POV *** I storm up the stairs into my room and slam the door. I might as well finish the drawing before he gets here. Luckily, all that's left is minor detailing. It should only take a couple of minutes to complete. I grab my pencil and begin working away while humming a song my mother used to sing to me and Nick when we were young. I only ever remember the chorus, but I have looked it up. When I grew up, I began relating to the lyrics more. It's called You are my sunshine by Johnny Cash. "Hey Nikki, can I come in?" "Yeah." Nick walks in and sits on my bed. "Could you sing that to me? I heard you humming. And I miss listening to mom sing it." "Sure Nick, I just finished the drawing anyway." "Thanks." I stand up from my desk and make my way to sit beside him on the bed. "The other night, dear, I dreamed I held you in my arms. But when I awoke, dear, I was mistaken, so I hung my head and I cried. You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when the skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you, Please don't take my sunshine away. I'll always love you and make you happy if you will only say the same. But if you leave me and love another, you'll regret it all some day.” I hear Nick start to sniffle, and I hug him closer as I continue to sing. Nick and I were very close to our mother. She was always so kind and sweet. She was also very beautiful. I have the same turquoise eyes and her smile and Nick has her red-chestnut-brown hair. Unfortunately, she passed away when we were 13. She always said we were special, but we never truly knew what she meant. Until I started having my dreams and Nick was able to know how you are feeling and if you are hurt, he is able to heal wounds, emotional or physical. We are a unique pair and only our family knows about what we can do. When she passed, Nick had a very hard time accepting it and that is when he found his power. I, on the other hand, held myself together and tried never to show weakness. Only to fail when I’m with Nick. “Nikki, Nick, the king should be here soon. Please make yourselves presentable.” My father’s booming voice calls. I sigh, “Yes father.” “Thank you.” He calls back. “Thanks Nikki, I really needed that.” “No problem, I needed it too.” I smile gently. “You know, you don’t have to keep everything bottled up for yourself. I'm here for you.” “I know Nick, now go get presentable.” “Yeah yeah.” I shake my head while ushering him out the door. Now it's time to get ready. I head over to my closet and start searching for something appropriate to wear. What’s even expected of us tonight? 'Oh Nikki, wear a pale blue or white dress, he will love it!’ ‘Nick, get out of my head! And why should I dress to impress him?’ ‘Maybe he's your mate.’ ‘Doubt it.’ ‘'Just dress nicely.’ ‘Ugh fine!’ I look through my closet once more and find a long white dress hanging. It's light and perfect for today’s weather. The dress itself is strapless. It is longer at the back while the front ends just above the knees. It’s very simple yet elegant at the same time. It makes me look innocent while my red curly hair stands out and my eyes seem to glow. I grab a pair of sandals, the kind that wrap around my legs and a small ruby necklace that my mother gave me on my tenth birthday. It means everything to me, so I only wear it on special occasions. I head out of my room into the hallway and am greeted by none other than my twin. He grabs my arm and links it with his as we make our way down the stairs. I have the drawing in one hand and can feel my nerves beginning to act up. “Breath Nikki, you’ll be OK.” Nick whispers to me. I give him a slight nod and stand with the rest of our family, all of us standing in age order. My father enters the room and takes a look at all of us. We are all dressed nicely yet casually so as not to make anyone feel uncomfortable. My father gives us all an approving nod right before the doorbell rings. “That should be King Theodore.” He says, “everyone stay here. I shall lead him here and introduce you all. Please do not speak until your name is called upon.” I rolled my eyes as Nate pinched my arm. “Yes father.” we all say in unison. “Good.” My father left the room with all of us standing together . Soon a strong smell of pine trees and cinnamon came rushing into my senses. I try to hold it together and Nick is quick to notice my struggle. He gives me a questioning look and grabs hold of my hand. And just like that, the stress of the overwhelming scent is subdued. “King Theodore, I would like to introduce you to my wonderful family. This young man is my eldest son, the future Alpha, Nathaniel and his mate Tanner.” “Hello your majesty.” Nate was quick to pipe up, giving a gentle bow. “A pleasure to meet you, my King.” Tanner says, nodding his head in a polite way. “Next is my daughter Natalie and her mate, Blake.” “A pleasure to finally make your acquaintance, my king,” Nat says as she dips into a curtsy. “Good afternoon my liege,” Blake says calmly. “And finally, my youngest set of twins, Nickolas and Nikita.” “How do you do?” Nick asked. I couldn’t say anything. I was shocked by the man in front of me. He looked just like the man in my dream. Have I been really dreaming of him all this time? I have so many questions! “Nikita?” My father called with a warning tone. “Sorry, this is for you, your highness. I thought it would be a kind gesture to give you a hand drawn portrait.” I say, trying to sound calm. As I hand him my drawing, I hope I don’t sound too odd. “My, what a wonderful surprise, isn’t that right, Theo?” A man said, addressing the king informally. I can only assume that he is the king’s beta. Why else would he speak to him in such a way? Though I don’t think he cared though, since his eyes remained on me. I shifted slightly as I couldn’t help but feel he had something he wanted to talk to me about. “Is everything alright, your majesty? Would you like a drink? It must have been a long ride.” My father says, trying to gain his attention. “No, thank you, Alpha Thomas.” Theo says in a wonderfully deep voice. “Thank you for the drawing. Nikita, I can tell you have great talent.” “Thank you.”
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