Chapter 2

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"What?!?" They all scream in union. "Thanks a lot Nick" I mumble while giving him a death glare. He just smiles and mouths 'your welcome'. I can feel all their eyes burning holes in my soul. I can't help but start to squirm. It's not like I did anything wrong! I just dreamed about a good-looking guy and I wanted to know if he was real. No harm, no foul. "Nikita, is this true?" I hear a deep voice booming through the room. "Yes father." I say as I look at the ground in front of me like it's the most interesting thing in the world. "Why did you draw him?" "In my defense, I didn't know who he was until Nick told me!" "Alright but you still haven't answered my question." I sigh, I guess it can't be helped. Once my dad wants to know something, he will stop at nothing to get the answers. "I have been having a constant recurring dream about him. I didn't know who he was, so I drew him in hopes of finding out. I originally thought he would have just been a person I made up but Nick told me who he was. I'm just as surprised as you are!" "Well, you either need to hide it or wrap it up as a gift" my father sighed. "The king is coming over this afternoon to discuss some business with me." "I could just lock my door since I'll be training today." "No you won't, he wants the whole family present." "But I'm one of the lead warriors. I need to be there!" "You're also the alphas' daughter," he growls." And that takes priority!" "Fine, I'll finish the drawing and give it to him as a gift." I say as I make my way up to my room. "Nikita!" I stop, "what?" "No one will make any mention of this dream of yours." My dad says while giving my devious twin the look. You know the one. It's the look where you know if you go against him, you'll end up with serious consequences. "That includes you." He says, looking at me. "Fine." I can't believe I have to be here for this. What am I supposed to do? Just hand him the drawing with a smile? What if he questions why I drew him? Am I supposed to lie and say that I heard he was coming and thought of doing something nice? I have never seen this man a day in my life, and it's not like we have any photos of him that I could have used as a reference. I don't even know his whole name, so I couldn't even look him up. I know I told my dad that I wouldn't mention anything about my dream, but I need to talk to him. I need answers. I'll just say that I dreamed of him and drew a picture to see if he was real. And that I had no idea he would be arriving today. Goddess, why couldn't this have been a normal dream; where he doesn't actually exist. My only struggle will be trying to get him alone. **Theodore's POV** "Sire, shouldn't you be getting ready? We are to leave in an hour!" I sigh "I know." "Then please hurry up!" I stand up and make my way out of my office towards my room. I can't believe I'm going to finally meet the girl that has been haunting my dreams for the past 2 months. I typically don't have dreams, and if I do, I never seem to remember them once I wake up. It wasn't until I started having a strange dream about a girl with wild ruby hair. In the dream, she stands there looking at me. I try to ask her what she's doing in the middle of a forest... no answer. I try to talk to her, but she says nothing. It infuriates me. Then, when I start to walk towards her, rage-induced wolves come out from behind her from the darkest parts of the forest. Still she doesn't move or speak, so I sprint towards her and yell for her to run. That's when she seems to hear me. I end up shifting into my wolf mid-jump just before one of the wolves attacks her. I spend a while fighting until I wake up. After a week of dreaming of her, I finally tried to find out who she was. I looked through the records of every pack that was nearby. It took me a month to find her. She is the youngest daughter of the alpha from the Golden Moon pack. Apparently, she has made quite a name for herself, the famous Ruby Wolf. The story says she is the strongest female warrior in this kingdom. I don't know if I'd go that far, but I will admit she has some talent. Luckily, I have to go over some negotiations with Alpha Thomas Evergreen, so I can meet this annoying she-wolf and finally get some answers. "Alpha, it's time to go!" My Gamma, Logan says through the closed door. "Alright, I'm coming, Jesus. No need to f*ckin yell!" "I didn't yell Theo!" I chuckle at that , it's easy to get onto Logan's nerves. I grabbed my black leather jacket and glanced into my mirror before making my way to the garage. I am wearing a pair of faded gray jeans, and a plain white T. Just because I am a king doesn't mean I have to dress super fancy. I prefer dressing in regular civilian clothes. It allows me to feel normal. As I walk out of my room, I'm met with my Beta. We don't talk until we get inside our limo. I sit in the back with him on my left, while Logan sits to my right. And I watch as all my guards get into their vehicles in front and behind us. It's quite a sight, seeing all these strong men and women dressed in plain black suits with no expressions on their faces. They are tense since we are leaving our territory. They are usually supper chill and calm but going for a four almost five-hour drive away seems to get to them. "Something on your mind, alpha?" I glance at the guy sitting beside me. "Maybe, maybe not." I chuckle. "That’s how you're gonna play it?" "Yes Tony, that's how I'm going to play it." "Fine, I'll bite." He smirks. Tony has been my best friend since birth. He is also my beta. Tony has short brown hair and brown eyes. His full name is Anthony, but he prefers Tony. "Let me guess you are worked up over the Evergreen girl and are nervous about meeting her." "Bullseye." I say. Tony knows me better than I know myself and often helps me figure things out when I don't know how or what needs to be done. "You shouldn't worry so much." "I can't help it, man. She's been haunting my dreams for months, and now I'm going to meet her. I don't know what to expect. You've heard the rumors about her." "Since when is the king, my Alpha, afraid of some girl?" "I'm not afraid." "Think of it this way, you're going to that pack to talk to her father, meet her to see if she is the girl, and then we will go back to our territory." "You're right." "Now you said she was a warrior, right?" "Yeah, she's the best fighter in her pack." "That means she must work out a lot." "No shit." He smirks at me, "That means she's probably hot. I mean a strong fit redhead who has alpha blood running through her veins? She must be." Of course, she's drop-dead gorgeous. I've dreamed of her for months. I can't get her image out of my head. Her long wild ruby hair. Her flawless tan skin. Long legs, kissable pink lips, enchanting turquoise eyes. She is the best looking woman I've ever seen, and hearing him talk about her does not sit well. I glare at him. "Your point?" I growl. "If she's single, that means we have a chance with her. I mean we are both mateless right now." "I don't think her father would appreciate two strange wolves trying to get into his daughter's bed." "Who said anything about a bed?" I growl. "How about you just drop it, and we will see how things go?" "Whatever you say alpha," he smirks. I glare at him while we sit in silence. I don't know when it happened, but I fell asleep. My last conscious thought of her turquoise eyes.
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