A Mate?

1467 Words
Okay so nervous is new for me, this human world is bringing up all sorts of new amazing feelings and experiences. I look myself over hoping I’ve got my look right for this night out. My hair is sleek and shiny in straight bobbed perfection, a light smokey eye with a nude lip and a beautiful baby blue tight dress hugging all my curves with a killer pair of nude stilettos. I nod approvingly loving the bright and pastel colours I’ve filled my wardrobe with. My door knocks and I shout for them to enter. In walks Hella, Adrianna and Hera three witches, very powerful ones I might add. Hella in particular has been very welcoming to me and it’s been a saviour as the demons are still very much not. I was so happy when Hella invited me out with them tonight my first proper human nightclub. Hella gives me a raised eyebrow as she takes in my outfit, I laugh and raise my hands “what half human remember!” I exclaim and she give me an exaggerated sigh “whatever makes you happy”. I look them over all beautiful and sexy as hell pardon the pun but all scream danger. I notice they’re each holding a bottle of Champagne, I laugh and pull out an identical bottle from my cooler, they all laugh and the proverbial ice is broken. Hella does a slight wave of her hands and we’re each holding a champagne coupe. I pop the cork and fill them. We drink and laugh lots and they give me the lowdown on the demons and a couple of handsy fae to watch out for. We’re all a little tipsy as we head out to the club. We take a car service to the club and are dropped off right outside the entrance, there’s a long queue to get in but before I can even step in the direction, Hella wraps her arm through mine and steers me to the door “we don’t wait” she whispers. We have a warm welcome from the staff and are escorted to the upper floor VIP area, which wraps around the main club like a large balcony. A special band is wrapped around my wrist, I look at it confused “in case you want to mix with the gen pop” Hella advises nodding towards the floor below and I catch her meaning. Champagne, conversation and dancing flows and I realise quickly the area we’re in is full of witches and demons. A quick glance across the balcony and I realise the VIP area is a bit like Crawley Hall where each sides population generally matches their halls, there are a few brave interminglers and a couple of random humans around too but this is clearly supernatural central and the main floor unsuspecting prey for many of them. Admittedly some of them are even making me feel uncomfortable, their looks making me feel like their prey too, like I’m easy pickings. I forget they won’t feel my usual aura of power that would have kept them at bay. I wander over to the edge of the balcony watching the DJ and dancing bodies below, weirdly I feel a draw to something below. Finding Hella who’s grinding against some random demon I shout to her I’m going down, she gives me a nod. Making my way down I survey the room, the energy is incredible but I feel there’s something very important there too. A large man lifts the rope to give me entrance to the main floor. Immediately I’m almost knocked over by a drunk human girl who stumbles straight into me. Strong hands catch me pulling me against a hard body, I glance up into emerald green eyes, he’s beautiful a little too perfect. Ah hell, realisation hits me he’s fae , his hands snake round my body, holding me tight to him, his smile slightly sinister, his voice is melodious entrancing “well aren’t you just perfection”. A hand comes up and strokes my face, if I was actually human I would be under his enchantment already, I could feel his magic washing over me. “Take your hands off me NOW” I demand. He looks startled but doesn’t move, I feel him push more of his magic over me, honestly fae can be absolute predators. I grab his wrist of the hand touching my face, he makes eye contact, I allow my anger to show, not as powerful as when I tap into my hellfire but still I see it’s effective by the look of shock on his face. I snap his wrist and growl “don’t EVER touch without being invited”. Anger mixes with pain on his face, he looks likes he’s about to retaliate but his eyes grow wide and fearful at something behind me. I feel an incredible presence, the energy coming from the person is bright and golden and simply beautiful, I know immediately it’s what was pulling me downstairs. Then the impossible happens my mind claims him “mate” just as he growls “mine” and the fae disappears into the crowd as fast as I turn around. I look up and up again until I meet his deep ocean blue eyes, framed with dark lashes and thick floppy blonde hair falling onto the most perfect chiselled face, he looked like he should be one of those fabled Greek gods. My breath hitches and I feel like I’ve lost all my senses, every fibre of my being wants him. I feel whole like he completes me, lost in his eyes, aching for his touch, his lips. He seems frozen, stunned too, slowly I lift my hand to touch his perfect face. He closes his eyes and leans into my touch like it soothes him. I don’t know what to do, demons don’t have mates this should not be happening. I too close my eyes allowing myself to feel the electricity where we touch, something deep in my core feels this is right and at peace being connected to him. I place my other hand on his chest over his heart, he covers my hand with his own and there I sense it, he’s a werewolf, s**t not even just a werewolf he’s a LYCAN! My eyes shoot open and he’s studying me closely as if committing every inch of me to memory. Our eyes lock again and I can’t look away the connection is impossible to ignore. His hand moves up to cup my face now pulling me into his warm body, hard perfection, he tilts my head up and I am amazed as his lips softly brush mines, I find myself leaning in depending the kiss, hungry for more. His own lips becoming more demanding as he feels me responding to him, his hands in my hair keeping me close, his tongue demanding entry. I’m lost, it’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever felt, I want to kiss him for the rest of eternity. Eternity, eternity, like what I’ve promised Sammael! My mind snaps back to reality the moment he enters my thoughts. This was a mistake, a huge mistake, Sammael would kill him, rip him to shreds if he ever found out. My heart already felt like it was broken as I pulled away, thankfully my sudden withdrawal seemed to shock him as he didn’t move for a moment. I know I promised I wouldn’t use my magic but heck I’m breaking promises all over tonight and this is literally life or death I need to get away from him now. I’m sure no one will notice a little trail. I weave into the crowd and in a blink I’m safely back in my room. I crawl into my bed not even bothering to undress, tears flow freely down my face another new sensation. My heart shatters for my beautiful mate that I can never have. I take the memory of that one perfect kiss, his beautiful face, the pure love and lock it away safely in a treasure box in my mind. Never to be lost but safe from anyone who would pry into my mind. I had to protect him. The Lycan Prince stands in shock as his precious perfect mate runs from him. She seems to disappear into the crowd and even his advanced senses can get no trace of her. Confused he was sure she was human but he can’t pick up her scent or energy anywhere in the club when she had called to him like a beacon only moments before. He doesn’t notice the tall menacing black haired demon standing in the shadows watching the whole exchange with deadly eyes.
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