Meet Sammael

1531 Words
I shut the door firmly behind me drained from the day. It’s so much harder to cope without magic you literally have to do everything yourself and it takes so long to get anywhere when you can’t just portal! Inside I smile though it’s a freedom that I’ve never felt before. I throw my shopping bags onto the bed and collapse beside them running through the day in my head. Before I headed out I went to the communal hall for some food and jeeze was that an eye opener! The level of rudeness from the upper demons was something else but I’ll have my time they’re all noted for the right opportunity. There was however thankfully some very friendly dark witches who invited me to join them and filled me in on the campus and halls need to knows. I’m hoping they might be new friends. I had managed to find some black normal looking jeans and a T-shirt with ankle boots that didn’t look too out there for now, so I was ready to go spend my fathers money. Shopping was a revelation, getting Ubers was a revelation, shopping malls were a revelation, the variety of colours was a revelation, the bustling busy people were a revelation. I loved it every single exhausting minute of it! I’m feeling completely relaxed, the large round jacuzzi tub in my bathroom matching the one in my chambers. I love water it soothes my soul and in Hell, it’s not in an abundance . Over the years I developed a real need to cleanse myself in an extended bath. There was one lake in Hell that wasn’t contaminated and I loved swimming in it more than anything. It was forbidden for everyone else to even go there, as there was a breach in the veil between the worlds and the moon would shine there. Technically I wasn’t even allowed but Sammael would sneak me past the guards. It was our special place and I always felt love and peace there, the calm water soothing on the skin and the beauty of the moon shining down literally felt like it was giving me it’s power. As I allow the warm water to heal my tired muscles, I mull over my fathers strenuous objections about keeping my true self hidden top side and it all seems a little extreme now I’m here. My magic is strong I really don’t think anything here could harm me. Also surely just the notion of my father would strike terror in their souls but he said they have the numbers here and many would relish trying to use me to take his power. I am his only weakness. Urghhhh I slap the bubbles in frustration, I really hate having to appear weak and powerless but I want this freedom so badly. A soft unexpected chuckle startles me and my eyes snap open. My breath catches in my throat at the sight of him. Sammael sits casually on the edge of my bath, piercing blue flame eyes that see into your very soul. Jet black hair swept back from his perfect porcelain skin, the beauty of an Angel rather than a Prince of Hell but that sexy almost cruel smile was pure devil. It’s only been 24 hours since I had last been with him and already I ache for his touch. “Princess” his voice low and full of desire, his smouldering gaze holding me in place “Sam” I breathe. He reaches out and traces my cheek bone with the back of his hand ever so gently “Lord Sammael to you now you’re a lowly subject” he gives me his dazzling smile, still his eyes never leave mine. I don’t react straight away, I keep staring back and stealthily flick my wrist to splash him with water. I see the shock on his face as it hits him, finally breaking his gaze as he looks down at his drenched t-shirt sticking to his very hot muscular body. I realise I’m holding my breath waiting nervously for his reaction. I’ve never dared do anything like that to him before, we aren’t playful in Hell. Then the strangest thing happens, he laughs, it’s deep and beautiful to my ears. I stare at him in wonder then feel a strange sensation rise from my own chest as I join him in a deep belly laugh. It feels really good and I realise I want to laugh more, like every day from now on forever. Suddenly Sam stops and his energy shift is instant, it changes the very air around us, his eyes begin to smoulder again the temperature raising around us. He reaches out and pulls me out of the bath onto his lap surprising me for the second time within minutes. His hand snakes around the back of my head pulling me to him, stopping as my lips are almost on his, still never breaking eye contact. “I need you Lil, I know I said I would let you do this but I can’t stay away” and I can feel his need for me which is stirring a pretty strong reaction in me. I crush my lips on his demanding at first showing him that I feel the same. He is everything to me, my past and my future, one day we will rule Hell together. He pulls away and looks me over frowning “I can’t like this”. He waves his hand over my head and I feel the glamour lifting. “That’s better” he smiles again. Taking my breath away with his beauty. “Apologies for not being up to your standards my Lord” I laugh again liking the sound. He smiles wider “It will only ever be you for me, you are my Queen, the only lips I want on mine ever are your perfect ones” I lean in to kiss him again this time slower, more teasing, almost touching his lips and pulling back as he reaches froward. His hands clenching in my hair more forcefully holding me in place as he fiercely claims my lips. Pushing his tongue into my mouth pulling me tighter against him. Feeling the hardness of his desire push against me, igniting my own, I deepen the kiss to match his own need. His lips move down my neck sucking and biting as he goes. Finding my full breast one hand coming round to cup and tease my right, his mouth on the other sucking and kissing, driving me insane with need. He knows exactly how to play my body. I never tire of this and have never desired anyone but him. As if sensing my thoughts I feel him shift under me and within moments his impressive length is pushing into me, quenching the need with every inch that fills me, his mouth taking mines again. “Will I give you control tonight little princess since you’re being all independent?” “Yes” I breathe back “Please” he chuckles “then I am at your mercy”. Oh I am very much going to enjoy this moment of power, he rarely ever gives me control, it’s his thing, he’s very dominating. His style is hard and rough, making love is just not how we do things in Hell and honestly I’m not complaining I like it too. No I love it. Tonight though I will relish my control and take every moment it might be a good fifty years before I get the chance again. I slowly awaken the next morning and stretch feeling sore but very very satisfied. The memories of the long hot hours bringing an instant smile to my face as they flood into my consciousness. I reach over for Sam but the bed is empty, I open my eyes and listen for any sign of movement but all is silent. I’m slightly annoyed but then I remember today is the first proper day of college life! Then panic sets in as I realise he lifted my glamour, my hands shoot to my hair and I instantly relax as I feel the shorter hair is back in place “thanks Sam” I mutter. I might as well get ready to attack the day. I shower and fix my hair in soft waves and apply a far more natural make up than I would have as myself. Instinctively I reach for the black leather but stop. I take my time appreciating all of my new colourful purchases. It looks like a glorious sunny day so I opt for a beautiful lemon midi tea dress with a cherry pattern and tan wedges. Inspecting myself in front of the large ornate mirror I decide that I will do. I feel out of my comfort zone but I know this is how normal people look and dress. Yes it’ll more than do it’s a good look for the new Lili and with that decision I grab my bag and class schedule and head off towards my next new experience with a feeling of excitement.
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