
The Lost Princess

kickass heroine
another world
enimies to lovers

All I wanted was a little bit of freedom was that too much to ask?

My name is Lilith I am the heir to the throne of Hell. Raised and formed in its fires. I know my destiny, marry my dark prince Sammael and rule Hell for eternity with him, he is feared by all but his heart burns for me.

Arriving on Earth I am amazed by all it has to offer but my world is turned upside down when I run into my mate, the thing is demons don’t have mates?

So how is it that I not only have one but he is none other than Leo, the Prince of Lycan’s, the very same man who’s destined mate Sammael is rumoured to have slaughtered.

My heart is torn in two, everything inside of me calls for my mate but I have promised by life to Sammael and he is ruthless, he will destroy my mate. What else can I do but run and hide from him? It’s the only way to save us both from Sammael’s wrath.


Will Sammael’s dark desires consume Lili and Leo’s love? He will let nothing stand in his way, of not only ruling Hell but subjugating Earth with Lilith by his side.

Or can Lili and Leo come together in time to uncover the lies of the past to stop his ascent and fulfil their true destiny?

Can love conquer the darkness?

***mature themes***

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Welcome to Crawley Hall
“Name please?” Requested the unremarkable looking human barely even looking up to acknowledge my existence. “Lili Etruscan” I replied sharply giving her a look I hoped conveyed my disdain. I have little patience as it is and I am a most definitely not in the mood for the bored incompetent human. If she could only know all of the ways I was imagining torturing the ineptness from her. I could feel the smirk forming on my face as I let my imagination run free while she fumbled around with no urgency. As she gathered some documents I took pleasure in the startled look and do I detect even fear that flashes across her face before she can compose herself again. Dial it back Lili! I realise I may have let some of my demon aura seep out while I was daydreaming. She collected some keys and checking the label her eyes widened in surprise, her entire demeanour reset “Oh Miss Etruscan you’re staying in Crawley Hall!” I wasn’t surprised by her reaction, in human terms this is an elite Ivy League College, really it was founded and built by the upper echelons of supernatural society. It is where all the uppers go to learn to assimilate into the human world and carry on their legacies and Crawley Hall is our sanctuary to hide in plain sight amongst the humans. To the rest of the world it is simply luxury accommodation for the children of wealthy legacy alumni. “Indeed” I say dryly raising an eyebrow “Here is everything you need Miss, please don’t hesitate to come back if I can help in any way at all” smiling and pleasant now that she thinks I’m important. This is why humans irritate me. I sigh heavily to show my displeasure as I turn my back, it’s the best I can do since father has explicitly forbidden me to use my magic whilst in the human world. I can already feel this is going to be one promise that will be very difficult to keep. Arriving at Crawley Hall even I can appreciate it’s impressive nature. Standing separate at the edge of campus with a large park area cutting it off from the other residences at the front and the rear backing onto a large forest. It is strategically placed to minimise the danger to humans. It’s as large as a city block, imposing stone with Ivy and wisteria climbing over the facias, covering four floors, the higher up you stay the more important you are. Each side has large red double doors and is cut off from the others, us supernaturals may stick together when it comes to humans but make no mistake we do not live in harmony, other than some strategic alliances. The centre of the building is large gardens where magical practices and rituals can be carried out away from prying human eyes. It’s large enough to accommodate us all comfortably with our own contained apartments no sharing of basic dorm rooms for us. I notice there are some freaky looking gargoyles guarding the roof edges and I’m pretty sure they’re watching me as I take in the view, I chuckle most likely some lower demons my father decided to punish. Demon Hall runs along the front side of the building. Here you’ll find the next generation of upper demons and dark witches who draw their power from Hell and worship my father. Down the left side to us is Blood Hall, mostly vampires but any other creatures who gain their magic by taking energy or life force from others like, banshees, succubi and blood witches. To the right is Earth Hall, it’s full of nature witches, fae, nymphs basically anyone who draws their power from the earth. Finally along the back nearest the forest is Moon Hall, the werewolves, moon witches and some other shifters who worship the moon goddess and draw their power from her reside as far from us and the influence of the dark lord as possible. There are many other supernatural creatures but not all can pass in the human world therefor are confined to their realms and lands. Before ascending the steps I take one last look up the building, pausing at the top floor where my rooms should have been as the heir to the throne of Hell and Lucifers only child, my real name is Lilith Morningstar, I was named to honour my mother who died to bring me into existence. I have fought with my father for what feels like a millennia to be allowed to come to college like everyone else, he has always denied me saying it was unsafe as his enemies would leverage me against him if they knew I was no longer in the safety of his protection in hell. I personally have taken this as a great insult to my power and menace. I am not exactly helpless, I would say the only demons more powerful than I are my father and Sammael. Maybe it’s because I’ve never developed my demon face, it does perturb me but I seem to terrify the demons and humans of hell just fine without it. I make my way to my first floor apartment, this is the compromise. I was only permitted to come if no one knew who I really was and I never used my magic. I was so excited to come that I agreed without a second thought. I have a powerful glamour on me not only to change my looks but also mask my powers and energy, my beautiful black wings are gone I can’t even feel them anymore. My identity is of a halfling, the half demon half human child of one of my fathers most trusted generals, only halflings of the most powerful demons are ever allowed entry and even then they are still looked down upon, most don’t have any real magical abilities. I wanted this so bad though I was willing to play this part rather than spend my entire existence in Hell. As I open the door I’m pleasantly surprised the apartment decor mirrors that of my rooms in the palace. I smile, Sammael, he must have done this for me. I walk to the bedroom a large four poster bed, black satin and lace drapes just like home, as I walk over to inspect I am startled as I walk past the large ornate mirror. I stop and properly look at myself for the first time, gone are my violet eyes and long black hair that cascaded past my waist. I could see a bit of myself still but I had to look really hard past the shoulder length honey blonde waves, tanned skin and deep chocolate eyes. I was still only five two but i never needed height, I was fierce as I was and had trained relentlessly with Sammael to be a warrior and not just rely on my magic. I could still see that strength and it reassured me a little. I realised that my black leather head to toe look might not exactly be the style expected of the college girl halfling, I try out a big bouncy smile and it feels good. I realise I have a real opportunity here to be whomever I wish for the next four years and not have to look or carry myself with the edge of the heir to the throne of Hell. Time to go shopping and reinvent myself!

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