The Morning After

1254 Words
I’m woken by the light filtering through the curtains, my head fuzzy from champagne and crying. My throat dry and raw, my misery complete. Slowly I realise I’m not alone, I flip around quickly ready to attack, then relax as I see it’s Sammael lounging on the chair beside my bed his long legs casually extended resting on top of my covers and I instantly tense again. His heavy lids emphasising his deadly aura, he stays silent just staring at me. I don’t think I’ve ever been on the receiving end of his menace before. I have however witnessed others crumble at his feet with simply a look many a time. I start to edge away back across the bed, my mind racing, I am exceptionally powerful but he’s as old as my father and his power is second only to his. I try to speak but it catches in my throat and in the blink of an eye he’s there on top of me, eyes flashing with rage and fire, a tight grip on my throat with one hand. The weight of his strong body pushing me down into the bed. This is it, somehow he knows but I won’t cry, I won’t beg, I pull on all of my strength to stare him back holding steady with my own fire in my eyes, challenging him silently to do it, I won’t be weak. His eyes flash for a moment registering my defiance, surprise, hesitation and just as quickly it was gone, the mask of cold rage returning. Still I refused to look away, his face millimetres from mine, neither of us speaking, the thunderous noise of our hearts beating seeming to echo in the eternal silence. Then suddenly his lips crushed onto mine, hard demanding, roughly taking what was his, hand never leaving it’s squeeze on my throat, tongue pushing it’s way inside claiming. I could feel his arousal pushing against me, every fibre of his body demanding my submission. My brain is screaming that he doesn’t own me, he can’t just do this anymore I belong to someone else, I don’t want him now. I freeze at that thought but he doesn’t even notice he’s too caught up in his rage and desire. As his hands start to hitch up under my dress I’m still wearing, memories of last night flash and my heartbreaks all over again. I can’t have my mate, Sammael is my betrothed, I’m wrong here not him, I need to forget about that kiss, that man, the consequences for both of us are too deadly. Jesus before last night I couldn’t get enough of Sam touching me like this! I need to regain my senses, it was one kiss, one night, this is my future he always has been, I lock those ocean blue eyes back in their box and look back up into the cold fire of the man now claiming me. I give into his kiss fully. He seems to pause and the flame calms, I feel the rage leave him and only passion now in his kiss. I let my body respond remembering how I love him love his touch. My dress is off now, his eyes hungry his shirt gone, my hands explore his smooth hard chest, I see him react to my touch, i kiss his neck, sucking and nibbling. Then I feel his hardness at my entrance and realise I am ready for him, ready to feel him fill me and drive away these feelings. To make things normal and right. He pushes into me with a strong confident thrust, filling me completely he captures both my wrists in one hand above my head, leaning on the other arm never breaking eye contact as he fills me over and over again, every movement feels like he’s staking his claim over me and I become lost in the pleasure. How well he knows my body, how good he feels, he finally breaks eye contact his mouth claiming mine in a hard deep kiss, moving down to my neck sucking hard leaving his mark, as he starts to push harder hitting the right spot over and over again I feel my core come alive, the most delicious waves of pleasure flooding me as his release joins mine. He stays there, on top of me, inside of me, eyes fire again. Still pinning me down “where were you last night?” His tone calmer than I expected. “I went out with my new friend’s” his eyes narrow “who? Where? I came to see you and you were gone” the accusation evident in his tone. I explain to him who the witches are, where we went and an almost full run down of the night, leaving out after I went downstairs. “I felt you use your magic?” Again accusation clear, I sigh and close my eyes preparing myself “there was a fae, he got a bit handsy, I broke his wrist, realised I had drank too much so flashed myself back here” I prepared myself, I had never lied to him before and there it was the cold flame returned, his whole body stiffened “I’ll kill him describe him to me!” “Stop it! I handled it it’s fine let it go” his intense gaze captured me again “ No you understand this my love, you are MINE, no one touches you invited or not and lives. Never forget that anyone who lays hands on you I will hunt down, torture and slowly slowly kill taking great pleasure while I make you watch” and there he is the demon prince in all of his glory. I try to sooth him with my tone “Sam it’s the human world you can not just go around killing people”. His eyes narrow again “watch me”. This time I let my frustration show “ just stop! I’m yours, only yours, he thought I was a human, he didn’t know and he has a broken wrist for his troubles” I soften my tone again and stroke his face “please let it go for me. I want to stay here and father will make me go back if you start killing everyone” he’s almost like a petulant child now “fine but next time I will do it!” But he finally seems to relax and shifts to rest his head on my chest and wraps his arms around me, he’s asleep in moments. I look at his perfect face, almost innocent, almost angelic in sleep. I run my fingers through his hair and he snuggles closer almost crushing me to him “mine” he whispers. I breathe properly for the first time since I awoke. I can’t help but feel like I’ve avoided something much worse than how this morning has played out. I have the grace and love of both my father and Sammael and it can be easy to forget who they really are to others. Neither are known for being rational or forgiving and I realise I never want to be on the other side of them ever. I’ll do anything to make sure that doesn’t happen to me or my Lycan. I somehow just need to work out how I can stay here but never see him again and it might just be okay. Exhausted physically and emotionally I join Sam in sleep.
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