A Trusted Friend

1602 Words
I wake there’s banging on my door, my head and body both hurt, once again no sign of Sam. The door is still being banged repeatedly then I hear “Lili it’s Hella” “two seconds” I call out as I quickly pull on some pyjama shorts and top. I fall over myself in my rush to the door, great now I’m a klutz too! I open the door and she breezes in past me looking fresh as a spring daisy, I might hate her but not really. “I brought coffee and croissants” she waves her full hands at me and I take the bag to free her up a bit, she turns on me “where did you disappear to last night” she looks at me intently “or who should I say?” Perfect silver eyebrow raised demanding a response. I take her in, when she is not glamoured to fit in with the humans she genuinely looks like and ice queen from a fairytale. Silver blue hair flows down past her waist, ice eyes framed in frosted lashes, glacier skin, she could have been brought to life from a carved ice statue. “Well?” She demands, I snap back to focus “Um” what do I even say to sound remotely plausible. She sighs heavily “let’s make this easier .... I know!” I’m startled she couldn’t mean? “Know what?” I probe “I’m immune to glamour!” My eyes grow wide as the realisation hits me “oh! Oh!” She smirks “yes” “So you knew all along?” To the point as ever she responds “yes and your secret is safe with me, I know you must have your reasons just know you can trust me” Relief washes over me, I don’t now how much more I can take at this point “Thank Lucifer! It is so good not to have to pretend with someone, I swear already I’m finding it so hard not to just ....” I trail off. “Literally rain hellfire on some peoples asses” she finishes for me and we both laugh “well yes basically” I raise my hands palms up in a what you gonna do gesture. She hands me my coffee “drink this and fill me in by the look of you and that giant hickey you did not come home to bed” her tone amused. I unconsciously reach up to my neck “Sam damn his ass and I can’t even!” She waves her hand over my neck “say no more it’s done” I give her a grateful nod “thank you he was really angry” she shakes her head in dismay “so he pulls dumb s**t like that!” “Yeah demons eh!?!” I shrug my shoulders and she nods in agreement. “I don’t want to seem like I’m prying but why did you need me to heal you? You’re literally the only person in here that’s more powerful than me?” I take a big drink of my coffee starting to relax finally. “It’s the only way my father would agree to me coming, if I agreed to stay hidden and not use my magic, he’s paranoid that I’ll be used to get to him and in danger if the others find out I’m here without him or Sammael and he even doesn’t trust the demons not to have chatter that could be discovered” She gives a firm nod “it makes sense must be tough all the same?” I laugh again “hell yes, near impossible, I used it last night, I needed to get back here asap but Sam was so angry about it,he’s never been that bad with me before” she looks genuinely surprised “everything I know he worships you maybe he’s just struggling not being able to control the situation but wait first why the rush home?” I hesitate but everything tells me I can trust her “So this is actually the first time I’ve ever been allowed out of hell. My father has always kept me close and I’ve know I was betrothed to Sammael since ever I can remember, it was just lucky that I did love him and he I, I’ve always known the plan was that eventually my father would step back and I will rule Hell with Sam by my side. Everything has always been mapped out for me. I just wanted a few years for me to explore, spread my wings as such, experience what everyone else gets to! But now last night..”I trail off waving my hands. She has been intently focused and mirrors my hand action “last night?” She pushes and it just rushes out before i can stop myself “last night I met my mate!” Even Hella looks shocked “what!?!” Her mouth is gaping open. “But how? I thought demons didn’t do the mate thing?” “Exactly!!” I’m thoughtful “My father said my mother passed to bring me into this world, he called me Lilith to honour her memory, maybe .... I don’t know I just always assumed she was a full demon but maybe not? Maybe that’s why she didn’t survive?” Hella looks perplexed “maybe, that was way before my time but it would make sense, so this mate what happened?” “I went downstairs, I had this weird feeling inside drawing me there, then this fae got a bit handsy so I broke his” she chuckles nodding approvingly “ then bam! He’s just there, huge, gorgeous blonde perfection! My mind screamed mate, then I’m kissing him, then I realise he’s a freaking Lycan!” “Nooooo” her eyes are huge. “Yes actual Lycan, my mate that I’m not supposed to have! Then I realised Sammael and my father would torture and kill him so I magicked myself back here .... I don’t even know his name” exasperation, sadness, pain all evident in my tone. “Then I woke up and Sam’s here, acting psychotically mad, like the way he is with other people, I thought he was actually going to kill me, well obviously he didn’t and he calmed down and then you knocking woke me up again and he’s gone .. what has happened to my life!” I finish with a dramatic flair. “Welcome to college life” Hella winks at me “but seriously do you think he knows?” I let out a bitter laugh “definitely not I would be dead or at the very least dragged back to Hell and locked up while he made me watch him kill the Lycan” “Nice betrothed you got there” she counters and I roll my eyes. “So why the territory marking and rage?” She waved her hand to my now gone marks “Oh that was for going out and him not knowing where I was, he’s never not known exactly where I was before” She shakes her head “Yep definitely unhealthy .. your relationship has issues” I wave my hands in defence “ummm not exactly a normal situation over here though is it!” She seems to consider and nods in agreement. “So the Lycan hottie what are we doing about him?” I give her a sheepish glance “I’ve locked him in a mind box to make sure Sam can’t find him if he probes my mind but it’s not exactly my most robust plan and he obviously goes here and I can’t use my magic and Sammael is going to kill him!” I’m aware I’m letting the drama flow again. “Okay okay calm your pants princess, I have lots of magic and it’s fully at your disposal, we’ll put a proper mind block up so Sam can’t get in at all and I’ll block your mate link so he won’t be able to sense you unless he’s basically next to you. I’m not sure he can feel you much anyway until he marks you with you being a different species but I’ll reinforce the glamour block on your scent and energy trace so it’s impossible for anyone to track you. We could change your glamour too?” I consider this seriously but “No I’d have no way to explain that to Sam and it’s exactly the kind of thing that would make him curious and start to dig” she nods affirmatively “Okay we get stealthy then, avoid him and he doesn’t die, he moves on with a nice little werewolf chosen mate, you finish college, marry your beloved and live happily ever after as Queen” I pause “why are you helping me?” Her smile is genuine “because I actually like you and you understand true power like me that’s rare” she give me a cheeky wink “plus it doesn’t hurt to have my future Queen owe me one or ten” We both laugh “good enough for me!” She steers me towards my lounge area “Right princess take a seat and let me work my magic” she rubs her hands gleefully while I do as I’m told “literally’ I laugh. She lays her palms on my head and weaves her web of protective magic.
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