A New Friend

1278 Words
The club was the busiest I’ve ever seen it. The DJ is amazing, he’s a human but the club is on fire. We’ve come to the main club to dance and really enjoy the atmosphere tonight. In the ladies room Hella is leaning against the sinks while I fix my make up. “Lili don’t tell anyone but I am wasted!’ Delivered with an over exaggerated wink and a shhh motion with her hand. I laugh I’m slightly drunken myself. Hella had procured some special fairy liquor blend and it was having a delightful effect on us both. My feet already hurt from dancing so much. I surveyed my friend and it always makes me giggle to see her in her glamour for the humans, all of her hair and eyes a warm hazelnut a beautiful autumn shade. This gives me an idea “Hey Hella” I whisper conspiratorially “could you glamour us to look sober?” This sends us into a total fit of giggles. I look up and catch the eye of a beautiful girl fixing her make up, she smiles warmly at us but I catch the wistful look in her eyes. I smile back “Hey I’m Lili and this is Ella” Hella nods and waves still giggling away “Hey I’m Zoe! Looks like you guys are having all the fun tonight” I smile brighter “Yeah such a good night! Maybe a teensy weensy bit too much to drink but hey what you gonna do” I lift my hands in the air as if in defeat “girls nights are great eh” again I pick up on the wistfulness in her response “Who are you out with?” I ask “oh my brother and his friends.. ..I always have to hang out with them” she gives a dramatic eye roll. “So no girlfriends?” I ask “no I just started this year and they were all already going here and I don’t know I’ve always been around them and the girls they bring round are never really there long enough to make friends with” she give a sad shrug. I instantly decide I like her, she’s warm and honest and yes I can absolutely sense she is a lycan but heck are we not all equals here. I smile “Well we are about to head to the bar for more shots then completely destroy our feet with more dancing and we are most definitely open to a new friend if you want to join us?” I see Hella give me a curious sideways glance then shrug and seems to accept our new friend. Zoe’s face lights up “are you really sure you don’t mind?” Hella winks and gives her a big smile “trust me she’s not offering out of politeness she likes you” I really love my best friend for a dark witch she has such a good heart. “Do you want to find your brother first?” I check in “Nah I’ll just shoot him a text”. We head off to the bar for shots and more shots, the challenge of our supernatural constitutions means we can drink much more than your average human as we burn it off much quicker something to to do with the magic. We laughed and danced until the lights come on and I was happy to make a new friend in Zoe, I just felt an instant connection to her and instinctual draw. “Zoe can we get you home safe?” She starts to nod but a big burly hot bundle of energy appears from nowhere “Ben!” She shouts in joy as he pulls her up off her feet in a bear hug and flashes us a dazzling smile. “Who be your pretty new friends Zo?” He is blatantly checking us out now “no don’t even think about it I want to keep these friends so get lost!” He looks dejected for a second then the huge smile is back and he looks at us pointedly “ just so you know big massive huge loss for you that I can’t hit on you anymore!” We laugh and I like him too, Jesus Sam would have a meltdown of epic proportions, I’m making wolf friends all over the place. I chuckle to myself and Zoe slaps him on the chest “right Romeo move it! I’ll be fine with him to get home, will you guys be okay?” We nod in unison “yes we room together and we’ll be home in no time at all” Hella winks at me and I roll my eyes at her obvious joke “okay text us and we can grab lunch through the week” “awesome see you soon bye!” Once they are far enough down the street we sneak into the alley and Hella portals us home. “Oh my dark lord get these shoes off me!” Hella chuckles and sends a little magic spark to my feet and instantly they feel perfect again, I narrow my eyes at her “you little witch you could have done that hours ago for me!” Her eyes twinkle with mischief “but that would be no fun you wanted the human experience” her face the picture of innocence, I give up the fight she has a point. I make us toasties and we get into our pyjamas to dissect all the fun of the night. “So you know I’m the down for anything up for a bit of danger kind of friend” I nod in agreement as she continues “ the lycan I like her but is this not playing with some major fire here?” Again I nod my agreement she is very much correct “Yes but I don’t know I just really felt like I wanted to be her friend, like there was an instant connection and anyway who tells us who we can be friends with right!” She nods but I can read her thoughts on my drunken bravado “I want her so we’re keeping her and she liked us too” Hella laughs and gives me a mock bow “yes my Queen” Hella sleeps over as she does most weekends now and we fall asleep laughing about our night. Over the next few weeks Zoe becomes a proper friend. When we hang out it’s just with Hella and I, as Hera and Adrianna can easily be sensed by other supernaturals only Hella and I can properly mask as humans to other supernaturals, in honesty though the others have absolutely no desire to mask as humans either. They have the typical disdainful approach to humans and other supernaturals as the rest of the demons do. So it became the three of us, there was just something about Zoe I wanted to spend time around her it felt good. We had lunches between classes, girl dates and she joined us out clubbing always in the main club only when we were all together. Hella and I had skilfully managed to avoid hanging out with her brother and his friends we figured the less lycan contact the better and honestly Zoe didn’t seem to be interested in us hanging out with them. I got the feeling she had never had friends all of her own that weren’t connected to them and she was in no rush to share us which worked perfectly for us too.
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