Three Months

1003 Words
Three months pass and no sign of the Lycan. I start to relax, it’s a huge campus and I know technically if I just walked to the opposite end of Crawley Hall I would find him if I wanted to but that is a temptation I must avoid at all costs. It’s a stroke of luck that I was already glamoured and he would be searching for me where the humans live instead of on his doorstep. That’s if he even goes here he might have just been visiting and be long gone, oh who am I trying to kid he’s Lycan even if he wasn’t a student here he would never leave until he found his mate they’re renowned as the most loyal and tied to their mates of all species. I had settled into a nice cadence over the months, absorbing myself in studies and enjoying the human world. Hella and the other dark witches have become real friends and we party as hard as we work, life here is to be enjoyed before the real responsibilities kick in and I’m stuck in Hell for eternity. Sammael has been coming to visit regularly, basically whenever he can get away from his duties and thankfully he has been totally normal since that morning. The magics that Hella weaved for me are holding strong, they couldn’t have been better if I had done them myself, thankfully keeping everyone safe and alive. Her life is in danger now if Sammael ever discovered what she has done to help me. The stakes are high all round but I’m hopeful we can keep going like this and it’ll all work out for the best. Leo Three months passed and no sign of my mate! I’ve been anxious for months now, it’s a huge campus and what if she doesn’t even go here? How will I ever find her then? I know she was human but how did she disappear like that? This thought has haunted me constantly since that night. I slam my fist into the punch bag letting my frustration flow. My second chance mate, I had never thought I would be so lucky to get one. I knew my fated mate from birth, it was professed by the seers before we were even born that we would unite the species and rule over an era of prosperity and peace for all. When we were together as babies the bond was apparent even then with us being drawn to each other. Then she was taken from us, killed by the prince of hell to stop the prophecy which had also foretold the fall of the dark lord Lucifer when we were just babies still. I had never been given another mate by the goddess and I thought I would spend my very long life alone an unusual cruelty from our benevolent moon goddess. Yet there she was, tiny, beautiful, perfect and fierce, my little human putting a fae in his place completely unaware of what she was dealing with. The problem with her being human means that she is very hard to find now I’ve lost her. She won’t feel our bond properly until I mark her and make her lycan. She doesn’t even know yet how important we are to each other “arghhhhh” I punch harder again and again loosing track of time and sense. Someone hits the back of my head pulling me out of my zone, my wolf snarls even though he knows there is no real threat just to assert his strength. “Yo brother!” I blink wiping away the sweat finally registering my sister beside me, arms folded across her chest, foot tapping with impatience, eyes rolling. Jeeze she can be a pain in the ass! “What do you want Zo?” I know my impatience is uncalled for but my wolf and I both feel like we’re losing control the longer we are without our mate. “Woah brother I know it’s tough just now but you’re never gonna find her stuck here mating the punch bag!” she clearly finds herself amusing I however do not, “Zoe!” My wolf snarls getting involved which simply gains another eye roll from my loving sister. “Okay we’re all hitting the club tonight, it’s mandatory, Rufus says our future King needs to start pulling himself together and stop being an ass!” Hands held up in a don’t look at me gesture “his words not mine .. even if they are true as hell” my scowl deepens but then I sigh in defeat because well they’re right I can’t keep going on like this. The entire top floor of our wing is like a mini pack house for ranked members of the Royal pack only and we’re in our social room with it’s own bar having pre drinks to set the mood. Rufus is my future Beta and for such a huge warrior he’s incredibly emotionally intelligent. I can see him subtly trying to check on my mood, he’s not as subtle as he would like to think but I appreciate him more than he could know for it. Ben is my gamma who’s basically a giant excited puppy and he is completely oblivious to his Alpha’s mood. Zoe squeezes my arm and hands me a large tequila shooter “C’mon brother lets have some fun goddess knows you need it!” I don’t disagree and down my shot. Many many many shots later we rock up it the club and are ushered straight up to the VIP floor. It’s heaving even in the VIP area I don’t think I’ve ever seen it so busy. There’s some DJ that’s super famous in the human world playing and the whole place is going off. At one point I think I see a familiar flash of blonde hair the right size and frame but then she’s gone and I’m convinced I’m just seeing things now.
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